Chapter 3

The Passing of Time


Minseok came too slowly, opening his eyes only a fraction until they adjusted again. Baekhyun was staring at him with worry and then sighed in relief.


“Jesus Minseok, you scared the hell out of us,” Baekhyun breathed. Minseok sat up slowly, Baekhyun putting his hand on Minseok's arm to help him.


“Where did Kyungsoo go?” Minseok asked curiously.


“Oh you know him. He had to step outside because he thought we broke you again,” Baekhyun replied. Minseok smiled sympathetically. He didn't mean to upset them. “You can come back in Kyungsoo, he's alive.” Kyungsoo walked into the room, his eyes red and full of tears. He sniffled slightly as he sat down in the chair next to Minseok.


“I'm sorry Kyungsoo, I didn't mean to get so worked up,” Minseok said softly. Kyungsoo just shook his head.


“No, it's okay. I know why you did. I would be upset too if I were in your situation,” Kyungsoo admitted with a small smile. Minseok smiled back slightly, but could feel his insides twisting into to knots. Luhan was alive, but no one knew where he was or how to get a hold of him. The three of them looked over as a nurse walked in holding a cane.


“Hey Minseok. Ready to see if your legs still work?” she asked with a smile. Minseok didn't quite understand at first and then understanding dawned on his face. He has been in a coma for three years. He didn't even know if he was capable of walking.


“Is that going to be okay?” Minseok asked shyly. The nurse just smiled.


“It's going to be fine. We've been giving you the best care while you were unconscious. If everything goes the way it should, you should still be able to walk. We'll give you a cane to help stabilize yourself, but after a few weeks you should be good as new,” the nurse explained. Minseok nodded slowly and the two other boys backed out of the way. Minseok carefully removed the blankets from his legs and swung them over the edge. The floor was cold, but the fact he knew that was a good sign. The nurse walked over and held her hand out to him. Minseok took her hand and gripped it firmly as she pulled him up. He was very unsteady at first and Baekhyun caught him. For a moment Minseok froze in fear. What if he couldn't do it?


“It's okay Minseok,” Kyungsoo said. Minseok looked up at him. “You can do this. I know you can.” Minseok smiled at him and nodded slightly. Minseok took a deep breath and pushed against Baekhyun slightly. The nurse handed him the cane and at first he heavily leaned against it. He was afraid to try to take a step, but couldn't give up now. He was very careful when he started to walk, Baekhyun and the nurse on either side of him. He walked around for a bit and then sat on the bed, out of breath. He may have the ability to walk, but not for any length of time.


“That was good,” the nurse said with a smile. “Do at least that every day and soon you'll be running around.”


“Thanks,” Minseok replied. The nurse nodded and walked out. Minseok sighed in relief and put the cane to the side.


“I kind of wish I would've brought my camera. That was a historic event that should've been catalogued,” Baekhyun chuckled. Minseok just glared at him.


“You've been spending too much time with Chanyeol haven't you?” Minseok asked with a low tone. Baekhyun just shrugged while Kyungsoo nodded behind him. Minseok held back a laugh and Baekhyun looked back at Kyungsoo.


“They've been practically unbearable,” Kyungsoo whined. “Jongdae keeps saying they need to just admit their attraction to each other and stop beating around the bush.” Minseok couldn't hold in his laughter that time. The look of shock on Baekhyun's face was priceless.


“It's not like that!” Baekhyun said, his voice and tone higher than he had intended. Now both Minseok and Kyungsoo were laughing. Baekhyun turned bright red and muttered something under his breath. When the door swung open again the room became silent. Wufan was standing in the doorway and he didn't look happy to see Minseok. He stormed over and looked like he was about to hit Minseok.


“You just don't know when to quit do you?” Wufan growled.


“I don't know what you mean,” Minseok said quietly. It was understandable that he was at least a little afraid of him.


“You've all but destroyed Luhan. First you break his heart by shunning him when you found out he was the one who hit you. Then you all but kill him by nearly killing yourself. He blamed himself for your condition. I watched him as his soul died. I saw it in his eyes. When he finally started to come to terms that you weren't coming back you pull this ,” Wufan explained.


“Don't you think that Luhan is going to be overjoyed when he sees Minseok awake?” Baekhyun asked angrily. Wufan glared at Baekhyun, but he didn't back down. He wasn't afraid of Wufan.


“That's assuming this will take Luhan back. After all, technically Luhan landed him here both times,” Wufan answered. “And after what I saw three years ago, I'd be willing to bet those feelings of betrayal aren't going anywhere any time soon.”


“Who gave you the right to assume anything?” Minseok asked, finding the courage in anger. “You've met me for what? 45 minutes? How the hell do you know what I feel? You don't know about me and I don't know about you. So how about you come off of that high horse you're apparently sitting on and stop assuming things about me?” The three in the room looked at Minseok shocked. Even Kyungsoo and Baekhyun have barely ever seen this side of Minseok. “When I get out of this hospital I'm going to find Luhan and show him nothing has changed. Show him I still love him. You can just sit back and watch.” Kris just stared in shock. He didn't expect this. Not from this guy. Without a word he turned around and left, closing the door behind him.


“Damn Minseok,” Baekhyun commented, looking back at his friend. “You told him.” Minseok was already gone from the conversation. All he could think about was Luhan. He needed to find him, no matter what. “Well, we gotta go. Jongdae should be stopping in tomorrow. Just let us know when you get to go home.” Minsoek snapped back and just nodded. Baekhyun and Kyungsoo hugged Minseok before walking out of the room. Once again Minseok was alone, wishing Luhan was in his arms once again.

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xBoyWhoCriedWolfx #1
Chapter 6: Yo Author-nim! I'm glad I found this sequel!! Yehet! It's not like I looked it up in your profile or anything (Yes I did. Sorry).
Maybe its too late but, I think you should keep going but if that's all there is to it then don't push yourself. Tho if you wanna continue this story, I kinda don't want it to end up being so long and the point of the story is gone. But it, its a fic about my OTP so I don't care if its long. As long as its good written and sweet af. Xiuhan FTW!! (/^•^)/
I really liked the ending! Thank you for this sweet fic Author-nim!! ❤️
Chapter 6: The ending is so sweet. Glad xiuhan is back together. ;>
Chapter 6: Hello again ^^
I wanna thank you so much for this! I remember that time I was reading it. It was the time where my xiuhan feels gets extrem (oki I said that already in 'counting the days') but I just wanna tell you that story means alot to me. I know that sounds ridiculous... but I'm very happy to found your story again (special thanks to my friend how helped me)
Anyway, I'm so in love with your stories and I liked it to read all over again. Your idea was so good. And I'm so happy how it ends. Or maybe it goes on (;
I hope u will write more xiuhan stories *-*
So I think I'm done with fangirling xD
Thank you again ♡
Chapter 6: mmmmm... its ok fic, im just grossed with the kissing part when Lulu woke up i knw its romantic but it would'nt hurt if he asked him to brush his mouth first or maybe just peck would be fine. Putting a make out scene at the ending just lost my excitement. A fic that has a good storyline but the ending is not that good which supposed to be the best part. My rating 6.5, i hope you dont take my comment in a negative way.. Just to let u know i dont regret reading it. Thanks!
Chapter 6: it's a happy ending, like you said. I think this story is perfect as it is now and if you don't know what more to write to it, then don't :)
Chapter 6: Such a sweet chap. As much as I enjoy this fic, I think this would be a good place to end it. Though if you ever came up with more ideas, I love to see more chaps.
Chapter 5: ; -; Luhannie!! Please be okay!! Hnnng... I'm going to cry. The babies are reunited!!
Chapter 5: I hate your cliffhangers. Why do you have to finish it all with cliffhangers. Why are you doing this.
chankyudoong #10
Chapter 5: Omg... Luhan is awake now...
Hmmm... Curious about his reaction... Thank you for updating authornim.... ^.^