A Wonkyu's date

Heartbabykyu's Wonkyu drabbles


"What are we doing out here so early, baby?" Siwon groans followed by a rather unbridled yawn.

"Come on, Wonnie, we're running late!" Kyuhyun urges as he pulls the half-hearted man along with him through the morning streets.

"It's only 8.30, baby!" Siwon whines out his protest.

"Exactly!" Kyuhyun snaps breathlessly as they finally reached their destination.


Siwon's shibrows rise in surprise when he finally took stock of where he is. Kyuhyun had let go of his wrist the moment they stepped into the building and is now standing to the side watching him amusingly.

“The first show tickets are sold at a 20% discount!” Kyuhyun finally decides to educate the puzzled man. “So we save $4 each!”

“You dragged me out of bed this early so we can catch the first show?” Siwon asks in disbelief.

“Uh huh! And we save a grand total of $8!” Kyuhyun replied enthusiastically. Turning to the ticket counter salesgirl, he beamed. “My treat!”

Siwon neared to check the display board for the choice of movies. “What should we watch?” Kyuhyun mused seriously.

“Hmm ~” Siwon hums thoughtfully.

“Let’s watch that!” Kyuhyun points excitedly.

Siwon paled. “Are you s-sure? That can get pretty scary.” Siwon swallowed painfully. Kyuhyun chuckled at the man’s obvious discomfort.

“Yes! Let’s watch that!”


“Please give us 2 large-sized coke, and medium sized popcorn.” Kyuhyun told the girl at the snack counter.

“Medium sized? You sure, baby?” Siwon asks sounding quite surprised.

“Hmm…you’re right! We will need a large sized tub.” Kyuhyun deliberates then turn to the girl again and smile at her. “Please change it to large sized tub popcorn.”

Siwon blew air through his lips as he pulls out his wallet. “That $8 savings translated to me spending even more for the snacks.” He teases his boyfriend.

“What?! No! We can’t have that!” Kyuhyun gasps in horror. Turning to the flabbergasted girl he proceed to cancel the whole order except for two small sized coke and a small sized tub of popcorn. Siwon watched with his jaw dropped as Kyuhyun lowered his head in a elaborated show of deject.

“No! No! No!” Siwon quickly said. “Don’t change the order!” He nearly bellowed at the poor girl in his haste to make his cute boyfriend smile again. “Don’t you dare!” He hissed at the now cowering girl.

To his relief, Kyuhyun raised his head instantaneously and flashed the panicky man a sweet smile, his eyes glinting with mischief.  Siwon’s heart stopped palpitating crazily and he shoved a wad of bills at the girl not really caring how much he overpaid her.


Kyuhyun turned his head repeatedly to observe the stiff man next to him. Now this is something he hasn’t come to know yet of his boyfriend of 2 months. Siwon is radiating the highest level of tension as he struggles to sit still through all the shocking elements thrown at him by the movie on the screen. The younger finally gave into his amusement and starts shaking with silent mirth.

Siwon swallowed hard, trying to dislodge the uncomfortable lump in his throat. In the middle of a particular disturbing scene, he felt his tightly clenched fingers being pried open. When he turned he came in sight of Kyuhyun’s comforting smile and release his fist.

Kyuhyun flattens Siwon’s crooked fingers and put a handful of popcorn on his open palm. Siwon reciprocate with a weak smile and begin munching the sweet kernels, reaching for more when he finished his mouthful.

Inevitably their fingers met in the half emptied tub. Siwon enjoyed the blush on the younger’s fair cheeks as he walked his fingers over the back of Kyuhyun’s hand as a cover up attempt to the other’s hand.

Kyuhyun could not stop the corners of his lips from curling up into a shy smile as he felt Siwon chuckle besides him. Just as he was looking up towards him, the corner of his eye caught the horrific scene on screen. With a loud unmanly yelp, he threw himself onto Siwon’s chest, upsetting the remaining of the popcorn.

Siwon jumped too when Kyuhyun threw himself at him just as loud music and screams invaded the quietness of the theatre. But the next moment he is grinning at the timid kitty cat snuggling in his chest shaking like a leaf in the wind. Putting an arm around the thin shoulder, he pulled Kyuhyun closer to him. “It’s over.” He whispers but Kyuhyun simply refuses to look up.


Leaving the theatre, Siwon continued to be amused with the now sullenly pouting Kyuhyun. He knows he should avoid teasing but he couldn’t help himself.

“Oho, someone chose the movie even though he doesn’t take to horror movies.”

The glare directed at him did not dissuade him the slightest bit.

“Let’s make a pact. No more horror movies from now on.” Siwon grinned as he puts out his pinky finger.

“I wasn’t scared….not much….” Kyuhyun murmurs with what little indignation he could muster but he wrapped his slender pinky around Siwon’s broader digit and the pact is sealed.

“Ahhh…..I’m so hungry!” Kyuhyun exclaims quickly to cover up his embarrassment. Siwon held up the empty popcorn tub for him to see and the younger pouts unhappily. “I’m hungry ~” he whines cutely.


Siwon stared at the amount of food spread all over the table before him then raise his head to look at the boy beaming with satisfaction before him.

“This much ~” He begins.

“We can share. This way we get to taste more things!” Kyuhyun explains happily.

Siwon spears a sausage with his fork and brought it to Kyuhyun’s mouth.

“Wh-“ Kyuhyun blinks adorably.

“What do you mean why? You said you wanted me to feed you.” Siwon replied as Kyuhyun opens his mouth in happy anticipation and he pushes the fork in.

“Yum!” Kyuhyun remarked with childish delight. Then he spears a topokki and pushes it into Siwon’s waiting mouth.

Both of them broke into giggles at the awkwardness of the situation. “That’s what lovers do!” Kyuhyun said laughing happily.


“Where should we go now?’ Kyuhyun asks looking around him.

“Where do you want to go?” Siwon asks.

“There!” Kyuhyun suddenly points ahead.


It may be a street dealing with old wares and antiques but Kyuhyun still managed to sniff out the roadside snacks stalls and they compliment their lunches with the many sweet treats.

“Oh! A busker!” Kyuhyun exclaimed excitedly and ran up close to watch the street magician perfom. Siwon ambled close and stopped besides the exuberant boy clapping and humming with awe at every trick the magician pulled. While Kyuhyun watched the performer, Siwon watched him.


Kyuhyun clapped his hands in delight when the magician presents him with a rose he pulled out of a crushed up hanky. But just as he took his first sniff, the flower was pulled out of his grasp. He turned to look at Siwon in surprise as the older hands it to a young female child standing besides him, his face twisted in annoyance which he flashed at the magician to signal his disapproval.

Kyuhyun chuckles at the show of jealousy Siwon is putting up and he reached to grasp the older’s hand with an assuring smile, melting Siwon’s heart for the nth time since they first met each other in the subway that fateful day two months’ back.


“This is nice.” Kyuhyun mutters as he snuggles even closer to Siwon.

“I thought it is a pleasant end to our date today.” Siwon replies as he plays with the stem of his wine glass.

“Mmmhmmm…” Kyhyun hums softly as he blew out a mouthful of air and relaxed further against his boyfriend’s strong broad chest.

“Did you have a good time today, baby?” Siwon asks, his voice soft and barely audible above the live music permeating the piano bar.

“Yes, I did.” Kyuhyun replies lazily as plays with Siwon’s jacket lapel. “Did you?”

“Yes baby, as long as you are by my side, I enjoy every moment no matter what we are doing.”

Kyuhyun choose not to answer, letting the tightening of his arms around the older’s waist peaks for him.

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Chapter 13: I was crazy on your stories back then. It was surprisingly cheesy cringy but cute. I love it. I forgot about your username bcos it was very long time. Then I got lucky when I met you on Twitter. Thank you for your stories I hope you will right wk again. Xoxo
Chapter 61: Part 2 pleaseee ㅠㅠ
I love Wonkyu 2019.
Chapter 18: so cuteeee
Chapter 7: please accept my friend request ㅠ.ㅠ
mrs_kyu #6
Chapter 62: It`s sad but it`s sweet but it`s sad haha
I am glad it`s happy ending
WonLGWonnie #7
Chapter 62: T-T so sad to see the plot twist at the end. Poor Kyu to be in coma for a year...and living in his dreams thinking Siwon is the one in coma... I cringed when I read Kyu's slit on his wrist... Ouchhh...! But glad he woke up at the end~ *yeah!!*

And welcome back, though I don't know if you are back for sure. Don't keep hiding under your rock! We missed you! *hugs*
Chapter 62: huhuhuhuuu i love this... Finally kyuuuuuuuuu /SOBSSSS
Chapter 62: That just stabs me in the heart. So heartbreaking yet beautiful ;~;
And how they waited for each other. Lots of luvs❤
Chapter 62: And that's why i didn't comment on your blog >_>
Stay put rabbit or i'll pull the gun!