
Je l'aimais




Jessica POV

The girls came back later that evening while I still laid on my bed like I did two days ago. A sudden knock filled the silent atmosphere of the room.

Yuri POV
"Sica?" I slightly shouted.
I heard no response. The moment that I was about to knock again, she opened the door.
I saw Sica standing in front of me with those gloomy eyes that made me nervous. 
"You okay?" I asked sweetly with a curl on one tip of my lip as I slowly tried to hold her hand.
She responded with an unsatisfying smirk and left me standing there, resisting to hold my hand. I died inside.
What's wrong with her?
She approached the kitchen as I followed her path.
Taeyeon stood by the kitchen counter as she fixed the kimchi that she bought for me and Jessica.
"Sica!" The dorky leader shouted in delight.
Jessica smiled back at her... more genuinely than the way she smiled at me. I tried to hide my expression by bowing my head.
Jessica and I sat by each other with the counter in front of us; a huge space between us. It was really awkward. 
"What did manager Oppa say that Yuri and I weren't there today?" Jessica asked Taeyeon.
"Well, for starters, he got mad at me." She spoke with a laugh.
I easily saw Jessica's worried expression which caused me to roll my eyes stealthily.
"I wish I could've been there. It wasn't your fault that we got sick. I'm really sorry, Tae." Jessica spoke.
"You're always like this. Stop acting so worried all the time. I can totally handle it. Although, you look really cute when you're worried."
I widened my eyes as I faced the counter.
I was starting to wonder what they talked about last night at SME. Did those two get back together that's why Jessica was ignoring me when the girls came back? I had to ask her. But now wasn't the right time.
"Yuri-ah!" Taeyeon snapped her fingers in front of me.
"You okay?" She asked, giggling.
"I'm fine. Just thinking about something." I answered. I caught Jessica taking a quick glance at me as I spoke the words, looking uncomfortable.
"Hey." Taeyeon spoke calmly as she reached for my hand.
"I'm sorry about what happened with you and... Tiff." She added.
"I'll be fine... eventually." I answered with a slightly cheerful tone.
Jessica POV
"Will be fine eventually?" I thought to myself. She made out with me like a couple of hours ago. My theory that she was thinking of Tiffany while kissing me was starting to be real to me.
Yuri POV
"I know you will. You're Kwon Yuri! One of the strongest people I know. Maybe you should talk to her again." Taeyeon spoke.
"Maybe... Just not now."
She didn't reply.
A few hours later.
Everyone started to drift off to sleep while I laid on my bed asking myself questions that I should've asked Jessica.
I was starting to sleep myself until I heard my door creak open.
I turned my head quickly to find Jessica standing by the door.
I just stared at her.
"I was about to knock but I discovered that your door wasn't locked."
"Why ditch me all of a sudden?" I asked frankly, looking at her with frustration.
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Still waiting <3
story19 #2
Chapter 66: definitely a good story though seems not finished but i already got the satisfaction, go yulsic.. thank u, author-nim.. write more, you have talent.
Chapter 66: :( you never finished this one!
forgotme #4
Chapter 66: Is this complete?? If not i hope you continue this with a happy ending...
Happy for yulsic btw...
Chapter 66: finally you updated!! i love the update. although im still pissed off at taeny i'm glad yuri and tiffany are okay now.
Chapter 65: 9/30 broke all our hearts,but I'm glad you're back. :)
Chapter 44: Please update soon
hanjaekyung #8
Chapter 64: u[date soo atunor
Chapter 64: wow :) cute scene
Thatsoshikid #10
Chapter 64: Love this please be more active author shi