School's Out (not a chapter, will delete soon)

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Hey guys!

Long time no see?

Oh my god, this school year has been the most stressful but thankfully it's over now. Well, it's been over since last week but I need time to recover from those horrifying finals. Now, im officially a senior? Im so nervous. Are any of you seniors too? Do you understand how I feel right now? We're only one year away from college. All of my emotions are mixed up like bibimbap....T___T

Anyway, I got a new laptop (early graduation present), do you know what that means?! 

Yes, that's correct. I will begin writing once again. Oh yeaAHhHHHhhH.

Im still working on Baby Jello tho. Im changing up alot of things so be ready for that. I've also been writing a new fic featuring Suga from BTS. It'll have some...............




Rated M content. WooooOoOoO.

heY EVERYBODY SAY JE SSI CA IS BACK (oh yeah I also saw B.A.P on 4/16/2014, oh god, they were all so beautiful and unreal and don't get me started on Junhong. I literally cried 30 gallons worth of tears that day, thanks.)

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I promised things I couldn't keep and im truly sorry that I haven't updates in all these months.


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Tyyboo #1
Chapter 14: U keep better keep your word authornimiee *throw eyes* lol just kiddang u did a great job :x its just...the chap is really short :)) waiting for you update babe ;) xoxo
Tyyboo #2
Chapter 13: Jebalyo~ please update or theyll be a suicide :((
can't wait for next chapter :D
junhongoppa #4
Chapter 12: Aaah poor chanchan oppa! Zelo-yah is so cute though! I already cant wait for the next.chapter!
Chapter 3: I'm loving this so far! <3