
Roller Coaster Ride...

"Ok Byul, truth or dare?" Emily asked me.

"uuuummmmm, i guess dare."

"I dare you to ride the fastest roller coaster here. By yourself."

"WHAT NO! You know I'm deathly scared of roller coasters!"

"Either go on the ride or we will tell your parents that you snuck out at night to go to that party last week." My other friend Heather chipped in. Geez. Got to love blackmail.

"You wouldn't..." I said as Heather took out her phone and started calling my parents. She oh so slowly dialed their number giving me time to answer.

"F-FINE! i'll go on the ride..." I managed to say. Heather put her phone back in her pocket and all my friends start to grin and laugh at me.

I get pulled out of my seat by my friends and they take me to Scareathon. The fastest roller coaster in America. They deagged me into the line and start talking to me.

"You'll be fine Byul. Don't worry" Kayla told me trying to comfort me when she saw my hand starting to shake.

"I can't wait to see your picture!!" Emily said.

"I'm buying that one for sure!" Heather added on.

"Your on the next cart Byul!" Brianna told me causing me to panic.

"Aish. Adoke..." i mumble to myself in Korean.

"Hey! We told you to to use Korean around us. we don't know what your saying!" Heather told me.

"What did you say?" Brianna added on.

"I'm not telling you" i say while showing them my tongue.

"Alright. That's ok because your up" Heather said while pointing to the cart that is now in front of me. 

Heather pushes me in lightly and tells me everything will be ok. I take my seat and try to buckle myself in, but that fails due to my shaking hands. The guy who was sitting next to me noticed, so he helped me buckle up.  It was like a belt that we strapped in, like a seat belt, and a bar that extended across both our laps was tightly secured.

"T-thank you" i tell the guy sitting next to me.

"No problem" he said giving me a bright smile.

"HYUNG! Arn't you excited!"  he said in Korean to the guy behind him. I became shocked hearing someone speak Korean.

"Yeah maknae. but who's the chick next to you? You know her?"

"No hyung. Why?"

"She's cute."

i roll my eyes at him, but they don't notice.

"What's you name?" The guy next to me asks in English.

"Byul. Lee Byul"

"Wait. That's a Korean name!"

"Y-yeah. I'm from Korea."

"Do you speak it?"


"Can i speak to you in Korean then?"

"Y-Yeah. S-sure." I started to studder because I realised I was on a roller coaster. It's not like I didn't know before, but now it just hit me in my face.

"What's wrong?"

"I, uh. I'm S-scared of roller coasters."

"Then why are you on this one?"

"M-My friends b-black mailed me..."

"Oh... I'm Zelo by the way."

Zelo. That sounds familiar.... i think to myself.

"How old are you Byul?"


"Me too!"

"Have a good trip on Scareathon. The ride will begin in 5" The announcer starts to say

"4" I tighten my grip on the handles.

"3" I swallow my spit"

"2" I close my eyes.

"1. Bye Bye" the announcer says in a creepy voice. i guess so we get scared. Guess what? It worked. I'M FREAKIN SCARED OUT OF MY MIND RIGHT NOW.

I open my eyes as the ride slowly starts off. It slowly eases past a corner showing a huge hill in front of us. We ever so slowly ease up the hill.

Zelo giggles a little."Just relax Byul. I'm here if you wan't to hold onto my arm if you get too scared."

"Y-You wish" i say. Zelo's words did make me giggle and feel a little better, but i'm still scared.

By now the roller coaster is at it's peek. It goes down the hill really fast as we pick up a lot of speed. I am screaming so loud, I think Zelo might go deaf. We go up and down another hill then through a loop.

Then the impossible happens...

The roller coaster stops in the middle of the ride.

"W-why did it stop?" i asked Zelo.

"I don't know Byul..."

A few seconds after Zelo said that, an announcement was made.

"There has been a problem with the ride Scareathon. The ride has gotten stuck and will take a few hours to fix. There are people still on the ride, and because of this, the park will close early. If any people on Scareathon is with you here today, please gather at the ride. We are sorry for this inconvenience and we will fix it as soon as possible. Please stay calm and exit the park in an orderly manner." The announcer guy says.

Not long after my phone goes off. I answer it and is Heather.

"Hey, are you ok"

"Not really.I'm stuck on a ride, and i'm scared of heights and roller coasters."

"Oh ma gosh, I feel so bad now..."

"It's not your fault. I should probably hang up the phone though before i drop it because my hand is still shaking."

"Ok. You'll be fine Byul. Just hang in there..."



"You'll be fine Byul. We will be out of here shortly." Zelo says breaking the silence.

"H-how do you know."

"Because, i do"

"Oh great answer...."

"Yah! maknae! You ok."

"Yeah hyung. I'm fine."

"What about the pretty little lady beside you."

 he laughed a little."She will be fine. Right Byul?" Zelo asked me in Korean.

"I- I guess so..." I replied in guess what??? ~wait for it~ wait for it~ wait for it~ KOREAN!!!



"It's been a while since i have been to Korea. Do all guys call girls they don't know pretty or cute?" I ask Zelo. I see the two guys who called me pretty get embarrassed.

"Byul, this is Himchan." He pointed to the guy who called me pretty.

"Next to him is Bang. Behind me is DaeHyun, and behind you is Jong up."

The all greeted me and i greeted them back. I can't get my finger over it, but their names sound so familiar...

"Is something wrong?" Himchan asked me.

"Ah, no."

"Is something on your mind?" Himchan asked me again.

"It's just that your names sound so familiar to me..."

"Well if you figure it out, tell us, Kay?" Zelo said. All the guys smirk, but i'm clueless.

"Ah, sure." I awkwardly say because I don't know how to respond to that.

About two has passed now. All the guys are on their phones except for Zelo. He just talks to me and actually calmed me down. it's like I forgot about the roller coaster because he is so fun to talk to until my friend calls.

"Yebosayo? i mean, hello?"

"Hey Byul. How are you?"  Emily asked.

"I'm doing better, but i still have the jitters from this."

"I'm glad your doing better. Who are you talking to?"

"Oh, a new friend i made."

"What's his name? Is he cute?"

"What is it with you and your boy obsession? I'm not going to talk about him to you right in his face! Thats rude."

"What ever. Hey were gonna go eat."

"Uuuggghhhh. Why did you mention food. I'm hungry you know."

"Sorry. Bye"


"Can i see your phone?" Zelo asked

"Um sure, why?"He took my phone and placed his number in it, then called his pone so he could have mine.

"Geez, thanks for asking if i wanted you number..."

"You want some gum?" Zelo asked so i could "forgive" him for not asking if he could have my number

"Sure" He opened his mouth and told me to take the one in his mouth. I started to reach my hand to his face, and quickly flicked him in the forehead. We laughed and he handed me a clean piece of gum.

Zelo started to show me his beat boxing skills. He was amazing. he tapped Himchan on the shoulder and he started to rap, then Bang and DaeHyun. 

After that Zelo stopped.

"What, i don't get to rap?" I say.

"You rap?"

"A little"

"Let's hear it" DaeHyun declared.

Zelo began to beatbox and i started rapping. I love rapping and singing so i did it without trouble. When i was done, they all looked at me shocked. I laughed at their faces, mainly Zelo's.

"Your good. No, your AMAZING" Zelo said.

"Thanks. I think i can be a real STAR! Ba-da-tis" They all laughed at my pun, because in Korean, star is Byul and thats my name.

Everyone went back to their electronics and i started to yawn.

"Tired?" Zelo asked me.

"Yeah, a little." i said rubbing my eyes. The truth was, i was exhausted. I did not sleep at all the night before because my friends spent the night at my house.

Zelo guided my head to his shoulder and placed an earbud in my ear, the other in his. Soon i fell asleep.

When i woke up, Zelo was asleep, his head on top of mine. I also cuddled up with his arm. I blushed a little out of embarrassment and quickly moved my arms away from his. I also took out my earbud and gently moved my head away from his.

Jong Up started to whisper to me,"You know Byul, I think Zelo likes you."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well he loves a girl with a pretty smile and can speak English. You have both of those. Plus your clothes style matches his, you love to sing and rap, and he gave you his number."

i had to process that information, and i started to blush a little.

"He also took a picture of you..."


"When you were asleep about 20 minutes ago."

"Where is it?"

"Look at your phone." he told me. I quickly pulled out my phone. I looked at my lock screen, and there it was. Zelo was smiling holding up a piece sign as i was asleep on his shoulder. I unlocked my phone and saw the other pictures he took. I blushed because he kissed my forehead. Its the first time a guy kissed me and it because i wasn't awake for it. I guess Jong Up saw me blush because he asked me if i liked him too. Of course i did not answer and i decided to get payback somehow.

Himchan told me that we should copy the poses and do the same thing to him.I very carefully took Zelo's phone and took a few pictures myself before handing the phone to Himchan.  I placed his head on my shoulder and held out a peace sign like he did to me. I copied all the poses he did to me. Himchan took the pictures for me since he did the same for Zelo.

"Alright Byul, now it's time the kiss one." Himchan said acting like a photographer.

"Um, can't we skip that one..." i say while rubbing the back of my neck.

"Why? Don't want to get your boyfriend jealous?" Bang added on.

"i don't have a boyfriend."

"Then whats the problem?" Bang asked again.

"I, um, haven't kissed a boy before..." I mumble quietly.

"What was that Byul? A little louder please." DaeHyun said teasing me.

"Shut up. Its not funny..." i cross my arms and look down embarrassed. All the sudden Zelo woke up and kissed me.

ZELO KISSED ME ON THE LIPS. It felt to good and right to pull away, and after my shock went away, I closed my eyes and kissed him back. I felt empty when Zelo pulled away so we could breathe. 

He closed his eyes and put his head back onto my shoulder.

"You don't have to worry about not having your first kiss now. Please continue with the pictures."

"Y-you were awake?"

"I was never asleep."


"We planned this while you were sleeping to see how you would react to the kiss thing. And i was right. You do like Zelo!" Jong Up said.

"By the way, call Brianna back. She called while you were asleep. And she told us the password to our phone so don't be mad at her. We convinced her." DaeHyun told me.

Zelo cuddled with my arm like I did to him making me blush and feel embarrassed again.

"So did you ever remember why our names are familiar?" Zelo said.

"No. Why?"

"Just asking. oh and believe you still have one more photo to take..." Zelo said with a grin. He closed his eyes and put his head on my shoulder. I kissed his forehead like he did to mine and Himchan took the photo.

HImchan handed Zelo his phone and he looked at the pictures. Zelo had a huge smile on his face while looking at them. When he was done, Zelo turned to me. "You know I like you a lot Byul" he said in a serious voice.

"I know."

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

" But don't you live in Korea? How could we make that work?"

"We live in America now. We just moved here last week."


"Yeah." Zelo places his arm around my shoulder."Soo..."

"Yes Zelo. I'll be your girlfriend." I hold his hand that is around my shoulder and lean against his body. I know it may seem weird and all since we just met, but I felt like I have known him longer then that.

"Your cold. Are you ok? Do you want my jacket?" Zelo asked me.

"No. I'll be fine." i yawn again.

"Really? Your tired again?"

"What? I didn't get any sleep last night."


"My friends spent the night at my house."

"Ah." Zelo wrapped his other arm around me and told me to go to sleep. He started to rap to me so i could sleep.

When i woke up, my head was on Zelo's lap and i was on a bench. Zelo's jacket was on me like a blanket.

"Afternoon sleepyhead!" Zelo said.

"What happened?"

"The people came with a cart to take people off the ride, but since i thought you would freak out, i rode with you so i could keep you asleep."

"Thanks." i smile and ask where everyone else is.

"Getting food. Can't you believe we were up there for five hours?"

"I know! It was fun. Definitely a ride i won't forget."

"Me too. Hey if I tell you something, you promise not treat me differently?"

"Only if it does not involve something illegal." I said causing Zelo to giggle.

"Oh, never mind then..."

"WHAT!!" i said while lifting my head off of Zelo's lap.

"Just kidding! Its about why we seem so familiar."

"YA!!! THATS NOT FUNNY! YOU SCARED ME!!" I said as I lightly punched his arm.

"Do you listen to Kpop?"

"Of course. Why?"

"Do you know BAP?"

"Your from BAP. I know."

"When did you figure it out?"

"When you rapped Never Give Up to me when i was sleeping. But i won't treat you differently. I like you for you. Not BAP." He smiled at me and I returned it."Why are you living in America?" I added on

"We don't like not having privacy, so we are going to live in America, but fly out to Korea when we promote again."

"So your going to leave me..."

"Just for a little when we promote, but i will come back to you. I won't ever leave you for good.

We shared a kiss before everyone came back.

"Hey Byul. I hope your not mad at us."Emily said.

"Of course not. If it was not for that, i would not have met Zelo." Zelo and i shared another kiss.

"Oh, and Brianna, I'll let you have a pass too. Just this once though." i continue to say while giving her a glare as she hands me an ice cream.

"Should we go on another roller coaster tomorrow?" Zelo said as i rested my head on his shoulder and we both laughed a little while looking at the sunset and eating ice cream.


 Hey guys! I'm really sorry for the late update. I was busy with school and cleaning my room because i'm getting new carpet. ANYWAYS, i hope this is good enough. I'm on spring break now and so i will try to write more! I want to thank all my subsribers for subscribing to this story!!!! You really made my day when i found out this morning :) To make up for not updating and Easter is coming up soon...

When i think of Easter, I think of candy, Kpop(because i alway think about it), bunnies, family, and eggs. so yeah. This is an original pun thing i made about eggs, unless someone else already thought of it and i was not aware...

Should i CRACK a joke about EGGS? It will make your SUNNY SIDE UP! what? POACH you like that pun? it was SCRAMBLED up in my mind. Isn't it EGGcellent? I'm quite EGGtraodinay! I turn into a DEVILED EGG with these jokes!

Have a Happy Easter and I would oh so love to hear your comments because i'm new to writing and i need criticism.


I was bored so I was reading this story when I realized I had some spelling errors so I fixed all of them I think. I also added some stuff to hopefully make it seem like it makes sense.

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Chapter 1: Update soon authornim... 제발??
yukimib2st #2
Chapter 1: So cuteee luv it