Chapter 3 : When the storm peaked

WonKyu Family Saga


The next morning, Kyuhyun is awoken by the sudden weight that occupies his bed. His eyes flutter open, thinking that it would be Siwon. But imagine how disappointed he is when he realizes that instead of being greeted by his husband, his two sons are staring at him with worried expressions. Kyuhyun shut his eyes close again, trying to sleep a few more minutes  but his attempt is disrupted by one of his sons who starts shaking his shoulder gently, trying to wake him up.

“Mom… Are you ok? Daddy isn’t home yet?” Suho worriedly asks.

“Urgh. Leave me alone. Let me sleep.”

“Mom… Come on! We know the two of you were fighting. We could hear you both shouting. I also heard daddy leaving last night. I saw his car leaving the garage in the middle of the night from my room.” Minho said.

Silence fills the room for a while, and after a couple of minutes Suho starts speaking.

“Mom, I’m sorry. I know you two are fighting because of us. Because of me. I’m really sorry... I...” Suho’s voice starts to crack and his eyes starts to get teary. Kyuhyun slowly gets up and seats himself at the edge of the bed where Suho is sitting. He wipes the hint of tears  that start to build up in the corners of his son’s eyes.

Kyuhyun sighs. “It’s not your fault, Suho. We had an argument, it heated up and we both just snapped. It  just happened.”

“I know, Mom. But you fought because you were arguing about me. I’m sorry…” Suho’s  voice is shaking as he speaks and it breaks Kyuhyun’s heart. He caresses his son’s hair, trying to calm him.

“It’s not your fault, ok? We just went a little overboard and it is none of your fault. I’ll call your dad and talk to him, everything will be fine.”

“Uhm, if so, then should we pick daddy up, mom?”  Minho asks as he looks like he is contemplating on something .

Kyuhyun frowns.“Why? Is everything alright, Minho?”

“Well, um, yes, I suppose? It’s just that...”

“What is it Minho? You know where your daddy went off to?”

“Um... Yes, sort of... He texted me yesterday about where he was staying for the night. Well, actually I sort of texted him first. I told him I knew that you two were fighting. I asked him where he went and he told me on his whereabouts. He also assured me and Suho not to worry. So… yea, that’s about it.”

Kyuhyun massages his temple and huffs.“Ok. So where is your daddy, now?”


“Minho! Where is your daddy now?” Kyuhyun is throwing his signature death glare at Minho which in the end makes him gives up and answers.

“Daddy is at his parents’ house. Now, Mom, don’t snap ok? He…” Minho is cut by Kyuhyun before he can finish his sentences. Minho sees how his mother’s eyes pop open and how his mom is in shock.

“What??? His parents’ house?? He hasn’t stepped a foot in his parents’ house for 20 years!! Of all the places that he could go to after we fought, he went to his parents’ house??? This is madness!!”

“Calm down, Ma!“

“Calm?? You ask me to be calm while my husband is somewhere being brainwashed by his parents?? Oh my God, this is bad. Do you even have any idea what his manipulative parents will do to him??”

“Oh dear God, Ma!! Chill, ok?? Have some faith in dad, will you?? He sticks with your difficult for 20 years!! It’s not like a one-night stay at his parents’ house will change anything. Maybe because of the fight, he went to his parents to make them see sense. Be positive for once, Ma!” Minho snapped right after.

Minho’s (biting) words of wisdom manage to calm Kyuhyun down a little. He takes a few deep breaths trying to relax his erratic breathing. After he finally calms down, he stares at his two sons and speaks to them.

“Ok fine, we’ll pick your dad up at his parents’ house.”

Minho and Suho look at each other and cheerfully scream in unison. They both suddenly hold hands while jumping and dancing around like five-year-old kids who are going to go to the amusement park for the first time. Kyuhyun can’t help but smile at his two stupid sons who remind him of a guy that he suddenly misses so much; Choi Siwon, his beloved husband. While smiling, all of a sudden Kyuhyun abruptly stands up and smacks the back of Minho’s head, interrupting his sons’ celebration.

“Aww!! Mom!! What was that for?!” Minho scowls in surprise.

“For talking to me the way you did! Have some respect, Minho. I’m still your parent. Now, you two get out of my room! I’m going to take a shower and get changed. We’ll pick your father up after we have lunch.”

“Aye aye, captain!!” Minho exclaims teasingly while dragging his brother out of their parents’ room.

Kyuhyun stares at their disappearing figures from the door of his room and chuckles to himself. His sons are indeed stupid. He walks to the bathroom soon after, deciding that he needs to get ready before picking up his stupid husband.


It is 5 pm in the afternoon when Kyuhyun, Suho and Minho finally reaches Siwon’s parents’ residence. Minho gets out of the car first and rings the interphone, asking whether Siwon and his parents are around and he returns to the car immediately.

“Mom, they all are having dinner outside. Should we head somewhere and wait?”

Kyuhyun is contemplating for a while and then he looks at his two sons. “Do you both mind if we just stay inside the car and wait until they come back?”

 Suho and Minho look at each other and then Suho replies to his mom, “Of course not, mom, we’ll wait here, ok?”

“Fine, I’ll walk to the convenience store nearby and buy us some lunchboxes, snacks and hot drinks. You want anything, Mom? Suho?” Minho asks.

They both shake their heads and Minho immediately heads down to the convenience store. Suho then moves to the backseat of the car to accompany his mom.

“Mom, shouldn’t we call dad and inform him that we’re picking him up?”

“No. Just...  Just wait until they got home, ok?”

“Well, if you say so. Cheer up, Mom. It’s really weird seeing you all gloomy like this. This is not my witty, snarky, sharp-tongued mother that I love.”

Kyuhyun forces a faint smile. “Shut up, Suho ,” is all the reply that he can come up with. In all honesty, Kyuhyun is nervous. He hasn’t seen Siwon’s parents in years. Deep inside, he’s really anxious and afraid. His mind is playing hundreds of different scenarios. Meanwhile, all Suho can do is just stay silent as he watches his mother worriedly.

Minho returns a couple of minutes later with two plastic bags full of food and drinks. He sits at the driver’s seat and hand the bag to Suho for him to pass the food around. The three of them are chatting randomly to kill time while waiting for Siwon. The conversation revolves around their college life, how Minho started dating Taemin, how Suho met Kris and started dating him, even about the latest game that the three of them have been playing lately. They continue talking without realizing that it has been more than 3 hours since they first arrived. Their talk is then suddenly interrupted by the sight of a limousine approaching the Choi residence and stopping in front of their gate.

Kyuhyun notices an elderly man and woman getting out of one side of the limo. He recognizes them as a much older looking Mr. and Mrs. Choi, since he hasn’t seen them for so many years. But nothing can prepare him for what he is about to witness afterwards. Siwon comes out of the limo from the other side. But what is so surprising is that there is a girl who looks like she is in her mid to late twenties and she is locking her arms with Siwon’s and annoyingly clinging to him. All the three passengers just immediately freeze and stay in silence at the view they are witnessing in front of them. However, the next event that they are about to see will just shock them even more. The girl suddenly cups both of her hands on Siwon’s cheeks and she eventually presses her body against Siwon’s chest. She then kisses Siwon so passionately on the lips and Siwon seems to be submissive towards the action, doing nothing but holding her waist.

What seems to be a five-second kiss seems like an eternity in hell for Kyuhyun. He cannot believe his eyes; this is definitely what he did not expect to go through when he decided to pick Siwon up.  He expected commotion between him, the Chois and maybe Siwon, but nothing prepares his heart for the sight of Siwon kissing another person.

“Minho, let’s get out of here,” Kyuhyun speaks in a stern voice; his eyes start getting, still staring at his husband’s figure. Meanwhile, it seems like both Minho and Suho are deaf towards their mother’s pleading. They just remain motionless, still staring at the direction of their dad in shock.

After the girl let go of Siwon and wave towards the Chois, she returns  to the backseat of the limo and then the limo drives off. Siwon turns around and notices a familiar car. His eyes widen in shock as he instantly recognizes the identity of the three passengers inside who are currently staring at him in disbelief.

 “Drive, now!!Take me away from here!! Now!!” Kyuhyun becomes hysterical as he starts sobbing. The voice of their mother rouses both Minho and Suho from their trance, startling them. Minho then starts the car in reflex, immediately turns the car around and hastily accelerates its speed so that they can leave the place quickly. As soon as he glances at the rearview mirror, Minho sees the figure of his dad running and trying to chase them while repeatedly screaming his mother’s name in a frenzy. On the other hand, Suho, who is seated at the backseat of the car, starts caressing Kyuhyun’s back, repeatedly muttering “calm down Mom” as if it were a chant that could magically quiet down his mother’s hysteria.

Not so long after, Siwon is no longer in sight. They have reached the main road and Minho is still driving in high speed. He steals some glances at his Mom, noticing how he is a weeping mess. He clears his throat and then gently speaks, “Mom, where should we go? Do you want us take you home? Or would you like us to go to uncle Hyukjae and Donghae’s home instead?”

Still sobbing, Kyuhyun replies, “Keep driving. I don’t want to go home. I don’t want to meet anyone.  Just drive, Minho, please.”

The three of them then continue driving all around the city with no particular destination. Minho just stays silent the whole time while Suho gently caresses his mother‘s hands nonstop. After thirty minutes have passed, their crying mother finally opens his mouth and speaks.

“Take me to the park near the river.”

Minho nods in response and turns his car towards the direction where his mom wants to go slightly hoping it will resolve the mess they are in now.

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Luhma1817 #1
Chapter 7: Reading this in 2016 and loving the fight and reconciliation, their children and friends. Mature and fun at the same time.
Chapter 5: I really love Siwon's begging... it make that he's sincere... I hope my future husband in the future (sound weird XD) be like that when he's apologized
Chapter 7: I wanna be in Minho's and Suho's place! I won't run away... NOOO WAY! Hahahaha
Hyukjae is evil but he's playing with the wrong kid! He's Kyu's baby after all XD
Chapter 5: Of course it's no other then Jessica >_< Aiiish I hate her!
I'm glad Siwon is forgiven. His parents are seriously the worst! :(
Chapter 2: Oh! WonKyu went through all of that???
But Kyu, you shouldn't snap at your husband like that :(
You better go make it right!
Chapter 1: I so love bickering wonkyu :D They sound like an old couple! Wait how r they now since the boys r 18?
I'm curious to why Kyu disapproves!

Going to the next chap! XD
Chapter 7: oh my god!!!!! this was absolutely amazing.
you write really well. there is just a bit polishing required.
your was hot too. can't believe it was your first.
While reading the last chap, I couldn't stop laughing. was too funny.
Chapter 7: goosebumps -___-
wonkyu please lock the door when you are having y time..
once again please lock the door... okay??
don't forget ..

nice one shots !!! ^^
Chapter 7: This is soooooo funny. I can't stop laughing when reading it. We want more and more Chois family pleaseee
Chapter 7: Write Krisho first pleaseeee