
Orchestrated Love


Amber was speechless. This was the dorky, nerdy kid she had been friends with all those years? That couldn’t be right. There had to have been some kind of giant human butterfly transformation or a giant scientific revolution in college for her closest senior friend to look like that. Without realizing that her excited stream of chatter had died away into nothing, Amber stood, staring at the figure that had just entered into her proximity. Her friends, after waiting expectantly for her to finish her babbling sentences, also turned as well to see what on earth had made Amber mute. They grinned and walked over to Henry to greet him.

“Yo’ bro, wassup?”

“Oh my god Henry I love your hair!”

Amber was still rooted to the same spot she had been standing in. What had happened to her best friend, and why did he suddenly seem so attractive to her? Her brain was whirring at a million miles per second and she seemed to have broken the connection between her mind and the rest of her body. She knew was probably open, and she had been staring for at least fifteen seconds, but she couldn’t seem to move. Amber was lost. As she stared, her alumni friends, including Henry, moved on to chat with the orchestra director.

Get a grip, Amber. She shook herself, returning her attention back to her half packed violin. Going through the motions of wiping off the strings and loosening her bow, Amber glanced around the room and noticed more than a few underclassmen giggling and pointing in the direction of the group of alumni. She glared at them before rolling her eyes, knowing full well that they were talking about the ridiculously attractive Henry Lau. Immature brats.

“Amber. Amber? Hey.” Someone punched her gently on the shoulder, and she whirled around, brandishing her bow. “Whoa there. Hey I was kind of polite! No need to poke me in the eye.” Henry was smiling, his eyes twinkling at her.

“O-oh, hey Henry! How are you?” Amber cursed herself mentally for her slight stutter, praying that he wouldn’t notice.

“Well you seem surprised to see me. I thought you’d have known I was in town, since everyone else is back too! I texted you but you never replied,” he said with a frown.

“Oh yeah my phone broke a little while ago and you may have texted while it was getting fixed…” Amber trailed off awkwardly, unsure of what else she was supposed to say. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

“Yeah it has! Speaking of which, do you wanna grab coffee or something after you get out of this grand ole’ place?” he asked.

Amber’s eyes widened slightly. “Oh, I um, can’t. I’ve got uh, cheer practice and a violin lesson after school today. Sorry!” she spoke hurriedly.

“Oh, that’s alright. Another time then. We’ve gotta catch up before I leave again though! There’s so much about college that I gotta tell you.” Henry didn’t even look offput by her rejection.

“Yeah, another time.” Amber was scrambling for anything more to say, when the bell rang. Saved by the bell. “See you most definitely soon okay? Bye!” She waved and quickly walked out of the orchestra room without waiting for a response. Once in the crowded hallways, Amber relaxed.

“Hey, ready to go?” Someone bumped shoulders with her jokingly and she grinned at the person suddenly beside her.

“Yep! And you can carry this, thank you very much,” she responded cheerfully, lifting her violin case for them to grudgingly hold.

Amber mulled over her orchestra class in her head as she followed the crowd out the door into the school parking lot. There should have been two perfectly obvious things that Henry should have noticed. One, that cheerleading didn’t exist in the winter. Two, he should have been able to tell she was lying if he had cared enough.

A lot had changed since summer earlier that year.

There was a reason that Amber lied about her afternoon plans, though. And that reason was walking right next to her.

Amber knew flirting when it came around. Henry had been flirting heavily with her, not that that was any different than how he had acted in high school, she now realized. So she had developed a crush on him at around the same time he had a crush on her. Interesting.

But now, an adorably cute and sweet senior boy with his arm around her shoulders was now her boyfriend, and had been for several months. Henry had lost his chance. Amber had Donghae. Any ideas the new and improved Henry could have were gone.


A/N: So last chapter was my actual life, and now I'm at the point where I daydream about my best friend and also this cute guy at school.

also spring break ends today, and so if i don't update in a week, come yell at me on twitter okay? seriously, i won't mind. i welcome flames.

Squeeeee Henry is absoinglutely adorable ^.^

sorry I'm sick and slightly delusional and whatnot and yeah I'll shut up now ;-; comments are welcome!!!

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I swear I'll have the next chapter in a few days I SWEAR I'm just caught up atm >


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Chapter 1: Update soon