I Need Him

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"Hey Ms. Choi......" You opened the door and bowed to her. Your eyes were still red from all the crying. You looked up to look at her. She was sitting on her chair browsing the internet. She caught a glimpse at you. "Yuni!" She stood up from her chair quickly and grabbed you by your shoulder.  "What in the world happened? Are you okay? Have you been crying?" She sat you down and closed her office door. "I just....I just....." You couldn't hold back another tear anymore. Ms. Choi handed you a box of tissues. "Is it about a boy?" She asked. "......yes...." You wiped the tears of your cheeks and looked at her. "Haje?"  How did she..? "How did you know?" You asked in shock. "You guys seemed very close in art class so....I assumed. Well, what happened? Can you tell me?"  "I guess so, well, I broke up with him... because he had feelings for someone else. It hurts so much. Not too long ago, he said he loved me and that I was the only one he thought about, but they were all lies!!" Your tears began to flow consistantly. Im crying in front of Ms. Choi. It's a little embarrassing but I feel comfortable while speaking to her. She's the only one I have right now. "So... I broke up with him. I guess it was a quick reaction. But I think it was the smartest thing I could've done. I don't have time to waste on relationships, I have to focus on my future, right?"  "That's right, Yuni. Focus on your future. It's the best thing you can do right now. Work. Work your hardest and go to college. You, you have a talent, Yuni, you're a true artist. I know you are. Im so glad that you think this way. You will move on, just trust me." She gave a promising warm smile that made you feel as if everything in the world was going to be ok. It gave you hope to start over. "I'll make you a promise. You just have to give me your phone number and make sure to keep the same phone number so that I can call you even after you graduate
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I promised things I couldn't keep and im truly sorry that I haven't updates in all these months.


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Tyyboo #1
Chapter 14: U keep better keep your word authornimiee *throw eyes* lol just kiddang u did a great job :x its just...the chap is really short :)) waiting for you update babe ;) xoxo
Tyyboo #2
Chapter 13: Jebalyo~ please update or theyll be a suicide :((
can't wait for next chapter :D
junhongoppa #4
Chapter 12: Aaah poor chanchan oppa! Zelo-yah is so cute though! I already cant wait for the next.chapter!
Chapter 3: I'm loving this so far! <3