Late night visitor

I can't fall for you!

No one's POV: 

"Go away, go away" Tao muttered as he stood in the bathroom tending to the bruise forming near his mouth as the knocking continued 
"Stop" Tao muttered again as he finished and turned the light of before making his way up the stairs 
"Tao" came a voice as he froze
"Tao open up its me" said the voice as Tao ran to the door and pressed his ear to it 
"K-Kris?" he asked as he began to shake 
"Yeah" Kris whispered back as Tao quickly fumbled for the keys, pulled Kris in as fast as lightning and slammed the door shu before locking it again. As soon as he turned to face Kris, Kris pulled him into a hug as he felt Tao shake and heard him cry. 

"Shh" Kris said as he wiped the tears away and then paused when he saw the bruise that was on Tao's face as he it 
"I'm so sorry" he whispered as Tao shook his head
"You have nothing to be sorry for" he said before noticing the bruise on Kris' cheek as he sighed and it 
"And I got this one for punching my dad as soon as we got through the door" he said as Tao smiled and Kris frowned 
"Where are you parents?" he asked 
"Mum went to take dad to the hospita... we think your dad broke his nose" Tao replied as he shrugged it of 
"He'll be fine... he's had worse" he added as Kris nodded. 

"How did your dad find out... about us?" asked Tao as Kris sighed 
"Liling" he replied as Tao's eyes widened 
"How did she find out?" he asked 
"She saw us kissing on Monday... took a picture and showed dad" replied Kris as Tao sighed 
'And she's the one who slipped the note into my locker' he thought as he sighed again and hugged Kris who smiled and hugged him back 
"Do your parents know you're here?" asked Tao as Kris shook his head 
"Snuck out when they went to bed" he replied as Tao smiled and kissed him 
"So I guess you'll be staying here for the night?" he asked 
"If I'm allowed to" replied Kris as Tao quickly nodded and Kris laughed. 

"I have something in mind seeing as we're alone" said Tao as Kris raised an eyebrow 
"What?" he asked as Tao smirked 
"Follow me" he replied as he kissed Kris and led him up the stairs and up to his room.... 

And with that I leave you for tonight... expect in the morning :P 

And until then

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Greyson #1
Chapter 28: God here we go again.. Hahah
Greyson #2
Chapter 22: I love Tao's parents unlike Kris' dad, that was a total douchebag!
Greyson #3
Chapter 10: A father's "love"? Seriously?
krodri08 #4
Speechless ;o <3

thank you
Chapter 6: .....I think I've read this before....but didn't mark it anywhere. hmmm... lol
Chapter 36: I am seriously loving how all your stories tie together.. Tho i am reading it all out of order (baekyeol,kaisoo,then taoris, next hunhan) XD but its all making great sense.. and now that i have woken up to read this right away.. its time for breakfast..
Chapter 33: Gosh. Finished reading it for almost two hours. You fullfil my TaoRis feels~
Looking forward on your other fics. ^^
Chapter 34: Thank you~~~~
Chapter 33: MADE MY DAY~