Royal Pain in The .


The CEO of NH Media has had enough of the U-Kiss boys. After the boys finally won their first music award for 0330 on Inkigayo, they've done nothing but muck around. They're playing up, not listening to instructions, not practising and being plain pain in the asses. Mr NH Media boss isn't going to put up with their rebellious behaviour anymore and so he sends all seven of them to a mansion to teach them a lesson. 

This mansion houses seven of the most brattiest, snootiest, snobbiest and disobedient heiresses in Korea. All seven of them are filthy rich and don't take to instructions well. 

So what happens when the U-Kiss boys are made their butlers.
What happens when you mix rebellious idols with rebellious heiresses.
What happens when you fight fire with fire?
Well, you get a bigger mess of course.


Mr NH Media boss sat with his sagging chin in the palm of his rough hands. His beady eyes stared at the young faces of the seven boys sat in front of him. The oldest of the seven was throwing his head back and forward with the beat of a song blaring from his headphones, his hands fist pumping the air. To the left of him Hoon, one of the new additions to the team, was awkwardly playing with a loose thread dangling from his cardigan. He pulled a little hard at it and a hole the size of a coin appeared. The boy next to him, AJ the other new member, was sitting with an I'm-so-awesome air to him, his eyes scanning the room. The next boy was taking photo's of his pretty face, he smiled approvingly at his own gorgeousness. A slightly muscular boy next to him was speed texting, more like speed dating over a phone in his case. A smaller petite boy with feminine looks sat beside the muscular boy. His perfectly polished fingernails tapping against his crease free pants. Finally, the youngest of the lot sat at the very end. Slouched over in his chair, his lazy eyes daring to droop shut.

"Everyone pay attention!" The tired boss snapped, all of the U-Kiss boys showed little interest. Mr NH tsked loudly and tried a different approach "ICE CREAM!"

The maknae of the team immediately shot up, his eyes wide open "WHERE!"
The rest of the boys snickered at his gullible mind.
"Stupid Dongho." Kevin teetered from his seat.
The young boy glared at the pretty looking one "You're stupid. Stupid Kevin."
Kevin gasped and pointed a perfectly filed finger to the boy next to him "I'm not stupid. You're stupid."

The slam of their CEO's hands on his desk broke their little tiff "Both of you shut up and listen!"
Dongho slouched in his chair again, whispering to himself "At least I look more manly then stupid Kevin."
The light haired male gasped once again "HEY! I HEARD THAT! I'M MANLY TOO!"

The dark haired boy shook his head "You're so girly. I should call you Kevin noona."
Kevin slapped Dongho's arm... Like a girl "Yah! Take that back!" He looked over to Eli, "Eli! ELI! Tell him I'm not girly."

The bigger boy lifted his head from his phone "Kevin, you're a manly girl."
All of the boys, excluding the now turning red Kevin, erupted with Laughter.
"Hey!! Stop laughing! STOP IT!" Kevin was waving his hands in the air trying to shush the other members.
"KEVIN NOONA~!!" Dongho was slapping the air with tears running down his face "KEVIN NOONA!!"

NH Media's CEO had sat back down, his hands massaging his now aching head. 

"Well, if I'm a noona, you're a... a" Kevin's eyebrows ruffled "YOU'RE A DOUGHNUT!"
All of the boys raised their eyebrows, Doughnut?

"OH YEAH!?" Dongho had stood up from his chair
Kevin did the same "YEAH!

"OH YEAH! OH YEAH! OH YEAH YEAH YEAH!!" All heads swivelled to Mir who had appeared out of nowhere, dancing and singing.

"...Mir..." Soohyun looked at the boy with concern "...Go home."

Mr NH Media bossy pants, sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He took out a megaphone and blared the siren, making the boys in front of him cringe. 

"Now that I have your attention." He fixed his tie "You are all crazy."
"Thankyou." Dongho waved his hands.
He ignored the young boy "Ever since that win, you guys have been getting out of control. So, I've talked with your manager and the board... We've decided to cancel all your promotions, live stages and appearances for the next few months."

The boys started to whisper and object
"Yeah! What Soohyun said! I have a wife and kids too!!" Everyone looked at Eli.
He smiled sheeply "Jokes..."

"Instead, all seven of you are to move into a mansion." He raised his hands to stop the boys from interrupting "This mansion houses..."

"GIRLS!" AJ shouted from his seat.

"Well, yes..."

AJ and Eli high fived over Kiseop's head.

"But these girls are the seven heiresses to korea's top seven companies. You are all to work as their butlers, each of you will be assigned to an heiress." 

The boys nodded, Eli and AJ smiling a little bit too much than the others. Mr CEO smiled evily to himself 

"You leave tomorrow. Don't get too excited..." He looked each and everyone of them in the eye "...And Goodluck."

Well hi there. It's me Elixyr!
I'm finally writing a fanfic totally revolving around my favorite Kpop group~
So, I decided to write this one because the idea struck me in the head while I was watching Mei-chan no suji.
Heheh It's my own little take and remix to it :D
And don't worry, Alexander and Kibum will make their own appearances in this story :3

Hope you enjoy, and yeah I write long forewords :/
-lol don't get offended with the way I wrote the boys. Of course we all know they're super lovely guys irl, but for the purpose of this fic, they're like this.

Oh yeah, this is like... sort of a crack fic, actually not really. But I will be writing it with some elements for crackfic-ness. So it's half serious half not. Anyway, happy reading ^^


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polkadotted #1
I wanted to ask you to add Kibum and Alexander into the story as guest appearances and well, guess you already did that kekeke. <br />
<br />
And HAHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD YOUR STORY IS SO FUNNY. Dongho's and Kevin's quarrel is so childishly funny! And Eli "Kevin, you're a manly girl." LMAOOOOOO.<br />
<br />
<br />
Subscribing to you right now!! ^0^
fayewoo11593 #2
superLOL!!! the manly girl, the doughnut, the kevin noona, the "yeah!" "oh yeah!" DIS FFIC REALLY CAUGHT MY INTEREST AND YEAH! IM SURE DIS WILL BE A REALLY GOOD STORY!! REALLY. *partyhard!!
mmel_ng95 #3
Oh sounds good !!<br />
and LOL to the oh yeah part i was totally singing it in my head then you worte it !! internet high five !<br /> looking forward to this !!<br />
fighting xx<br />
xx and LOL kevin noon might call him that from now on XD
AWESOME. Me gusta this B)
<br />
LOL. It was funny when Mir appeared out of nowhere.<br />
<br />
"Mir.." "Go home..."<br />
<br />
LOL. I cracked up at this fic.<br />
LOLOL.<br />
<br />
"Kevin, you're a manly girl. "<br />
<br />
HAHAHA.<br />
"Kevin noona!"<br />
"You're a doughnut!"<br />
"Oh yeah?"<br />
"Yeah!"<br />
"Oh."<br />
"Yeah."<br />
<br />
Then Mir popped out and danced "Oh Yeah. ".<br />
<br />
LOL. It was crazy. I wonder who's gonna be paired with my Kevin? :> I'm so happy that you made this fic! I'm so excited. And, do you want me to promote your story in my fanfic? :)) Fans will be glad to read this story. <br />
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Just tell me if you want to. :)) I'll be glad to help!