


Going out for simple Chinese food was normal for Taemin and Jongin. They enjoyed the food, the atmosphere, and definitely the all-you-can-eat-buffet that stretched through almost the entire length of the restaurant. Although, their favorite part was always getting their fortune cookies at the end of their meal and reading them out loud, the other person saying something erted afterwards. Taemin’s personal favorite was adding “-in bed,” to which Jongin agreed was the funniest.

The ones they’ve gotten the most laughs out of were hung on the fridge at Taemin’s apartment, all with “in bed” scrawled messily at the end of the original fortune. The most famous one, though, was, “You have a slow and unhurried natural rhythm in bed.” All their friends that visited Taemin’s (and Jongin’s, really, he basically lived there) apartment declared that their favorite, laughing every time they glanced at the blue words with black ink smeared slightly from laughing too much while writing the addition.


Jongin groaned, his stomach too full to properly move his arms to rest on the table. “Tae, you’re going to have to carry me home.”

“Sorry, Jongie, but I don’t think I’m in a position to do so.” Taemin raised his arms almost as slowly as Jongin had. “You’d think we would know by now not to eat so much.”

“You’d think,” Jongin agreed, though only half-heartedly.

The sat in silence a few moments more, letting their food digest so they could move. Their waitress came by and placed the black tray containing their bill and two fortune cookies softly on the table. She told them to pay whenever they wanted at the front, and left with a small smile in Jongin’s direction.

Taemin pulled the cookie closest to him off the tray and ripped the flimsy plastic away. He looked blankly at Jongin, waiting for his boyfriend to do the same. Jongin took the hint and grabbed his. He followed the same routine as Taemin so they were both holding their cookies in one hand and the wrappers in the other.

“You first,” Jongin said, nodding at Taemin.

Taemin cracked the cookie easily and pulled the small paper out, pausing for effect. “You will have fortune as you desire.”

“In bed,” Jongin added as soon as Taemin finished. “Well that one is already true. If we don’t do what you want, you get all angry at me.”

“I do not!” Taemin reached his arm across the table and slapped at Jongin’s upper arm. “Just read yours, jerk.”

“Gladly!” Jongin broke his cookie in half and grabbed the slip of paper. “Your tongue is your ambassador.”

“In bed.”

Taemin laughed loudly, sounding more like a cackle. Jongin smiled and laughed a little quieter.

“That’s fridge quality. Write on it and we’ll put it up as soon as we get home!"

Jongin followed his boyfriend’s orders, grabbing the pen from the bill tray and quickly scribbled “in bed” on the white paper. He held it up after he was finished and Taemin laughed some more.

“Come on, Jongin. Let’s pay and you can show me just how well your tongue does as an ambassador in bed with me.”



{ AN:
okay so this is kind of boring and dumb and i hate it, but whatever. also! jongin's fortune?

IT'S ACTUALLY ONE OF MINE. as is taemin's, but his isn't as exciting.

but yes, you can see a picture of it here.

that's all! c: please leave me feedback and all that good stuff. send me a friend request, stalk me, i don't care. just let me know in some way if you did or didn't like this. thank you!

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matchy #1
Chapter 2: lol you write them so naturally!
Chapter 1: Haha, definitely a witty & funny ending!
imsocuriousyeah #3
Chapter 1: I loved it, it was really nice and for some reasons I found the writing extremely refined even though it was so short
Chapter 1: P-e-r-v-e-r-t-s! ( had to write that again as you see) :D
Chapter 1: _______s!! :DD