Happiness isn't a Drug. (SuLaY)

Having Block These Days? (Exo,)

Description :

Lay's P.O.V

I LOVED once, but never loved twice. What's the meaning of this? Is LOVE fooling me? No.

I was hooked by a man who has so much power that I always seem to forget everything; What I do every daily life basis, Why I ever chosed this job and so on. (What Job? *A midnight Club stripper*)  Can this be a drug that someone can't seem to take it off? or is it just me that I'm being all hooked by this man who always seem to gesture every move that I make..

Should I start consulting my doctor?


Suho's P.O.V

Alright. what's the meaning of this? Am I a Doctor or a eted watcher in a night club? OR, a Doctor that is willing to help someone but also a eted maniac? Nah, that can't be me...

I Just love how he rocked his body in that pole baby~ Man, am I daydreaming or what? Look at those hips baby~ Gotta love what a Midnight Club Stripper do baby~


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