I'm Shy

He's Shy

D O K  M I

He's always grinning. Forever grinning. I have much to learn from him. 
Why is he always so happy? Has something good happened while I blinked?
I never understood the reason behind his smiles. Never have I seen someone smile that much.

I surely don't smile as much as he does. But occasionally, I smile. But I have REASONS behind my occasional grin. If a friend makes a joke, I smile and sometimes laugh. If I have a good lunch, I smile. If I see someone I dislike trip and fall, I smile. But for him, he smiles 24/7. How is that?

He's handsome.
I have to admit it, the boy is handsome.  His brown hair that cascades over his pretty face. His  eyes that squint to add affect to his forever lasting smile, and  not to mention his toned body. Not that I'm a ert or anything. I hadn't noticed until I over heard a conversation he had with his friend about what made them manly. He said it was his "Cheetoes." I have to admit, I was just as lost as Junhong, his little friend, when he said that but he did manage a silent giggle out of me when he said he was talking about his arm muscles.

He's shy.
I have noticed that he's shy.  Although he seems popular amongst our peers, (Well more popular than ME that is) but he's quite, and hidden behind his smile.  When all the "cool" guys playfully hit him and ask him which "honey" he's been "Checkin' out." I notice he just smiles and blushes bashfully and never answers. 
When the teacher calls on him to answer a question in class.  He hasn't been paying attention, he's smiling off into space, thinking of something. Where's his mind at? I'm not sure, but I do know he's  somewhere far from here. I can tell, I don't know why, but I can just feel that if he were dreaming it would be a big dream, and of him accomplishing things...that or something surprisingly random. He's known for his randomness.
When he finally snaps out of his daydream to face the teachers question, his smile still doesn't disappear, even if he doesn't know the answer. He grins and takes a random guess which causes the whole entire class to laugh, including me behind my book.

I'm interested in him. In every kind of way.

"Class get into groups" the teacher once called.

Just like every other day, the classroom scrambled into small groups of four.

I picked up my books and wandered to the back of the classroom to meet up with two of my friends who were nonchalantly waiting for my arrival.

"Bout time" Yoon Hye rolled her eyes playfully at me as she took her relaxing feet off of my chair.

I just flashed a small smile a her and sat down, placing the books on the desk in front of me.

"We only have 3 people." I suddenly said out of the blue after sitting their silently out of seemingly minutes.

"So?" Mina asked not seeing my point.

Just when I was about to answer, the teacher's voice cut me off.

He called his name.

"Huh-what?" He answered.

He was daydreaming again. I wonder what about?

"I've told you to get into groups."

"Oh." was his simple answer. OH with a huge smile and an apology.

"It seem's that all the groups are taken." was his conclusion. He didn't even notice our group...

"Raise your hand if your a group of three." The teachers voice boomed throughout the classroom.

I looked around and nobodies hands were up, besides my friends whose hands were up confidently. My heart was startled. My confidence was low. But regardless, I reluctantly rose my hand half as raised as theirs were.

"Ah yes, Jongup." The teacher concluded "Please join their group."

Jongup smiled of course, then bowed at the teacher and began walking to the back.


That was the sound of my heart getting louder with each step he took getting nearer and nearer our table. I couldn't take my eyes off of him.  And he couldn't keep the smile off his face.  Why our group? Why today? Why me!? 

The class is a elective class were we do projects to help the community.  As shy as I am, I wouldn't have done this class if my friends hadn't agreed upon it.

The teacher told us to get to know each other better, that we'll be working with each other from now on. I gulped.  I had to face him EVERY DAY now. 

"We'll since us three know each other," Yoon hye pointed towards Minae and myself "We'll just introduce ourselves to you." 

He nodded.

"Well, I'm Yoon Hye, I'm 18 years old, I'm blood type A, I'm a virgo. I was born on-"

"He doesn't need to know your life story quit yet!" Minae interrupted.

He laughed. I would have also if I hadn't been so nervous.

"I'm Minae," She stated confidently "It's nice to meet you."

How could she had shook his hand so boldly. Maybe it wasn't bold...maybe I'm just a coward.

"Nice to meet you too," he answered cheekily "I'm Jongup."

"How old are you, Jongup?" Yoon Hye questioned


"Me too." Minae answered "But barely. I just turned 18 last week."


He made me laugh, well he caused our whole group to laugh, but he made ME laugh. All the nervousness I had once felt, disappeared.  I felt at ease when he blurted out "happy birthday" childishly as he threw out his hands in joy.  It was cute.

After laughing for awhile we were rudely shushed by our teacher which caused a few minutes of awkward silence. 

"Hey, You."

I felt a pang of anxiety after I heard those words. I decided to ignore them and focused on looking down at the book in front of me.

"Um, Hello?" Suddenly hands were waving in my face.

"DOK MI!" 

"YES?" I answered scarily, to much enjoyment of my friends.

"You never introduced yourself." He said with his eye smile.

His eyes sparkling made me forget how to speak, breather, or even properly function.

"Urm, eh..." I had to swallow my throat. I was so nervous, looking him directly and him looking back at me for the first time. Was this what it was going to be like from now on?

"My name ... my name is..."

His eyebrows rose as he watched me stutter, but his smile never leaving his face.

"Dok mi!" Yoon Hye answered not wanting to see me struggle anymore. "Really, ...jeez." She rolled her eyes once again.

"Yes." I said in a soft tone. "My name is Dok Mi." 

Till this day I still don't know why I said it like that.

"Dok Mi." He replied. "It's nice to meet you." His smile shined brightly as he reached his hand out.

I bravely shook his hand and immediately when his hand came in contact with my own... SPARKS. Is that cheesy to say? Sparks?
But it's true. I felt like a robot that had been turned off for a while had just been re-energized.

I think our eyes connected. Like I saw deep into his eyes. For a while, his smile faded as he looked at me more seriously.

"And the award for worlds longest hand shake goes toooooo......" Yon Hye interrupted sarcastically.

Just then his smile returned as we re-adjusted ourselves awkwardly.

"So," he said after the awkwardness left us "How old are you?"

"I'm 17." I softly spoke.

"Huh?" He leaned in to hear me better.

I couldn't hardly concentrate with his face so close to mine. I was in a trance. 

"I-I'm 17."

"WAH! Dongseng!" He cheesed returning back into his seat allowing me to breathe normally again.

"It's gonna be fun having a little dongseng to look after!" His smile made his way into my heart causing me to smile a small smile back at him


Shortly after that day, Yoon Hye and Minae had started teasing me about having a "Crush" on  him. And that he's never gonna like him if I don't open up around him instead of being this nervous wreck. Minae would sometimes favor my side and say "It's cute that she get's nervous." but Yoon Hye would always say "It's not gonna go anywhere if she doesn't be herself!" Their both right, because I'm fricking cute.  But I'm not Aegyo cute. I'm not AW Look ar her little face CUTE! But I'm pretty darn cute, I would like to think. I'm cute when I'm just alone with a couple of fiends but out in public I'm a train wreck!


"Dongseng! How are you today?"

"Dongseng, have you eaten well?"

"Dongseng! See you in class today!" are just a few of the things Jongup would say to me when he'd see me around. I'd barely known the guy for about a week and he'd already talk to me like we've known each other forever. It kinda felt like I did though. But it was kinda annoying all the same, did he even know my name!?! 


"Dongseng, I've seen to left my pencil at my last class, may I borrow yours?" He said to me one day when we were doing an assiagnment.

I guess the whole "Dongseng" thing got annoying to Yoon Hye too because she raged "Why do you keep calling her that!?! Do you even know you're name."

It caught him off gaurd but he still answered smiling. "Of course I know her name, It's Dok Mi."

My heart waveried hearing him say my name. I don't know how he managed to remember after days of just calling me "Dongseng!"

"I call her dongseng as a nickname." He smiled at me.

"What makes her so special that you had to ask her for a pencil, you could've asked me or Yoon Hye, you know?" Minae questioned, studying him intensely.

His responce was an awkward shy laugh. It was cute if I must add.

"Why are you interagating him? It's just a pencil."  I scoffed quitly handing a pencil to him.

"Ah, thank you dongseng."  He recieved my pencil joyfully and added "I will take great care of it."

"Its...just a pencil." I restated, going back to my work.

"Dok mi, why'd you defend him over your child hood friend!" Yoon Hye joked around. 

"Right!" Minae added over the laughter of Jongup.

I ignored them and continued writing.

"We spent 10 years of our lives together, Dok Mi. And you'd put Jongup over us? How rude."

I rolled my eyes.

"Why is it? Is it because you like him better than us, huh?"

I tilted my head up to look at the three of them with a blank face.

"Shut up before we fail this project."

"Hey! Shut-up isn't a very nice word!" Jongup pouted like a three year old.

It was the cutest thing I've ever seen. He'd again put a soft spot in my heart.

I immeadetly put my head back down and continued scribbling words on my paper.

Working with him from that point on only got worse as our some what of a "Relationship" had grown.

One day when Minae was absent and Yoon hye was "Sick" (Skipping school) it was just me and Jongup. I think they planned that, but anyway. I tried to focous on my work but he kept bugging me.

"Hey, Dongseng... this is a weird day isn't it."

"Yes." I said seriously, trying hard not to conversate even further with him.

"It's just me and you alone."


"They're both gone..."


"Are you even listening to me anymore Dok Mi?"


Honestly, I wasn't. I was more focoused on DOING OUR WORK.

"Today you are going to eat lunch with me."


"GOOD!" He grinned.

"Wait, what?" I looked up from the work I was doing to see that he was dancing in victory.

Which was adorable.

"Nope, no take backs. Today, you will eat lunch with me."

I didn't reply I just stared at him in disbelief. Why would he want to eat lunch with me?

"Besides, Yoon Hye and Minae are both gone, who will you eat with?"

He had a point.

"Ok, but how did you know I eat lunch with them?"

"Huh, oh... I just figured you eat lunch with them that's all."

"Yah! I have other friends to eat with!"

"Like ME!" He winked playfully which caused my face to burn.

"Ok." I shyly agreed.

Lunch time had came and I was at my locker peacefully organizing my things when HE came.

"Hey, I need some lunch money."

I dead panned at him. "Mom gave us some on monday, how could you have spent your's already!"

He's always depending on me...

"RICKY!" he explained in one word the cause of his problems. 

Ricky uses the power of his cuteness to rule the world. It's quite terrible. But nobody minds....because he's cute.

Speaking of cute "Ah, Dongseng!"

When I heard his voice I cringed because I knew what was coming next.

"Ah, I was looking for you everywhere! Are you ready to go eat lunch?"

I bit my lips and noded nervously.

"Eat lunch?" My brother spoke up. "I don't think we've ever met before."

Standing inbetween the two I felt naustious. 

"J-Jongup, this is my brother...Niel."

"Ah, nice to meet you-"

"What are you trying to do with my sister?" He questioned.

"Eat lunch!" He smiled.

"Are you taking her out of the school?"

"Yes, I'm taking her to a dinner! We have to hurry before we're late to return! Come on, Dongseng!" And with that said he boldly grabbed my hand and rushed us away while calling out to niel "It was nice meeting you!"

I looked over my shoulder to send Niel a worried look, but he just called "Bring me back a cookie!!!" and a Mehrong.

After about five minutes of rushing in the streets, we came to this little dinner. It was casual, clean, and welcoming. As he lead me inside, a bell rang.

"Hello, Welcome to- Oh, you came?" A slightly taller man with squinty eyes and black spikey hair smiled at Jongup. The man was pretty handsome.

"And with a girl too?" His face lit up like he won the lottery. "WAH! What type of day is it today!?"

I stood looking around akward and nervous.

"Ah, Himchan, stop socializing with the customers and- Oh, you came!" A slightly taller man with huge muscles came out of a back door and stood behind a dinner.

"See! Jongup has charm, doesn't he!" The one appearently named Himchan smirked.

"Dok Mi," Jongup suddenly said "This is my Hyungs, Hyungs...this is Dok Mi."


"Your girlfriend?" The older looking one cut me off.

"What- No-"

"You're holding hands." He stated.

My face probably turned beet red as we both realised that our hands never untangled after running so much.  It felt natural that we were holding hands.

Jongup awkwardly slipped his hand from mine and scratched the back of his neck while nervously chuckling.

"We came here for lunch hyung." He stated.

"Then go back their and get it yourself, you've got two hands." The older one said matter-of-factly before going back inside the back.

"Ugh, this guy really. YOU KNOW NOTHING OF ROMANCE BANG YOUNGGUK!!" Himchan called over his sholder.

"Romance!? No-no, We're just friends..." Jongup explained while shaking his hands.

"Whaaaatever." Himchan said as he came around the counter with two menues.

"Here's you're table." He said placeing the menues down.

"Hyung, I don't need a menue since I work here-"

"JUST PLAY ALONG!" Himchan barked.

It was kinda amusing to me.

Himchan saw me laughing and eased himself a little. "How'd this babo get you to come with him? Did he trick you."

"Yes!" "No!" Me and him bothed answered at the same time.

"Let's go with HER answer." He rolled his eyes before leaving.

"What, I didn't trick you."  He said to me when  Himchan left.

"Yes you did!" I laughed "You asked me when I wasn't paying attention!"

"You should've been paying attention to me though."

"I was doing the work that we should've been doing in the first place."

"Well...I... MEHRGONG!" He stuck his tongue out when he couldn't think of anything else to say.

I rolled my eyes still laughing. I finally was at ease being around him. I felt more comfertable, like I could be my smart-, funny, cute, self....

"Yah!" A voice came followed by some drinks "Next time just be A MAN and ask her, don't trick her!" Himchan yelled.

"Hyung, She still came," and then he smiled directly at me "And that's all that matters."

I smiled my small little embarressed smile and hid my face behind my menue.

Himchan let out a airy "Whatever." before taking our order.

As time went by we talked about ideas for our project, waiting for the food to come.

Himchan brought out his burger and my crispy chicken salad and bowed before leaving.

Right when we were about to dig in "HYUNG!"

A bright haird tall boy came into the resturant.

He picked up his skateboard and walked over to our table with his headphones around his neck blasting.

"How'd you get hear before I did!!!!" The boy asked in great shock.

"We ran."

"WOW! You must run fast Noona. Are you my noona?"

My eyes were open wide. "I'm 17...I'm about to turn 18 by the end of this month though."

"Ah, then you are my noona!" Then he turned his attention back to his 'hyung' "Hyung! I still have enough time to eat right?"

"Of course."

"Good because I want- OH CHERRY TOMATOE!" He gasps looking at my plate. "Noona, can I have one?"

"AISH!" Himchan came from behind the counter and grabbed the younger, but way taller boy by the collar.

"Don't you see we have a guest...." He dragged the boy.

"Aish! Hyung, you're....choking me." The boy called.

"Who was that?" I asked when they disappeared behing the counter.

"Junhong." He said non-chauluntly before biting his burger.

It seems ever since then, that little dinner has been the hot spot for our friends. Me, Yoon Hye, and Minae, would all meet Jongup there to work on our project.  Sometimes my brother would come with his friends, because he liked the cookies but he would always leave right away.

"Ah, our regular customers." Our handsome waiter greeted. "What could I get for you?"

"Help on our project!" Yoon Hye barked at him.

He laughed then took off his approan, throwing it on the dinner counter and took a seat with us.

"I still want food though..." Minae put her hand on her stomache. "I'm kinda hungry."

"Yah! Go get us our food then help!" Yoon Hye demanded.

"But I'm off the clock cranky pants! My hyungs shifts are now!"

"Yah! Daehyun! Let me get this table! You always get the first table!" A whiney voice came in from behind the back doors.

It was a guy with brown hair which was shaved at the sides, he looked like a flower boy with his cute little nose.

"Fine! Quit your complainging!"  A handomse looking guy fed up with the whining followed him. It sounds like he has a buson accent.

"VICTORY!" The flower boy called out extactily, reaching his fists up.

"VICTORY!" Jongup joined in doing the same, and I covered my face in laughter.

The flower boy waiters face changed when he relised the table he had to serve was jongups.


"Not my problem."


"Both of you serve the table...or you will both die." The eldest said matter-of-factly.

Longstory short, that night included quarls between Youngjae and Yoon Hye, weird conversations between Daehyun and Minae, Himchan chasing around a hyper Junhong, Niels ridculous order of cookies, Jongup being....jongup making everyone laugh, a proud Youngguk, and me who couldn't be anymore happier.

I was really happy with my life, I still am. But, I hadn't expected this much happines. I now had an adopted happy little brother, Junhong. A older understanding older brother, Niel. And all the oppas I could imagen to look over me. Youngjae could help me in school, Himchan can give me tips about life, Daehyun could keep me entertained with all his impersinations and his personality periode, and Youngguk could give me wisdome and protection. Jongup...makes me smile. A smile that only jongup could create. 

Jongup got closer to me as the days went on, so close that even one day it was dark outside.

"I can't belive I lost my phone!" I gasped freaking out.

"Calm down, I'm sure we'll find it, we just have to re-trace our steps."

"YOU! DON'T! UNDERSTAND!" I shook him by his shoulders. If I wasn't freaking out I wouldn't have touched him like that, even though we are closer, skinship is scary for me still.

"Ah, your hands are cold!" he said taking them off his shoulders and rubbing them together with his own, trying to warm them up. 

I'm glade it was dark or he would've seen my blushing.

"Come on, let's go." He said tugging my arm and leading me through the dark.

"Are you afraid?" he said once we were walking in a dark ally. 

Truth to be told, I was on the bridge of pissing my pants, WHY WOULD HE TAKE ME TO A PLACE LIKE THAT.

"No." I lied.

"Well, it's ok if you are, but just know I won't let anything happen to you." When he said that, I couldn't find his smile. He seemed really serious.

I just nodded and we carried on.

"Jongup! I really don't think it's gonna be in the dinner!"

"You have to at least check!"

"No! We're gonna waste time!"

"No we won't! I promise!"

"NO! I'm NOT going in there, so come on!" I began walking away and he grabbed my arm.


I glared at him. "I think I know where I lost MY phone! Babo, and it's not in there."

His eyes widened. "I'm just trying to help you!"

"Then LISTEN TO ME! My phones not in there! I wanna hurry up and find it to get home to celebrate my birthday! Now let go! I'll find it without out YOU! BABO!"

"That's it!" With that, he picked me, throwing me over his shoulder and swung the door to the dinner open with me kicking and screaming.


"FINE!" He yelled setting me down.

"What is WRONG with you-"


My heart jumped as I saw my friends and family there wearing party hats and streamers were all over the place.

I turned around and began hitting Jongup without any mercy.

"YOU KNEW!" I pounded in him while helplessly grinning.

"Ha! Yeah I did! Stop hitting me!" He pulled me into a hug, and I hugged him back.

"Thank you." I suddenly murmered

"Happy birthday." He said sincerly into my ear.

"YAH! We helped to you know." Yoon Hye yelled, interrupting our hug.

"YOU DID NOTHING!" Youngjae pointed her bluff.

"I did too-"


"And is that why you tried to awake her with a kiss?" Daehyun smirked.


"No! He's lying!" Youngjae paniced worridly.

"YAH! COME HERE YOU ERT!" She yelled and started chasing him outside the dinner.

"He never did that." Minae finally spoke up.

"I know!" Daehyun said with much enjoyment to himself.

"Happy birthday, dongseng." He smiled at me.

I smiled back at him. "WAIT! Where's MY PHONE."

"Here." Niel said nonchaultly. "I took it out of your purse when you weren't looking."

I glared at him.

"But I bought you a few new apps I thought you'd like. Happy birthday." 

I grinned. "Thanks."

After days like that when I thought their was no such things as frowning, sadness crept up on me.

"Dok Mi, are you going to the dance?"

I scoffed. "No, that sort of thing isn't for me."

"You don't like to dance?" Jongup chimed in on our situation.

"Nah, that sort of thing is useless....dancing." I added while doing our work. 

His facial expresstion changed.


"I want to go," Minae sighed "But I don't have anyone to go with."

"Just ask someone." Yoon Hye her teeth.

"That's easy for you to say, you're going with Youngjae!"

"What?!" Both mine and Jongups ears perked up in intrest.

"How? Why? When!" I asked.

For a secound, Yoon Hye turned inro a cute little girl.

"He asked me to the dance..." She said shly.

"Aw!" I smiled.

"Yeah," she returned to her useual self "That little sh*t has fallen in love with me." She studied her nails.

I rolled my eyes and returned my attention to my paper.

My friends are idiots.

"Hey , what's up guys!?" I had once ignorantly said not knowing that my heart was going to be pulled out of my chest.

Yoon Hye and Minae's face weren't as happy as mine.

"what's wrong?"

Minae tried to surgar coat it.  But Yoon hye gave it to me straight. "Jongup's going to the dance with a Quennka."

My heart sank. It shattered into a million pieces but I managed not to cry. Crying is for babies and fuenarals.

"Are you ok?" Minae asked concerend.

"Of course she's not." Yoon Hye added.

"I'm fine." I lied.

For the rest of days leading up to the dance, I avoided conversation with him, and he noticed and felt awkward about it as well. We'd avoid contact with eacother and basicallt went back to Block 1.

The night of the dance finally came and I helped Yoon Hye and Minae get ready. Even with my broken heart, I still managed to feel happy for them. They both looked so pretty in the dresses.  Yoon Hye wore a gold dress and Minae wore a black puffy dress.

I even walked to the diner with them to meet up with Youngjae, even if Jongup and his date would be their.

It's fun seeing Yoon Hye around Youngjae because she turns shy all of a sudden.

"You look beuatiful." He gasps when he fiirst saw her. He didn't even greet us! It was like she was the only one there.

"Thank you." She blushed.

It was adorable seeing her like this.

"Hello ladies." Daehyun smiled coming from the back and stood behind the counter.

"Hey." We all greeted.

"Oh, ...Minae." His voiced trailed off. "You look...pretty. You're going to the dance too?"

She nodded.

"So, I suppose you would have a date...." His mood changed.

"No, I don't have one." Minae frowned.

"WHY NOT! ANY GUY WOULD BE LUCKY TO GO WITH YOU!" He blurrted out suddenly.

"Then why don't you go?" The hyungs joined us.

"well, becuase...I'm working."

"I can take your shift!" Junhong who had been quitely sitting, enjoying his head phones at a booth.

"Don't you wanna go?" Daehyun rose his eyebrows.

"Nah, it's a upper classmen dance."

"I don't have a suit though..."

"Acctually." Youngjae spoke up "Since I'm a freaking genuis, I knew this would happen so I brought your suit, it's in the back YOU'RE WELCOME!"

"one more thing!" daehyun added.

"What!?!" Himchan asked fed up.

He took a flower from the vase off the counter and walked infront of Minae. "Will you go to the dance with me?"

It was the most adorable thing ever.

They night all worked out for them and after taking some pictures they left for the dance, leaving me sitting by myself at a boothe eating sundae after sundae.

"Here's your order." My fake sibling  placed the bowl of ice cream in front of me.

"Thank you." I said before shoveling some in my mouth.

He slide in the seat in front of me.

"You didn't want to go to the dance?"

I just shrugged with my mouth still full.

"Hyung went with some stuck up girl...he didn't look very excited."

I looked up at him.

"That's what he get's for not going with you." He added. "If I was an upper classmen, I would've taken you noona."

For the first time in hours I smiled. 

How sweet of him.

With that said he smiled back at me and threw a towel over his shoulder and got up to finish his work.

"It's getting late." A familar voice said to me.

I looked up and squinted my eyes... it was really him.

"Aren't you supposed to be dancing with the Queenka right now?"

He shook his head and grabbed a spare spoon. "She was only useing me to make someone jelous."

I felt a mixed emotion when he said that. I was happy that things didn't work out between those two, I was angry because she did that to such a nice and sweet person, and I was sad because he didn't take me.

"Oh," I said. "I'm sorry."

"Meh."he shrugged it off and took a spoonful of my ice cream without asking.

"I didn't wanna go with her anyway."

"Then why'd you go with her?" I hope that didn't come out angirly back then.

"Because." he said taking another spoon full "I wanted to go to the dance, and I wanted to be nice."


"Besides, it wasn't that fun anyway. The person I wanted to go with wasn't there anyway..."

"Really, who?" How could I have been so dense back then.

"Meh, just some girl... you'd like her."


"Yeah," he continued. "I noticed her before... A while ago. She'd sit in the back of the class and be so quite." He said in deep thought, holding out his spoon of ice cream.

"I couldn't help wondering about her. What she was like...why she does what she does." He took another bite.

"And then one day...I finlly got a chance to talk to her. She talked really timidly when she introduced herself. I felt something deep inside me when we introduced ourselves.  And I felt really happy when I made her laugh. I've seen her smile before, but she doesn't smile much.  I've noticed that about her.  And when I saw her smile that day, I silently swore to myself that I was gonna make her smile like that for the rest of my life."

My eyes widened.

"Tha'ts a long time.."

He just laughed. "We dont nessarily need to be TOGETHER for my to make her smile, but it wouldn't hurt right?"

"No." I shook my head.

"You think she'd want to be my ... girlfriend if I asked her?" He suddenly said nervously.

Even though my heart was breaking I manged to say yes.

His face brightened up. "So you like me too?!?"

Right then and their my heart almost exploaded my jaw dropped when I figured out he was talking about me.

"Heh! You didn't know I was talking about you, did you?"

I couldn't answe him but my blushing face said it all.

"Well that's too bad, becuase you already agreed. No take backs!" He said pointing to me with his spoonful of ice cream. 

All I could do was blush. I was left speechless and my mouth open.

"Hmm, you should really close your mouth..." He spectated, but instead shoved some ice cream in my mouth with his spoon.

"OHH! HYUNG! INDIRECT KISS!" Junhong appeared from thin air causing me more embarresment.

"It's natural to do such things with you're girlfriend though." Jongup grinned.

"AH! HYUNG YOU MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE WITH THIS ONE!" Junhong grinned showing his eye smile.


Himchan came throught the door in shock. "what?!" He saw it was me and grinned "VICTORY!"

Junhong joined in "VICTORYYYY!"

Jongup smiled at me before screaming "VICTORY!!!" and I put my head down in embarresment.

And that's the beginging of how our relationship blossomed.


Although me and Jongup had been in a relationship for weeks, we still were shy to skinship. Instead of boldy taking my hands he'd shyly ask me "Can...I hold your hand?" Instead of hugging me randomly, he'd slowly inch up to bashfully and hold out his arms and I'd smile warmly and walk into them. Cute things like that. We've never even kissed yet, untill...


"Truth or dare?" 

"Urm, dare..." Jongup finally decided.

"I dare you...." Junhong was having trouble thinking of something until himchan leaned in and whispered something into his ear which made him smirk. "7 minutes in heaven with Dok Mi."

Everyoned oohed and Junhong and Himchan shared matching smirks.

My face was beet red and Jongup was confused.

"You're gonna kill us and bring us back?"

"NO!" Youngjae smacked his forhead. "The game is where a female and a male have to be paired up and left in a private room for 7 minutes.  The couple is expected to kiss  within that time, or do whatever they choose. They could just talk. But when the seven minutes are up, the couple may chose to come out and continue on with their lives peacfully."

"My youngjae's so smart." Yoon Hye adds with a mouth full of chips.

Youngjae blushed at the complement.

Just me and Jongup were in a dark stoarage closet standing across from each other.

"You're 7 minutes start now!" Youngjae called from behind the door.

We both looked at eachother, then glanced away.  I could feel the tension in the air.  I couldn't tell what he wanted to do...did he want to kiss me...or not.... not that I minded either way....

"Are you nervous?" He asked.

"No...." I said calming down. Nervous wasn't the word for it.... it was more like Anxious.

"Are you?" I asked.

He took a deep breath in and nodded. "yes." Which took me by suprise.


"Because..." he fiddled with his fingers "I wanna kiss you....but I'm afriad I might mess up..."

My eyes widened and we stood in awkward silence.

"FOUR MORE MINUTES!" Daehyun yelled.


I blushed.

"Do...you want to?" He suddenly asked.

"Want to what?"

"You know...kiss..." He stammered.

Shyly, I nodded my head in honesty.

He made a little smile before leaning forward and boldly but delecatly holding my chin, tilting my head up to let me look him in the eyes before they drooped shut and his lips met mine for the first time.

Light blasted inside the small room interuppting our kiss and we faced our crowd of friends embarresed.


We sat back down in the circle with matching red faces.

"Alright, Junhong, truth or dare?" 

"DARE!" Junhong cheered.

"Alright," jongup thought. "I dare you to flirt with the next girl who comes in here."

"Easy!" Junhong grinned.

"Op, here comes someone!" Daehyun pointed.

It was a girl about Junhongs age. Her dirty blonde hair fell to her shoulders and highlighted with streaks of baby blue at the ends. Her bangs cut across her forhead and a black beanie hat to hold it in place. Her outfit wasn't girly, but urban. She was wearing a black pair of sweat pants and shirt with a jazzy pattern on it. Her shoes weren't a pair of heels, nor a pair of flats. They were a pair of black and white Vans.Other wised known as skate boarding shoes. She came in alone, but confidently.

I looked at Junhong and smirked. His face said it all. It was love at first sight.

"well go on!"

He shook his head feverishly. "No-No-No! I can't! She's too...."

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING! WHERE ARE ALL THE WAITERS!" Youngguks voice boomed across the diner.

"Junhong! Suit up and serve that table!" He pointed a the exact table the girl was sitting at.

Junhong gulped and did what he was told as we watched.

He put on his apron and bowed. The look on the girls face was priceless she didn't seem like the type to be shy.

"I like your hair..." He finally worked up the corouge to tell her.

She grabed a piece of her hair and nodded nervously. "Thank you."

Junhong also nodded before going back to the back room.

As clock work, me and the girls swarmed to her table to her suprise.

"I see you have a crush on my little friend Junhong." Yoon Hye shattered the ice.


"The waiter." Minae added.

The girl just blushed. "Oh, that's his name?"

"Don't worry, we're gonna help you get to know him better." Minae nodded.

"Do you skateboard?" I asked.


By the time we finshed giving her tips, Junhong came from the backroom and spotted us. He gave us a questionable look as we scattered away from her table. He shook it off and continued his job.

"Here is your drink."

"Thank you." 

"Your welcome, sorry about my noonas... did they say something...weird?"

"Yes." She nodded and laughed. "But it's ok, I liked them."

"Cool." He sighed in relief. "What'd they say?" He squinted at us.

"Theay asked me if I liked to skateboard and I said yes..."

"WOAH! Me too!" He sat down infront of her and they began to have an intense conversation.

"Heh, love birds...you did a good job." I turn to look at jongup. "Setting your dongseng up on a date."

"How'd you know about the suprise date!?!" He gasped.

I rose my eyebrow.

"Oh, you ment...junhong. oh. Heh-Heh."

One day, one special day. We were sitting peacefully at the park and Jongup turned to me and asked me "Why are you smiling?"

And that was the moment I understood why he smiled so much.

"Because...I'm happy."

"About what?"

"Everything and anything. There's not a reason NOT to be smiling.  I have a caring older brother, my best friends, caring Oppa's and a great boyfriend." I hugged on him. "Nothing could be better."

"Nothing?" Jongup questioned.

"Nope." I clinged onto him.

"Hmm... what if you didn't have a great boyfriend?"

"I can't think of that." I murmured. "It's not possible."

"It's not?" He rose his eyebrows.

"Nope." I placed a peck on his cheek.

"What if you had a great fiance in stead?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Hypothetically speaking...If I proposed right now. You'd say yes."

"Of course." I laughed.

"Then it's settled. You now have a great fiance."

"What?" I sat up.

"You heard correct." He howed me a ring.

"OMO" tears leaked from my face. "But, I have collage exames coming up and...."

"TOO LATE NO TAKE BACKS!" he said childishly. "Plus, we don't have to get married immeadiatly. But eventually we will."

"Unni! What's wrong??" I heard a call and saw too teens skate board towards us.

"Noona, what did Jongup do?" Junhong added.

I just showed them a ring.

"Did he steal the ring from your mother?"

"BABO!" She elbows her boyfriend. "He proposed."

"Oh." Junhong nodded.

"Will you be my flower girl?" I questioned.

Her face scrunched up. "That means I have to were a dress though Unnie."

Junhong laughed.

"And you my ring bearer?"

"NO!" Junhong shouted.

About three months later Junhong was pouting about how he didn't like his hair. "Noona, I know it's your wedding but do I have to wear it like this?"

"Yes!" I smiled "It looks cute. You look like a rich boy."

"Whatever noona." He sighed and sat down. 

"Isn't this a bit much?" Yuna called. Her heels clicked as she got closer in the room.

She stepped in and Junhongs jaw dropped.

"No, you look BEAUTIFUL!" I clapped. 

"Yeah...you do..." Junhong managed to say.

"Thank you..." She blushed. "You look pretty handsom as well."

He smirked. "I know."

The wedding went on and I got fitted. As I walkrf down the aisle all i could do is smile. Smile at my husband who smiled back at me.

I remembered what he told me. "I silently swore to myself that I was gonna make her smile like that for the rest of my life." He kept his promis till this day.

Now I know why he smiles all the time

I hope you enjoyed it! I really didn't know how to end it. 

But oh well...

(Jongup is so freaking attracktive <- I can't even type he makes me rghoiegoerho)

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Chapter 1: adorable i really liked this!!!!
Daretodream95 #2
Chapter 1: Oh my goodness!!! i love it!! totally made me smile the entire time :D <3
rainbow-lighter #3
Chapter 1: so cuteeeeeeeeee >/////< love this story!!! jongupie ><
Chapter 1: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW so cute and fluffy and sweet <3
-notyourself #5
Chapter 1: i just love it T-T
Chapter 1: This was the cutest thing i've read in a long time