The day we met

Heartbabykyu's Wonkyu drabbles

Siwon’s face remained stoic as he reads his book. It is how two young strangers meet in a train and fell in love.


Just by looking at him, no one will ever guess that the 1.9m tall basketball jock is really a romantic at heart. And belies his tanned toned physique and sharp distinguished features is a need to love with abandon.


At the next stop which serves Kyunghee University, someone flops down rather rudely into the empty seat next to Siwon but it hardly disturbed the boy immersed in his reading.


The train grew more crowded as it moves closer towards the city center. Commuters jostled for standing room and still Siwon read on, keeping an ear open for his turn to alight.


“Next stop. Apgujeong.” The mechanical voice announced.


Siwon shifts his body slightly as he closes the book in his hand. It is only then that he realized a weight pressed against his arm. Curiously he took a look at what is leaning into him.


Oh my….


Siwon literally felt his heart skips to a merry stop. All noise ceased along with his breathing.


There lying on him is a boy not much younger than Siwon himself. A mop of caramel curls threatens to tickle Siwon’s nose any minute now. Siwon shifts with effort but the adorable, yes, adorable! boy did not stir.


Now Siwon can see more. A pale face, a very sharp nose and a pair of the juiciest looking dark red lips he has ever seen. His physique although not as tall and broad as Siwon, was tall enough to justify the lanky limbs.



The sleeping boy snuggles deeper into his side catching Siwon off-guard. Siwon continues to stare stupidly as the other’s lips curl up into a contented smile and one animal came to his mind – a cute little kitty cat.




Siwon felt his heart grind into a halt every time the person he is admiring blatantly burrows tighter against him.


The train came to a stop.


“Apgujeong.” The announcement accompanied the opening doors.



Siwon’s lips pulled into a soft grin.


The train doors closed and the train pulls out of the station.


Siwon pulls out his book from his bag and opens it to the last page he was reading.



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Chapter 13: I was crazy on your stories back then. It was surprisingly cheesy cringy but cute. I love it. I forgot about your username bcos it was very long time. Then I got lucky when I met you on Twitter. Thank you for your stories I hope you will right wk again. Xoxo
Chapter 61: Part 2 pleaseee ㅠㅠ
I love Wonkyu 2019.
Chapter 18: so cuteeee
Chapter 7: please accept my friend request ㅠ.ㅠ
mrs_kyu #6
Chapter 62: It`s sad but it`s sweet but it`s sad haha
I am glad it`s happy ending
WonLGWonnie #7
Chapter 62: T-T so sad to see the plot twist at the end. Poor Kyu to be in coma for a year...and living in his dreams thinking Siwon is the one in coma... I cringed when I read Kyu's slit on his wrist... Ouchhh...! But glad he woke up at the end~ *yeah!!*

And welcome back, though I don't know if you are back for sure. Don't keep hiding under your rock! We missed you! *hugs*
Chapter 62: huhuhuhuuu i love this... Finally kyuuuuuuuuu /SOBSSSS
Chapter 62: That just stabs me in the heart. So heartbreaking yet beautiful ;~;
And how they waited for each other. Lots of luvs❤
Chapter 62: And that's why i didn't comment on your blog >_>
Stay put rabbit or i'll pull the gun!