


‘Luhan…I like you.’

‘I…I like you too Sehun.’

A blush crept onto my cheeks as I heard him say those words. ‘C-can I.. kiss you?’

Luhan smiled shyly and nodded. ‘Yes…’

I leaned in slowly to capture his lips in a kiss –


Sehun jolted up in his bed, blinking furiously as he swung his head side to side trying to pin-point the voice.

“W-what…what’s going on??”

Suho looked down at the maknae and shook his head. “Get up! It’s late!”

Sehun narrowed his eyes on Suho, not comprehending what the older man was saying. “Late? For what?”

“M is going to be here in 10 minutes! How did you forget?!”

Sehun’s eyes widened in horror as he stared down at himself, dressed only in an old t-shirt and a pair of boxers. “Hyuuuuuuuuuung!” he whined, “How could you let me sleep this long!!” Sehun scrambled out of bed, frantically trying to pat down his hair.

“I can’t let Luhan hyung see me like thi–“ He cut off abruptly as soon as he realized what he said. He slowly turned and looked into the smirking face of Suho.

“We already know.”

Panic set in, causing Sehun to mumble incoherent words. “How….they know…no…that’s….what…..oh my god…..what if……Luhan……everyone…I……oh no….how do……I can’t….”

“Sehun, calm down! I don’t think Luhan knows.” Suho looks down at his watch before continuing, “And now you’re down to 4 minutes.”

Sehun let out a groan and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him.  Suho stared after the maknae, laughter shaking his body.

“Hyung?” Baekhyun peered into the doorway. “What’s wrong with Sehun?”

Suho chuckled before clearing his throat. “Love.”

Baekhyun cocked his head to the side, confused. “Love?”

“Baekyun, you should understand what this term means. I mean…. Just look at you and Chanyeol.” Realization dawned on Baekhyun as he also began to chuckle.

“It’s Luhan hyung isn’t it?”

Suho nodded.

“Baekkieeeee!” The big happy virus appeared behind Baekhyun, wrapping his lanky arms around his smaller boyfriend. “Oh! Suho hyung!” He continued after seeing the other man, “What’re you talking about?”

“Sehun’s love woes.”

“Ah.” Chanyeol hummed knowingly. “It’s about Luhan right?”


“What about Luhan?”

Baekhyun and Chanyeol turned around to look at Jongin and Kyungsoo who had just walked over. Suho sighed and began to explain.

“Well, we all know that Sehun likes Luhan, right?” Jongin and Kyungsoo nodded their heads. “Well, now that Sehun knows that we know…he’s freaking out because he thinks that Luhan also knows.”

The bathroom door slammed open just as the doorbell began to chime.

Sehun was breathing hard as he walked out of the bathroom. “I’m not here,” He said before rushing into his room and slamming the door shut after he shoved Suho out.

The five members stared at the door, and heard the distinct click of the lock, signalling that Sehun had locked himself in the bedroom. They all broke out into fits of laughter before the chime of the doorbell stopped them. They rushed to the door, each of them wanting to be the one who opened the door and welcomed their Chinese counter-parts back to Korea.

“I got it!” Suho yelled.

“No!! I do!” Jongin shouted, after shoved Kyungsoo and Suho to the side. He was about to grab the door knob when he was suddenly lifted into the air by Chanyeol and Baekhyun swooped beneath him.

He smiled triumphantly as he stared at a gaping Jongin in Chanyeol’s arms, before opening the door.


“Baek!!” Yixing smiled as he was swept up in a hug from the smaller man. He hugged him tight, happy to see his friend again.

Chanyeol and Yifan glared at the two of them, as they seemed to be lost in each other’s eyes. Yifan cleared his throat loudly, giving the pair a pointed look.

“Leader is not impressed,” Baekhyun stage whispered, an evil glint appearing in his eyes.

Yixing smiled lovingly at his boyfriend before saying, “It’s okay. He’ll get over it.” Everyone burst out laughing at Yixing’s words because they could see the vein begin to pulse in Yifan’s neck and his right eye twitched.

“We could do that too …”

There was a pause before, “Do what exactly Chanyeol?”

“Well, y’know… the whole hugging and looking adoringly into each other’s eyes..?”

“No. Way. In Hell.” Yifan said, enunciating each word clearly.

The others watched the interactions between those four, all of the shaking their heads.

“They’re children, I swear,” Minseok muttered.

Tao laughed and agreed. “Who knew Yifan ge would be so jealous over a hug.”

“Maybe he’s being deprived his needs?” Jongin suggested, before narrowly dodging the shoe that was thrown at his head.

“Shut up Jongin!” Yifan barked, glaring at the younger man.

Jongdae and Kyungsoo were no longer paying attention as the two of them had moved off, talking animatedly to each other. Jongin and Tao ran after their boyfriends, with Minseok leisurely following behind.

Luhan smiled at everyone before turning to Suho. “Where’s Sehun??”

Suho let out a slight cough before a grin appeared on his face. “He’s locked himself in the bedroom.”

“What? Why?”

“I’m not sure… why don’t you go and see?”

Luhan shrugged and nodded. He made his way down the hall before he stopped in front of the shared bedroom of Suho and Sehun.

He gently knocked on the door, while calling Sehun’s name softly.


Sehun jumped as he heard the knocking and his pulse began to quicken as the soft voice floated in through the door.

… !! What do I do… he’s here… he’s…outside!!!

Sehun frantically looked around the room, trying to find an escape route, before his eyes landed on the window. THE WINDOW!! Yes! Perfect… I can escap- wait. No I can’t… it’s barred. Noooooooooooooo!! What do I do?!?!


As Sehun was fighting an internal battle, Luhan stared at the door before released a sad sigh. He turned and walked back to the others.

“Why the long face Luhan??” Jongdae asked, as he saw the older man trudge slowly into the room.

“He… didn’t answer the door…”

“He didn’t?” Kyungsoo asked, a frown on his face.

Luhan shook his head. “I think the door’s locked too…”

“Suho?” The Korean leader looked at the Chinese leader, before Yifan continued. “Do you have keys for the rooms?”


“Good. I need them.” Suho nodded and grabbed the keys, finding the one for his room before giving it to Yifan.

“What are you going to do?”

Yifan narrowed his eyes. “I’m going to get the maknae out of the room.” He stormed down the hall, and banged on the door.

“Sehun!! I know you’re in there! If you don’t unlock this door in one minute I’ll unlock it for you and you will NOT like the consequences.”

“Wait!! Duizhang!! Don’t do anything to him!” Luhan pleaded, grabbing Yifan’s arms.

Yifan patted the top of Luhan’s head before smiling down at him and whispered, “It’s just an empty threat. Don’t worry.”

“Sehun!!” His voice boomed again.


Oh no. oh hell no! Not Yifan… please god no.

Sehun cringed as he heard Yifan’s voice, praying to anyone that he asking that he not die today.

His eyes widened in horror as he heard a countdown from the other side of the door. “Five! …. Four! … Three!...”

Sehun scrambled out of bed, running to the door and flicking the lock. He flung the door open, his chest heaving just as Yifan finished his countdown.

“Ah. Good. You actually listened to me.”

Sehun gulped and nodded slowly, before he scanned the hall, taking in the faces of the other members.

“Hunnie!!” Luhan shrieked before launching himself at the younger man. They collided with a loud ‘OOF!’ and went tumbling to the floor.  

Sehun flushed a bright shade of pink as he felt Luhan’s body on top of him.

 “I missed yo- Sehun? Are you okay??” Luhan worriedly asked, as he stared at the flush on Sehun’s cheeks.

Sehun nodded weakly, and gave Luhan a small smile. “I missed you too.”


It had been a week since the group had been reunited and everything was going well. Except for the small little fact that Sehun could hardly be around Luhan without blushing furiously and rushing from the room.

“Okay, Oh Sehun. You can do this. You just need to man up and tell him how you feel,” Sehun told himself as he stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror.

He lightly slapped his cheeks before gazing at his reflection again. “I am a man. I can do this. I will tell him. Ton-“ Loud banging jolted him from his reverie, and he swung his head around to look at the door.

“Sehun! Are you almost done in there??” Chanyeol’s deep voice whined. “Some of us have needs to you know!”

Sehun looked back in the mirror one last time and gave himself a nod of reassurance before he opened the bathroom door.

“Sorry,” he mumbled as Chanyeol rushed by him and slammed the door shut.

Sehun walked into the living room and took in all of the members who were either sprawled on the furniture or floor, watching a movie.

“Ah Sehun! There you are!” Suho exclaimed, as he spotted the maknae. “What were your plans for the evening?”

“Uhm. Probably just going to stay at the dorm… why?”

“Oh perfect! You can keep Luhan company then.” Sehun’s eyes bugged at what he heard. But before he could say anything Suho was continuing.

“Well, Luhan isn’t feeling well today and the rest of us all have plans tonight so you can stay here and keep him company.”

“W-what… where are you all going?”

“Channie and I are going on a double date with Yifan and Xingxing,” Baekhyun said, gesturing to the four of them as they all sat beside each other on the floor.

“Jongdae and I are heading to the carnival tonight…” Tao answered, as he intertwined his fingers with his boyfriend’s.

“Kyungsoo, Jongin and I are heading to the arcade and Suho is heading home for the night, to spend time with his family,” Minseok replied, smiling at Sehun.

“O-oh… well, okay then.”


It was later in the day and everyone was getting ready to leave. Kyungsoo, Jongin and Minseok yelled their goodbyes before they were gone, closely followed by Suho.

Yixing and Yifan had their hands linked as they also said their goodbyes and went to wait outside for the other two.

“Go ahead Channie, I just want to tell Sehun something,” Baekhyun whispered, as he saw Chanyeol pause to wait for him. The taller man nodded and wait outside and began talking with Yifan and Yixing.

“Sehun, come here.”

Sehun walked over to Baekhyun and let out a gasp when the older man hooked an arm around his shoulders and brought their heads together.

“Tell him.”

Sehun recoiled, his eyes wide. “Tell who what?”

Baekhyun lightly slapped Sehun’s head. “Don’t play dumb. Tell him. Tonight. While we’re all gone.”


“Good. Have fuuuunnn!!” Baekhyun smiled widely before releasing Sehun and dashing through the door to jump on Chanyeol’s back. Sehun stared after them as he watched them walk away, and shook his head. He closed the door, and leaned his head against the frame.

Why me….. He sobbed internally, and the jumped a foot in the air when a hand pressed against his back. He whirled around and looked at the amused look on Luhan’s face.

“Everything all right Sehun?” His eyes searched the maknae’s face.

“Yup! Everything’s great!” Sehun forced a reassuring smile on his face.

“Good. Let’s go watch a movie!” Luhan dragged Sehun into the living room, plopping him on the couch before he took a seat next to the younger man, snuggling into his side.

Sehun tensed but soon began to relax as he heard a contented sigh escape Luhan’s lips.

They sat like that for hours, taking in the body heat of the other. Sehun heard Luhan’s breathing even out and through the older man had fallen asleep.

He brought his hand up and slowly ran it through Luhan’s blonde locks.

“I….” Sehun paused before continuing, his hand never stilling as it flowed through Luhan’s hair.

“I love you Luhan…” he said softly, leaning down to place a kiss on the top of Luhan’s head.

“I love you too,” Luhan’s answer was no more than a whisper but Sehun heard it clearly. His hand stilled and his breathing picked up as Luhan lifted his head and peered at him.


“Oh Sehun. I love you,” Luhan repeated, a smile brightening his face. He leaned in, closing the proximity between their faces and whispered, “Kiss me.”

Sehun didn’t hesitate as he met their lips in a searing kiss. Luhan wound his arms around Sehun’s neck, bringing them closer together as Sehun deepened the kiss.

He ran his tongue over Luhan’s lips, seeking entrance. Luhan parted his lips and Sehun’s tongue s inside, and began to explore Luhan’s mouth, their tongues clashing for dominance.

The two broke apart, both gasping for air. They rested their foreheads together, both smiling blissfully.

“I’ve been waiting for you to do that…” Luhan murmured.

“I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” Sehun replied, his arms snaking around Luhan’s waist.


“Awww! Look at them!” Yixing exclaimed as he saw Luhan and Sehun tangled together on the couch, sleeping peacefully.

“Do you think he told him?” Yifan asked, while wrapping his arms around Yixing’s waist and resting his head on top of his boyfriends.

“Oh yeah,” Chanyeol whispered.

“He definitely told him,” Baekhyun finished, as he hugged Chanyeol tight.

“Ugh. Now there’ll be another couple in the dorms…” Minseok muttered, eyes cast upwards.

“Awww, Minseokkie’s just jealous because he doesn’t have a boyfriend!” Jongdae said while pinching Minseok’s cheeks before running to seek cover behind Tao, who wrapped his arms protectively around his boyfriend.

“They’re so cute together,” Kyungsoo gushed. “Were we that cute Jongie??” His big eyes stared at his boyfriend for confirmation.

Jongin chuckled before he captured Kyungsoo’s lips in a quick kiss. “We were even cuter.”

“Would you guys shut up!” Sehun moaned, as he shifted on the couch, disturbing Luhan from his slumber as well.

Everyone froze as they saw Sehun’s eyes narrow and glare at them.

“Okay.. time for bed everyone!” Yifan yelled, taking charge.

Jongin and Kyungsoo took off to their room, probably for some ‘y’ time, while Minseok sighed and went to his room, muttering to himself that ‘being alone .’

Baekhyun turned to lead Chanyeol to their room, also promising his boyfriend for some ‘y time’. Tao and Jongdae were next to leave, bidding the others goodnight before they headed to their room as well.

“Good night love birds! Don’t be too loud tonight!” Jongdae called, laughing loudly when Sehun yelled at him to ‘Shut the up!’

“C’mon Xing,” Yifan motioned for his boyfriend to follow him, a smile on his face.

Oh yeah, getting some tonight! Yixing thought and flashes his dimple smile. He turned back towards the couch and said, “I’m happy for you both.” With that, he rushed after Yifan, pulling him in for a kiss before they got to their room, slamming the door behind them.

Sehun shook his head, while Luhan let out a small laugh.

“They’re odd, but we love them.”

“Oh no, I like them. I love you,” Sehun muttered.

“What was that?”

“I love you, Lu Han.”

“I love you too,” Luhan replied, before he placed his lips against Sehun’s.

They settled back against each other and were focused on the television again, when loud moans began echoing throughout the dorm. They froze in horror, before laughter shook their bodies as they heard Minseok’s screaming.




Okay, first off: I apologize if I've compltely ruined Sehun's image. I don't him all that well... so I decided to write it how I wanted too. 
Second: I hope this was okay? 
Third:  Please comment and tell me your thoughts! 
I greatly appreciate comments from you readers and would love to  know what you think of this! 

Thanks for reading ^^ 
(And I hope you like this Tania! <3) 



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Coldsun1996 #1
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww how cute <3<3<3<3<3
Coldsun1996 #2
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww how cute <3<3<3<3<3
CandyJar #3
Chapter 1: hehehe, but the part when kris screamed on sehun to open the door is odd, dunno why but i felt like he's the father
Chapter 1: the ending just make my day hahahahahahahaha omg minseokkie~~~
Chapter 1: aawwww HunHan so sweet... =)) finally they're together kekeke~
woah new OTP here (for me) Tao-Chen and Kray haha.. ok maybe Kray is not new at all but I rarely find it hehe...
poor minseokkie... LMAO~ just go find another boy for you okay? suho perhaps? hahaha