I'm sorry

For(N)Ever [HIATUS]

Hello everybody... it has truly been a while with unkept promises...

So now that I've recently graduated from high school, I have a lot of free time on hands since I'm no longer buried in summer assignments.

Now I have some terribles news to break (brace yourself)

I've thought about this long and hard and I decided that I'm discontinuing this certain version of this fanfic. Let me explain.

Since my last announcement, I have fallen into a deep hole of gay fanfics in which it is difficult for me to read any you/OC fanfics. I thought that if I can't read it, why should I continue writing it. I know it's a lame excuse but I have lost passion for this fanfic.

Now here's some good news. I may continue on this story (I know that completely contradict with what I just said) but I will completely change the characters. The plotline will still be the same and the writing will be better... hopefully... I mean it's been like two years, my writing should've gotten better. So it's no longer going to be you/OC and EXO member. It will instead be an EXO ship (most likely going to be Chanbaek).

Now that could also be bad news for some of you because maybe you're not interested in gay fanfics or EXO ships. Maybe you were like me previously that would stay away from gay fanfics and stuck with you/OC fics. I get it and it's okay if you don't want to continue on with this. It won't hurt my feelings to unsubscribe.

For those of you who are staying, I will not hop right on board to changing this fic. I have another fanfic that I'm working on currently and I promise (and hopefully keep) that afterwards, I will get back to finishing this with a new development.

So stay tuned if you want to see the new fanfic or maybe you just want to see this one get revamped then that's okay too.

I'm sorry that this happened but I can't continue on writing something I'm not passionate about.

Hopefully I won't disappoint you this time.

Until (hopefully) next time, annyeong.

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I think this is gonna be a very successful story someday
Wow this idea is really unique
Kahanbo123 #3
Chapter 4: I just cried....thanks! Lol
love00kpop #4
Chapter 8: Seriously you should be a writer I love them more please...it's cute and sad T_T
Pentium1 #5
Chapter 6: hahahaha authornim your confessions are so funny...anyways keep updating neh?
Chapter 5: assa !!!
Finally you update

So, this time the one who will die is Mina??
Chapter 4: woah....
this story is something
I love this chappie
update more author nim~
Potaytoes #8
Woah this is fresh. Kinda love rain style am I right? Anyways, I love the plot and story! Fighting~
KPOP_survivor #9
Chapter 1: omo bad luhan~so rude hehe=^^^= plz update soon interesting