That day changed my life

Black Paradise

You were wanderin' like a lost soul. Listenin'  music was the only way to calm you down. Thinkin' about your life, your past and your future... Everything changes, yes you know that it's true...You're best friend is no longer your friend. Some person think that you're a bad one, well you can't please to everyone. You're unsatisfied with your life and lookin' for something great, something knockin' you sideways. Everyday you were waitin for it but nothing happens.


Suddenly hysterical screams came from nowhere, you were really surprised. *what the hell is that* you were thinkin'. Headin' for the source of that excitement well *maybe a party or just crazy people who are havin' fun there*.  You just put the volume up for hiding all that noise and finally found girls. That girls were screamin' non stop and you didnt understand why. When your eyes were catched by a couple of guys.  


You still didnt understand what is goin' on and tried to come closer when some stupid girls pushed you and you lost the balance. You fell on your and it's really painful. You tried to stand up but other girls pushed you again. * WTF*.  When someone held out his hand. You were schocked first but tried to stand up by yourself. You weren't that kind of person, you're an independant one maybe it was rude but you didn't really care about it. Everybody were lookin' at you and you didn't understand why, until your eyes made an eye contact with the owner of the hand.


He was really tall and was lookin at you with anxiety. It was like he was really worried about you... You fell that little thing inside, you didnt expect that... He was starin' at you and you were totally captivated by him, you would touch his face, eveything seems so perfect on him. You loose yourself in his eyes. Tryin' hardly to put yourself together you finally choose to run away. You always run away because you're afraid of unknown. You run until you cant breathe anymore and at last took a break at the bus stop.


Everything goin' crazy, you heart was beatin' wildly. Your hand on it you tried to breathe *breathe in breathe out* was on repeat in you head.  You closed your eyes but you were wrong, all you saw when you did it was his face. His almond-eyes, his cheeks chubby but not to much, his lips which look hard to resist. You would give everything for seein' it once again.


Regretfully you couldnt...Nothing hapenned like you would. 


It's been now 7 days, since you saw him and he keeps on hauntin' your dream. You never thought that love at first sight really exist, since it happens to you. Everyday you pray for seein' him, you keep on goin' there. But he isn't there, you know that this love is a one side love, you know it but you keep on believe in it. It's insane and you know that.  Anyways you choose to forget everything about him and keep it in your secret garden, in a little place of your heart, in your mind but somewhere far away. Remember him only when you close your eyes at night. Only there you will make all you wish come true. You just have to say a last goodbye.


Wanderin' again like a lost soul, you choose to take a rest under a tree. The wind is nicely caressin' your skin. The rustlin' is like a lullaby and you finally fall asleep and like a ghost he appeared in front of you with that brightly and warm smile. He's holdin' out his hand and lookin' at you with that sheep's eyes. You cried because everything seems so beautiful and unreal. You took a deep breath and finally run to him.


His arms were waitin' for you and only you... You cuddled up with him. Firstly you were afraid to come closer, but now it feels so comfortable, like it was meant for you and only you. He patted your hair, hugged you more.  You looked up and saw his smile again. He took you head in his hand and dried the tears on your cheeks. Butterflies in your tummy everthing was upside down.  You moistened your lips and he laughed. You blushed and took your head down. He took again your head and kissed you softly first and turned into a passionate kiss. He smothered you with kisses...HEAVEN you think.


But everything have an end, you woke up and someone was starin' at you with that warm smile. You recognized it because you already saw it. The same as in your dreams, the same as that day, the same smile which is hauntin' you every single day. That smile which make you laugh and cry at the same times.


He was here starin' at you like you were his apple of his eyes, the things he treaseured the most.

-" It's been one week, since someone stoled my heart, since she ran away frome me with all my dreams, all my wishes. I'm  still lookin' for her, but the problem is that I don't know anything about her and I'm afraid of bein' rejected. It's stupid to tell you that thing, but maybe you know and I wish you do. Im goin' crazy, I cant sleep and eat since she gone away." He said with his soft and deeply voice...

You were confused and happy at the same time but wasn't sure if it was really you, he might meet a lot of girl that night.

-"how can I help you?"

-"Tell me your name first, I'm Sehun, Oh Sehun" with a smile

-"Oh Sehun, My name is ........"

-"Nice to meet you" with a beamin' smile

-"ah, ( you scraped you head) me too" with a shy looked away but he took your head in his hand and come closer to you, and looked straight in your eyes.

-"Do you want to know a secret?"

You swallowed and nodded, your heart was beatin' so loud... You fell dizzy but keep your eyes in his eyes.

-"I know that you know that girl"

You swallowed again, he was so close...

-"She's pretty and got the most beautiful smile in this world, she seems shy and always run away when she's afraid or when she doesn't know how to act or react"

-"It seems like you actually love her" you pouted 

-"I love her, like I'd never love before, so you have to help me"

-"If it's for your happiness, I will help you" 

-"Okay, so try to find her, I will wait for her at 8PM here, I hope you will find her" he smiled again and finally gone.


7:30PM but you didn't find what he expected. You're nervous about that and you know he will be disapointed, he put so much effort to find her and tell her that he loves her. Heart-broken, you will do that for him, he deserves to be Happy even if it's without you. But you have to tell him the truth first


7:45PM he's already under the tree, he's leanin on it and his eyes are closed. He looks like an angel fallin' from the sy you thought. Even asleep he smiles, this smiles you will miss it so you come closer noiselessly just for memorize each detail of his face. With tears in eyes you took a seat nex to him and listenned to his breath. He looks so peaceful and happy. 


You shake him a little and finally he openned his eyes. His smile never quit his lips. It puts a new heart into you but you know that it will not last forever. 

-"I didn't find her" you said with a sigh

-"Are you sure? Did you search everywhere? " he said a little bit pouted

-"Im pretty sure, I will move heaven and earth for you" you yelled with tears in the eyes

He is schocked and stared at you... He came closer and suddenly hugged you like his life depends on it

-"I wasn't sure first but now I am, that girl you know, she's just like you, she's sensitive and nothing can stop her. She never failed when she have to do something even if it hurts"

-"But I just failed"... you said in tears

-"Shut up and listen to me, you know that girl is the one I would live with eternally, she's my only one...I know that i dont know her and maybe she already got someone in her life but I cant stand to be like this and not tell her what I feel.."


-" I told you to shut up" He hugged you more tightly..."You know why you didn't find her?"

You nodded

-"It's because that girl, you can see her without really see her" he sighed, "that girl is YOU" and he took your head and gave you a passionate kiss.


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Chapter 1: Woooow Daebak! *-* I loved it <3
Chapter 1: really like this one!
thank you for writing this, Author-nim! <3
Visual_N #3
Chapter 1: bzzz, i got electrick shock after reading this. maaan, this is good story and smart title, and beautiful sentence... ah, i want to know sehun side story. maybe oneshoot sequel would help... hehe. hwaiting for you!