Starting Back at Square One

To Get You


With the graduation drawing near Misu seems to become more and more depressed with Shingyouji’d being cold to him. He tried all his efforts to approach him but all the young man gave him was a cold shoulder. When they were in a cafeteria as he is in the line buying his lunch the older man approached him handing him a bento but he ignored it and get his own food and went directly in one of the empty tables.

As he sat there Misu followed him, Shingyouji already felt irritated as he quickly stand up without even touching his food.

When Shingyouji was almost done with his chores in the sports room he was surprised to see Misu handing him a bottle of water, he looked at him and took his own bottle and drink from it and walking away without looking at him.

It became more awkward whenever Misu would be with Hayama, Gii and Akaike along with the young man his laughter would suddenly fade away or he would rather spend time with them instead of Misu.

Was everything that I did is coming back to me? Is this my karma of having that decision, after I claim on him on Tanabata Day I waste all of my efforts just because of one stupid decision, this feeling that I have now is worse than what I felt when he did not talk to me prior to the festival it feels like I can no longer have his heart again and I end up losing him forever.

His thoughts were all wrapped up when Akaike arrived in the executive room.

“What?” he asked him in a cold tone.

“The seniors have a little party by 3pm, Gii told me to remind you so I hope you’ll be there.”

“Fine, now just leave me alone.”

“Alright then.” Akaike waved his hand at him.

At the party all the three sections were enjoying their time all of it was prepared by none other Gii who even asked his secretary to bring the things they need. Hayama played a violin for them which to their enjoyment. Yoshizawa and Izumi are also enjoying them selves, only Misu is not enjoying the mood. Suddenly Gii stand up and get the Microphone and speak in front of them.

“So in 45days we are finally leaving our beloved Alma Mater the place where we find good friends.” He said looking at Akaike, Izumi and Yoshizawa.

“A place where we fell in love for someone special.” This words maked Hayama blushed as his lover lovingly gazed at him. “And the place where we usually make mistake and at the same time learn from it and still in the process of not doing it again.” Gii commented as he looked at Misu. The Movie Club made a presentation for us that we will treasure forever even we leave our beloved school.”

Gii went back to his seat and they all watch all of the pictures and videos done together, some cried and some laugh seeing them suddenly to everyone’s surprise the video was cut, Misu in surprise see Shingyouji in the video.

“Is this thing on? Hmmm… oh well I’ll give it a try then hopefully this would be taken out. I better hurry up before the senpai catches me…” Shingyouji take a deep breath and smile in from of the video recorder. “Usually I believe an ugly duckling cannot turn into a beautiful swan in a heartbeat. Because in reality miracles don’t really happen I escape home because everyday I saw my parents argue, at first I really don’t know and ask myself why go to Shidou? But then I met this guy that change my life, I become motivated and was happy that I became close to that person.  It was the biggest miracle for me, I became really happy for the first time . By that time I finally became a swan because of a man named Misu-Arata. Everyone knows he is a cold guy but deep inside he cared a lot for his friend, I know he cares about me too.” Shingyouji laughed . “What am I doing? Nee Arata-san! You’ll be graduating now, congratulations! I am glad that I met you, even my brain is small you will be the last thing that I’ll never forget because in here. All of our memories are stored and that will never change Sukidesu! Arata-san, I Shingyouji-Kanemitsu promise will find my dream and be someone that you be proud of someday I will make sure that you don’t regret of choosing me.” Shingyouji said suddenly someone came in side and the recorder was turned off.

Everyone in the class looks at him.  When he is on the verge of giving up why does it have to appear now? Gii stand up and approached Misu. “You know sometimes we made choices in life, it’s like a game of baseball if you didn’t hit the ball three time it’s an out for you, you miss 2 already will you let the last one slip again?” He told his rival smiling at him, Misu left the place and tried to look for Shingyouji unfortunately he was not in his room nor in the sports room, suddenly he remember the first place where they met and went there, to his delight he saw Shingyouji sitting exactly on the chair where he sat when he was taking his exam, when he went inside the young man looks at him and for the first time in their encounter again he did not attempt to leave him.

Misu smiled at him standing in front of him.

“I know I’ll find you here, it would be better if we start to get to know each other again.”

“I am Misu-Arata nice meeting you.” He said as he shakes hands with him.

Shingyouji’s hands still held by Misu gave him a faint smile and look him straight into the eye. I really don’t remember him but…. Why is that whenever I see him I feel like my heart is going to burst… He thought to himself as he takes off his hands from Misu’s grasp. The two ended up looking at each, Misu now back with hope that he can make Shingyouji remember him and love him all over again.

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please updateeeeeeee
Irene_Hansz #2
Chapter 3: plez update soon....^^ I wanna know what will arat do to win shingyouji's heart again....
AeYun_7 #3
Chapter 3: Aww~ cant believed u made chocolate, misu~ haha
Please update soon!^^
AeYun_7 #4
Chapter 2: Another update, yay!!!
Dont give up misu!
Please continue updating, will wait for it~^^
AeYun_7 #5
Yay! Misuxshingyouji FF!
There'r not many ff of them :( i've been searching for it..
Happy n glad that u make this one!
ahh~It makes me excited to read chp2!
bunny_june #6
Chapter 1: OMG!!!! This is giving me goosebumps and I LOVE IT!
Now Misu is gonna work very hard of getting Shingyouji back into his arms.
Update more ne~~~ Love you!