Mistletoe on the headboard

Heartbabykyu's Wonkyu drabbles

I dedicate this drabble to @hit0rigurashi. It was her birthday yesterday and I promised to dedicate a fic to her but all I can come up with is this. So anyways, happy birthday Che! Hope you are not too disappointed with this.


Siwon sighed heavily as he pries off his left shoe with his right toe. Leaving his leather shoes uncharacteristically askewed by the front door, he barely managed to drag his tired body towards his bedroom.


Mind blank and soul weary, he pushes the bedroom door open and steps in. Immediately the scent of calming lemongrass invades his nostrils giving his exhaustion a much needed jolt. He lifts his eyes from the ground for the first time within the last 4 hours and the sight that greeted him pricked a smile on his pale bow-shaped lips.


“Welcome home, Wonnie.” The figure lounging in the middle of the large king-sized bed purrs.


Instead of replying, Siwon let his eyes roamed over the dimly lit room, finally stopping at the bunch of mistletoe tied to the headboard of their bed.


His eyes next settle on the pair of brown doe eyes twinkling mischievously at him. “Baby.” He calls out. A beautiful smile adorns the already beautiful face of his lover as he beckons him with a light wave of his long arm.


“Aren’t you going to kiss me, Wonnie? I’m right here under the mistletoe.” Kyuhyun smiles softly.  


Siwon moves closer, dropping his briefcase with a soft thud along the way, his eyes completely transfixed with Kyuhyun’s.


At last close enough, he leans down and gathers his lover, all pale flesh, soft curves and sleek limbs into his arms, pressing the smaller man against his chest. Kyuhyun turns and fit himself into his husband’s arms, purring contentedly as he snuggles against the warmth.


Their lips found each other then tongues slide playfully against one another. Wet squishy noises follows as Siwon moves back ever so slightly to give himself enough space to peck at Kyuhyun’s ruby reds and Kyuhyun took the opportunity to hungrily on Siwon’s lower lip.


Parting mutually after ten minutes, Siwon grinned as he watched Kyuhyun at his abused lips. The tiny pointed sliver of pink darted about seductively between a smirk.


“I guess we won’t be removing the mistletoe anytime soon.” Siwon murmurs as he obeys Kyuhyun’s beckoning arms, leaning forward so their lips can meet again.


“I guess not.” Kyuhyun whispers back breathlessly a second before their lips meld together.

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Chapter 13: I was crazy on your stories back then. It was surprisingly cheesy cringy but cute. I love it. I forgot about your username bcos it was very long time. Then I got lucky when I met you on Twitter. Thank you for your stories I hope you will right wk again. Xoxo
Chapter 61: Part 2 pleaseee ㅠㅠ
I love Wonkyu 2019.
Chapter 18: so cuteeee
Chapter 7: please accept my friend request ㅠ.ㅠ
mrs_kyu #6
Chapter 62: It`s sad but it`s sweet but it`s sad haha
I am glad it`s happy ending
WonLGWonnie #7
Chapter 62: T-T so sad to see the plot twist at the end. Poor Kyu to be in coma for a year...and living in his dreams thinking Siwon is the one in coma... I cringed when I read Kyu's slit on his wrist... Ouchhh...! But glad he woke up at the end~ *yeah!!*

And welcome back, though I don't know if you are back for sure. Don't keep hiding under your rock! We missed you! *hugs*
Chapter 62: huhuhuhuuu i love this... Finally kyuuuuuuuuu /SOBSSSS
Chapter 62: That just stabs me in the heart. So heartbreaking yet beautiful ;~;
And how they waited for each other. Lots of luvs❤
Chapter 62: And that's why i didn't comment on your blog >_>
Stay put rabbit or i'll pull the gun!