Where there's a will, there's a way

Black Paradise [sequel, Sehun feels]


My song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tGiuz7srOI

=> Baby don't cry - Exo ♥


He never thought that being’ an idol will be so hard sometimes. He loves his fans and his hyung but sometimes he feels lonely. Loneliness is hard to stand. Being on the road for concert or practice all day long is tired, but he has to stand all of this pressure for exo’s sake.


Beam smile for his fan, but for him it’s a fake smile, he knows that, there’s a lack of something and he still looking’ for this. He sighed, he can talk to Luhan but he doesn’t wanna bother him. A crowd of fans were surrounding the bus. 


“Aaaah, Sehun OPPA”… a girl tried to grab his hand but the manager came and took him away. He wasn’t really lookin at the crowd but somewhere else. There was a couple on a bench lookin’ into each other eye. He fell something new in the bottom of his heart.  He casted an eye and saw a girl on her own when a few girls pushed her. She disappeared and finally stood up. Once again girls came and pushed her… He didn’t know why but he walked to her.


Everybody moved aside to let him pass. With his 1m81 he was really impressive. s and Fans stared at him.  At this time, nothing else matters… When he was next to her, all he can see was a scared person.  He held out his hand and tried to say something but nothing comes.  He had a lump in his throat, he took a deep breath but everything in his head was upside down. Suddenly she stood up and looked straight at him.


She was like a little doll with her rosy-cheeked by the cold. She was like a fallen angel, or maybe like a little bird afraid to be on the ground, he could say it because of her eyes, her eyes were shining with fear… FEAR, he didn’t know why, he was there to help her, but something else happened, and it was indescribable. He wanna say something but once again nothing come and she ran away. Why did she do that? He wanna chase her, but Luhan grabbed his shoulder.

-“What are you doin’?” said Luhan

-“Ah, She fell so, I wanna help her but she ran away, it was like she tried to avoid me like the plague” whispered Sehun

-“Ah, you’re not used to be avoiding right? Well there are some girls who do that” Teased Luhan

-“Aaah, yeah maybe”

While their conversation, He kept on careful watch over her and then she disappeared into the darkness of the night. They turned back and saw all the people staring at them. He just smiled once again; Luhan tapped his back for giving him courage.


At the dorm he couldn’t fall asleep, he decided to go into the living room and read a book and maybe he will be tired after this. 10min…20min…1hour…2hour…3hour and no feeling of tiredness. He was sick of being in this state. He wandered like a lost soul and tried to see what was in his mind.


It was those eyes, those eyes haunting each thought, those eyes full with fear…Why fear?  He could drown himself into the depth of her look.  The sound of footsteps roused him from his thought. Luhan the light and saw despair on his face.

-“What is going on Sehun-ah?”

-“Hmm, I can’t sleep maybe it’s only insomnia”…he sighed

-“Tell me the truth, I know there’s something wrong”

-“Aaah, I don’t know but I think it’s driving me crazy”

-“Tell to Hyung, I can help you only if you tell me what is going on”

-“Ah, Yes, You know that girl”

-“Hmm, girl?” teased Luhan with a little smile

-“Yaah Hyung be serious” yelled Sehun

-“Aaah don’t mugged me, and be quiet the other are sleeping. So who’s that girl?”

-“You know the one I helped tonight”

-“Well you didn’t really help her, she stood up on her own and she was really pretty, like a little doll…woaah”

-“Yaaah Hyung”

-“Don’t be jealous, oh…Jealous are you in love Sehun-ah? Aigoo My little boy is a man now..”

-“Yaah Hyung, stop or I’ll go out”


-“Well, I don’t really know what happened with me, it’s just I can stop thinking about her, her eyes were full with fear, but I don’t know why… I want to help her, to protect her, I know I feel something else but I don’t really know what it is… I tried to read a book  I read the word but my head was busy with something else. Actually my mind keeps on making her appear in each thought.”

-“That’s why I call LOVE Sehun-ah”

-“But Hyung it can’t be love, I only saw her a few minute”

-“Well, it is love at first sight; lightning strike…let me guess… When you close your eyes, her face appears?” Sehun nodded “When you wanna do something you can’t because she’s in your mind” Nodded again. “When you take a pencil all you wanna do is draw her face just for remembering each curve or are you ready to protect her until you died? give her you life because she's more important thant your life" nodded again… “Sehun-ah you’re in love with that unknown girl, so try to find her”

-“Yaah Hyung, he scraped his head, how can I find her?”

-“Maybe at the same place where you met her”

-“Aah I don’t know, seems like it’s impossible”

-“where there’s a will, there’s a way? “Luhan smiled to Sehun. He took his hand and said “I will be there if you need me, now go to the bed, a huge quest is waiting for you”




Each day, he was waiting for her…In fact, he saw her at many times but didn’t have the courage to come to her. He always looked at her like a stalker without being’ seen, look at her face which was familiar now, her hair which was dancing with the wind. Each move was like she was flying gracefully… he wanna touch her, hug her, kiss her He wanted to go but didn’t feel up with it. 7 days, 7 days he was waiting there for her, 7 days he stared at her, 168 hours he didn’t feel the courage to talk to her, 10080 minutes he talked with Luhan to find a way to express his feels 604800 seconds he stayed up all night long, and practice hard for forget everything about her, 7 days for trying to erase her face but he couldn't, it was like being addicted to drugs but he couldn't find a way to treat it, 7 days of dreaming about her, 7 days of thinking about her and  7 days too often without her.


Today, it’s enough he can’t stand it anymore, he has a heavy heart. Finally he decided to confess. *maybe I’ll be rejected or not but there’s no choice I have to face It.* She was there lying’ on the ground under a tree. She was really cute; her hair was like a halo around her head. She was smiling and that smile lighted up his face.


He was sitting next to her when teardrops were running down her face, he came closer and dried it with his finger; her cheeks were cold but soft to the touch. Suddenly she opened her eyes and stared at him. The first to come in his mind was a smile, smiling with all the love he feels for her, smiling with his mind, his  heart, his soul, every part of him were smiling for her. He finally found her, the one who haunt his thoughts, his dreams. He couldn’t believe to be here. He took a deep breath and finally talked:


-" It's been one week, since someone stoles my heart, since she ran away from me with all my dreams, all my wishes. I’m still looking' for her, but the problem is that I don't know anything about her and I'm afraid of being' rejected. It's stupid to tell you that thing, but maybe you know and I wish you do. I’m going' crazy, I can’t sleep and eat since she gone away." He said with his soft and deeply voice...

She was confused and He knew that because her eyes were veiled. It was hurtful to see that but he got something in the back of his mind

-"how can I help you?" she said with a soften-tone voice

-"Tell me your name first, I'm Sehun, Oh Sehun" he said

-"Oh Sehun, My name is ........"

-"Nice to meet you" with a beaming' smile

-"ah, (she scraped her head) me too" with a shy smile...she looked away but he took her head in his hand, come closer to her and looked straight in your eyes.

-"Do you want to know a secret?" he whispered

She swallowed and nodded, He could hear each beating of his heart because it was so loud.

-"I know that you know that girl" with a deep voice

She swallowed again, he was so close...

-"She's pretty and got the most beautiful smile in this world, she seems shy and always run away when she's afraid or when she doesn't know how to act or react"

-"It seems like you actually love her" she pouted and he found it really cute

-"I love her, like I'd never love before, so you have to help me"

-"If it's for your happiness, I will help you" 

-"Okay, so try to find her, I will wait for her at 8PM here, I hope you will find her" he smiled again and finally gone.


He wasn’t really gone; he just walked away until he was out of her sight. He couldn’t go home in this way, his heart was heavy but not like something bad happened more like all his feels were closed in it and tried to find a way to go out.  He stayed here until she’s gone and finally went to the tree and leaned on it.


All was so quiet, the breeze was cradling the leaves and he finally fell asleep. She appeared like a shadow first and became the most beautiful thing he ever seen. She was there smiling at him and she disappeared. Her laugh was resonant. He tried to find her but couldn’t, it was impossible. He closed his eyes and sighed when someone back hugged him softly. He saw that little arms surrounding his waist it was comfortable. He smiled, took his courage in both hands and turned back. He stuck his hand in her hair and moistened his lips while looking straight in her eyes. She blushed and he smiled again. He played with her lips reluctantly and kissed her like she was the oxygen he needed to breathe.  It was like his dream became his reality but he knew that when he’ll wake up nothing happened. He just wanna enjoy the moment, enjoy each feels, enjoy each seconds without restrictions.


Something shakes him and he found her looking at him, her emotion was palpable. He smiled because she was there, she came back to him but she didn’t know that he was waiting for her all this time. 

-"I didn't find her" she said with a sigh

-"Are you sure? Did you search everywhere? “He said a little bit pouted but only for mess with her

-"I’m pretty sure, I will move heaven and earth for you" you yelled with tears in the eyes

He pretended to be shocked and looked at her but in reality he was really shaken-up... He came closer and suddenly hugged her like his life depends on it. He would dry all her sadness. Fulfill her heart with Happiness and Love. Maybe it sounds fluffy for somebody else, but he couldn’t stand to see her crying especially because of him.

-"I wasn't sure first but now I am, that girl you know, she's just like you, she's sensitive and nothing can stop her. She never failed when she have to do something even if it hurts"

-"But I just failed"... she said in tears, he wouldn’t make her cry…

-"Shut up and listen to me, you know that girl is the one I would live with eternally, she's my only one...I know that i don’t know her and maybe she already got someone in her life but I can’t stand to be like this and not tell her what I feel.."


-" I told you to shut up" He hugged her more tightly..."You know why you didn't find her?"

She  nodded, his  heart was beating so loud, like his bones will break if it keeps on beating  in that way

-"It's because that girl, you can see her without really see her" he sighed, "that girl is YOU" and he took her head and gave her a passionate kiss.













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joohyun007 #1
Chapter 1: THEHUNNNNNN~ <3
Visual_N #2
Chapter 1: finally the reason... oh thehun, you are so sweet. thx authornim, for the sequel *winks*