Chapter 5 : When the storm begins to subside

WonKyu Family Saga


Chapter 5

When the storm begins to subside


Kyuhyun is sitting on a bench sandwiched by Minho and Suho while facing the Han River. He rests his head on Suho’s shoulder while his left hand is being held by Minho. He is crying no more, yet the sorrowful expression on his face radiates so intensely and it breaks his two sons’ heart. The three of them sit there in deafening silence, afraid that even the quietest sound will just break their mother’s heart even more.

On the other hand, Kyuhyun is drowning in deep thought. His mind is replaying the entire event from more than 20 years ago like a re-run of drama episodes; beginning from the day he met Siwon, their days of dating, break up the day Siwon proposed to him, the day they got married, their marriage life, the day they officially adopted Minho and Suho and lastly today when he saw his husband kissed another person in front of his eyes. The memory of their past hardship becomes so vivid now as if it’s repeating itself.

Kyuhyun is scared. He is scared that this time it might be just like those days when they broke up around 20 years ago. Except this time it will be much worse since Siwon might actually mean to leave him. His heart feels a stabbing and maddening pain just thinking about the possibilities of what will happen next. He is upset towards Siwon’s action, yet a tiny amount of hope in him is desperately trying to convince him that Siwon will not have the heart to intentionally hurt him and cause him this much pain.

As hours pass by, the three of them remain sitting in silence on the bench. They are all trapped in their own deep thoughts until the sound of footsteps approaching and a familiar voice calling Kyuhyun’s name disrupt them from their reveries. Both Minho and Suho turn their heads and look over their shoulders while Kyuhyun just remains motionless, staring blankly as he is still resting his head on Suho’s shoulder. Minho and Suho’s mouths go agape after they identify the tall figure that is standing a few feets away behind them now. Kyuhyun is just frozen there, recognizing the owner of the voice even without looking.

Minho lets his mother hand go and abruptly stands up. He circles around the bench and approaches the man behind them, grabbing his arms and speaking to him in a low, stern voice.

“Dad, what are you doing here?”

Siwon keeps staring at his wife with a miserable expression while replying to his son, “I need to talk to your mom.”

Minho frowns. “How do you know we are here?”

“Your GPS, Minho. Besides...  “ Siwon  approaches the bench and puts his hands on each side of Kyuhyun’s shoulder from behind. Kyuhyun slightly flinches in response, yet he doesn’t move afterwards. Siwon bends his body a little and looks at his two sons while his hands are still firm on Kyuhyun’s shoulders.

“This place is where I asked your mother out—and where he finally said yes—for the first time. This is where it all started.” Siwon speaks loud enough for Kyuhyun and his two sons to hear.

After a minute of silence, Minho opens his mouth and speaks, “Suho, let’s go.”

Suho stares at his brother and nods in agreement. He’s making a move to stand up but his mother suddenly grasps his arm as if pleading him not to leave. Suho gives him an assuring smile and whispers to his mom.

“Everything’s going to be alright, mom. You need to talk with daddy, ok? I’ll wait at home. We’ll wait for you both.”

Suho then slowly stands up on his feet as Kyuhyun lets go of his hold. He approaches his brother and gives a pat on the back to his dad.

Minho steps closer to his dad and grabs his shoulder. He then shortens the distance between his lips and his father’s ear, trying to whisper something.

“YOU. Fix this. I don’t care how. Ok?”

Siwon stares at his son with a look of determination and simply nods in response. As soon as Minho has finished speaking, he motions for his brother to follow him to the car. The two drive off afterwards.

After his sons are no longer in sight, he presses his chin to Kyuhyun’s right shoulder while his hands are still gripping each side of Kyuhyun’s shoulders. He builds his courage and starts speaking right after.

“Kyu, baby, my love, I understand that you must be mad and upset at me now. But please I need you to listen to me. Listen to my explanation,” Siwon pleads.

Kyuhyun remains frozen in silence. Noticing Kyuhyun’s lack of reaction, Siwon can’t help but feel tremendously worried and anxious. Kyuhyun always screams and yells when they are fighting. It is actually a good sign since he yells daily, even for the slightest trivial thing. Unfortunately, a silent Kyuhyun is never a good sign; especially when he is mad and upset. Right now, Kyuhyun is too calm and too quiet, with a cold blank expression adorning his face.

 Siwon recalls that the last time Kyuhyun gave him a silent treatment was during their fight more than 20 years ago; the fight that led to their tormenting break up and almost separated them for good. Siwon suddenly feels frightened and insecure that this whole fiasco will lead him back to a situation just as bad, especially when the trigger of this chaos is such a silly, small matter, which they handled it in a not-so-mature kind of way.

Siwon‘s voice begins to waver and crack as he begins speaking regardless of his wife‘s lack of reaction.

“Kyu, baby I’m sorry. I was acting in an immature and irresponsible way during our argument. That’s... That’s why I planned to put an end to those unfinished matters between me and my parents. That’s why I decided to have a closure with it. I...”

Siwon begins to sob, “I… I never thought that even after 20 years, they can’t still accept that I’m married to you. They still try to set me up with a girl. I…”

Siwon‘s sobs become harder and uncontrollable.

 “I didn’t know that they would do this to me.  I don’t know that she would force herself into me and kiss me, let alone with you and the kids witnessing  it… It’s... It’s not like what you think Kyu... I never agreed  to any of those... I’m sorry... I’m sorry that I hurt you with my childish act... I’m sorry that things turn out to be such a mess like this... You were right, I was wrong...  Please Kyu... Please forgive me... Please... I beg of you... Please... I know I shouldn’t have gone there... I know I shouldn’t have left our house in the first place... I’m sorry, Kyu, I am really sorry...”

Siwon cannot hold it anymore. He reaches out to embrace his wife from behind and circle his arms around his wife’s shoulders. He buries his face on Kyuhyun’s shoulder and then he breaks down and cries even harder.

Kyuhyun is still sitting there, not moving and not giving any response. He can feel the fabric in his shoulder getting wetter from Siwon’s tears. The sound of his husband’s desperate pleading is heart-wrenching but he cannot find any words to speak yet.

After a couple of maddening silence from Kyuhyun, Siwon begins begging again.

“Baby... Please... Say something... Be mad at me... Scream at me... Yell at me... Hit me... Anything... Just say something baby... Please…” The pleading that comes out as desperate weeps from Siwon’s mouth manages to make Kyuhyun decide to speak. He slightly opens his mouth but stays silent for a minute until he can finally utter a word.


Kyuhyun inhales sharply before resuming his speech.

“I... This is the reason why I disapprove of Suho’s relationship. Look at us, Siwon. Even after 20 years, we are still haunted by the ghost of our past; the disapproval of your parents.”

“Kyu... I...”

“Let me finish! It’s painful, Siwon, even after 20 years, seeing you with someone else still feels painful. Realizing that for your parents I would never be good enough for you still feels painful. I... ”

“But Kyu, I told you I didn’t mean for any of it to happen. She forcefully kissed me.I was about to shove her off, Kyu. Please, believe me. You know I only love you. Please, Kyu. Please...”

Kyuhyun exhales out a frustrated sigh. “I know, Siwon. It’s just that...”

Kyuhyun tilt his head so that he is now looking at Siwon, who is resting his face on his shoulder. Siwon finally looks up and their eyes meet.

“You know what Minho told me? He said that I was a difficult . And he is right. I am a difficult , and I also realize that.. That maybe one day you will wake up and wonder why you are staying with me..”

“What?? Kyu, that’s crazy!! How could you think of me like that? I…”

“Let me finish, ok? I can’t help it. There are times when I fear that one day you will realize that being with me is a mistake, being with me is wrong, and you will one day get tired of all my and decide to leave and go back to your parents and maybe marry a girl afterwards. I... I just... I just can’t help thinking like that, ok? And... And what happens today kind of reminds me of the possibilities that those might happen.” Kyuhyun starts tearing up.

Siwon moves from his position and sits next to Kyuhyun. He presses his forehead against Kyuhyun‘s as their noses start to rub against each other.

“Gosh. Baby, my love. Please, don’t ever think that way, ok? I love you, and the feelings haven’t changed for these 20 years we are together. And I assure you, it never will. I know I‘ve told you countless times but I will never get tired of saying this. I love you, Kyuhyun. I love you for who you were, who you are and who you might become. Nothing can change that. I have proved it to you these past 20 years and I will prove it to you as long as I am given the time to. There is no other like you. I am incapable of falling for someone else but you. You should have realized that too, right? So baby please, please forgive me. Do you forgive me, baby?”

Kyuhyun slightly nods and lightly pecks Siwon‘s lips. He whispers in reply.

“As long as you won’t mind my difficult , all is forgiven, Won. All has already been forgiven even before you apologize. Knowing that you will stay with me no matter what is all the apology I need.”

Siwon smiles at his wife’s answer. “Of course, baby, you know I love your difficult , why would I mind it?”Siwon teasingly replies as he kisses Kyuhyun’s lips.

Kyuhyun pulls back and gives his husband an irritated pout. “I can’t believe you still have the nerve to mock me in a situation like this.”

“I’m sorry, baby, I can’t help it, and you are the most adorable being in this planet. I swear.”


“I am an idiot for you only, babe.”

They both giggle and smile in relief as they exchange looks with each other.

“Let’s go home to our kids, shall we?” Siwon smiles as he stands up and offer his hand for Kyuhyun to hold.

Kyuhyun grabs Siwon’s hand and smiles in reply.

“Yes, let’s go home. It’s been a long day.”




Okay everyone so that's about it. I hope you are not disappointed with this. I am just a rookie writer so bear with me.. HAHAHAHA.

Nattieloveme, i am sorry that this story drags too long



Anyway, I have an epilogue with for this. So kids, if you are not old enough, don't read it ok??

I also plan to write random one-shot using this setting, hahaha thanks everyone, who reads, coments, or subscribes


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Luhma1817 #1
Chapter 7: Reading this in 2016 and loving the fight and reconciliation, their children and friends. Mature and fun at the same time.
Chapter 5: I really love Siwon's begging... it make that he's sincere... I hope my future husband in the future (sound weird XD) be like that when he's apologized
Chapter 7: I wanna be in Minho's and Suho's place! I won't run away... NOOO WAY! Hahahaha
Hyukjae is evil but he's playing with the wrong kid! He's Kyu's baby after all XD
Chapter 5: Of course it's no other then Jessica >_< Aiiish I hate her!
I'm glad Siwon is forgiven. His parents are seriously the worst! :(
Chapter 2: Oh! WonKyu went through all of that???
But Kyu, you shouldn't snap at your husband like that :(
You better go make it right!
Chapter 1: I so love bickering wonkyu :D They sound like an old couple! Wait how r they now since the boys r 18?
I'm curious to why Kyu disapproves!

Going to the next chap! XD
Chapter 7: oh my god!!!!! this was absolutely amazing.
you write really well. there is just a bit polishing required.
your was hot too. can't believe it was your first.
While reading the last chap, I couldn't stop laughing. was too funny.
Chapter 7: goosebumps -___-
wonkyu please lock the door when you are having y time..
once again please lock the door... okay??
don't forget ..

nice one shots !!! ^^
Chapter 7: This is soooooo funny. I can't stop laughing when reading it. We want more and more Chois family pleaseee
Chapter 7: Write Krisho first pleaseeee