10 Steps

10 Steps of Love


I love watching your mouth when you talk; I imagine what they would taste like in my mouth, even though I kissed you 14 seconds ago.

Sunggyu pulls away from the heated kiss, and gasps for oxygen. He looks at Woohyun, who is mimicking the very same action. He chuckles slightly as he ruffles Woohyun’s hair earning a whine from the other boy. He drops himself onto the couch with a plop and pulls woohyun onto his lap and making sure that he circles his own arms around the younger’s waist because Sunggyu remembers how much Woohyun likes to be hugged. “So tell me about the shopping trip you went with Sungyeol. Did you have fun?” Sunggyu asks as he mumbles through Woohyun’s shirt as he snuggles onto Woohyun’s back. Woohyun beamed at the question and twisted his body to face his hyung and started to blabber all sorts of nonsense he did with Sungyeol during the shopping trip. Once in a while he would laugh to his own joke and continue. However, Sunggyu isn’t paying attention to what Woohyun is saying, but he got his eyes focused on something else – Woohyun’s lips. Although he just kissed him, Sunggyu just couldn’t get enough of those luscious lips that he loved so much. “Yah! Are you listening to me?” Woohyun whines as he gave Sunggyu a playful smack on the shoulder. The older male snickers at the childishness Woohyun is showing and grab Woohyun’s head, pulling it closer to Sunggyu. He pushes his own lips against Woohyun’s own. A soft and passionate kiss soon evolved into a tongue battle for dominance – that Woohyun did not mind losing to. Sunggyu could never hate how Woohyun taste, nor get enough to it. He’s addicted to it.

I love how you tell jokes it always makes me laugh, even if the joke is not funny.

Woohyun is not a very good joke teller. Whenever he tells a joke, he would pause halfway and laugh to himself before continuing the joke which many do not find it hilarious but there is always one person that his jokes never fails to make him laugh – Sunggyu. “Hyung! You remember how Sungyeol confess to Myungsoo?” Woohyun suddenly asks as he takes a seat next to Sunggyu, whom happens to be reading a boring book. He couldn’t be any happier to see his boyfriend coming to entertain him. “He told Myungsoo: Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? I can’t believe Sungyeol could use such cliché and mushy pickup lines!” Woohyun says as he started to laugh out loud. It isn’t funny actually, but Sunggyu laughed nonetheless. He did not laugh because of the joke, but because the expression that Woohyun is wearing is showing so much brilliance – That expression that always make Sunggyu’s life even brighter than before. “Then you must be a broom Woohyun.” Sunggyu says as he brings Woohyun into an embrace. Woohyun tilt his head in confusion, not understanding the meaning of Sunggyu’s words. “Why?” He asks. Sunggyu chuckles as he captures Woohyun’s lips for a quick peck. “Because you swept me off my feet.”

I love it when you compare your fingers with mine to see which one is longer.

It is one of those nights where Sunggyu and Woohyun enjoy each other’s presence by watching a late night movie. Those channels used to play a great blockbuster that always catches Woohyun’s attention but somehow, today’s movie isn’t so great – it’s boring according to Woohyun’s standards. Thus the younger male couldn’t stop shifting himself with boredom. His attention moves to something else and everything but the movie. He sighs to himself as he stole a side glance at Sunggyu who seems engrossed by the movie. He looks down at his own hand and an idea pops up into his head. He grabs Sunggyu’s hand and compares the length and size of their fingers. He finds it interesting how Sunggyu’s finger seems longer than his own, when he himself plays the piano. He stops the comparison and went on to explore the older male’s hand that deemed to be more interesting that the boring movie. As he ‘investigates’ those slim and long fingers of Sunggyu’s, he isn’t prepare for the sudden pounce by his boyfriend. Sunggyu now lies on top of Woohyun, hands at the side to support his upper torso’s weight. “Do you know what are you doing?” Sunggyu says seductively into Woohyun’s ear as he watches with amusing how the younger tremble slightly. “I… I was just comparing our finger length. Why is it so long? I play the piano!” Woohyun whines at his own loss. Sunggyu smirks as he whispers something into Woohyun’s ear. Woohyun flushes immediately in red when he hears Sunggyu’s explanation. “H-hey! I’m ‘big’ too o-okay!” Woohyun stammers cutely as he averts his gaze away from Sunggyu. The older chuckles as he lean forward to capture the younger’s lips. “Of course… why do you think I moan your name when you top?” Sunggyu suggests alluringly, causing Woohyun to blush into an even deeper shade of red.

I love how you express to me what you feel and what you think.

It is just a simple cuddle on the bed on a certain afternoon. Having kept silent for so long, Sunggyu feels that a conversation would be healthy in such situation. “Hey Woohyunnie.” He calls out to his lover. A soft hum is sounded, showing that Sunggyu have gotten his attention. “What do you think of me?” Sunggyu asks hesitantly as he bit his lower lip when the last word flew out from his mouth. Woohyun removes himself from the hug and gave Sunggyu a frown. “Why are you asking me this? You’re not breaking up with me are you?” Woohyun mutters as tears starts to form on the edge of his eyes. Sunggyu rolls his eyes as he ruffles the younger’s hair. “Pabo Woohyunnie. I’m not breaking up with you. I never really got to know how you… think of me.” Woohyun sighs in relief as he wipes away freak tears that remain on his eyes. “You almost gave me a heart attack there, Hyung! Well, if you want to know… You’re old, your eyes are too small, you never cook for me and you’re extremely lazy. Oh and you’re too clingy.” Woohyun states nonchalantly with a poker face as he watches Sunggyu frown with sadness after hearing all those things, especially from the man he loved. Woohyun snickers at his sad Hyung before bring him to a comfortable hug. “But I don’t care if you’re old, I think your small eyes are extremely cute, somewhat hamster like. I enjoy cooking for you because I want to see your happy face when you gobble down all those delicious food I conjured up for you. I don’t mind you being lazy, because when you are, you’ll grab me for a cuddle which I never fail to hate. And of course, your clinginess makes me feel your love for me, and how I wish you’re clingier than before.” Woohyun explains as he captures his blushing boyfriend’s lip. “Damn you and you greasiness.” Sunggyu exclaims.

I love it when I catch you spying on me, when I'm eating.

What’s better on a cool bright afternoon and on a Saturday – A Date. The couple walks down streets, window shopping and occasionally walking to shops to buy products. They moved around with hands linked together. They don’t really care what others think about them, as for long they have each other – they are in bliss. “Gyu… I’m hungry…” Woohyun exclaims as he pouts and rub his tummy. “You’re such a baby, though a cute one.” Sunggyu teases as he pinches Woohyun’s nose. They wandered around before settling with noodles for lunch. It did not take long for both boys to order as hunger seems to make one quickly decide with their choices. Soon after, their food arrives – Chicken Ramyun for Woohyun, and Roasted Pork Ramen for Sunggyu. On cue, both boys will give some portion of their food to each other before they start to eat. While Sunggyu ‘inhales in’ his noodles, Woohyun occasionally will sneak glances of the older meal. He chuckles to himself when he realise how the older personifies a hamster, and even look more like one while eating. But that is the biggest, yet he would never regret it, mistake he ever make. Although Woohyun would see Sunggyu almost every second, those little glances he make, made him focus more on his features – those smooth skin, y little eyes that made it look even more outstanding with eye liner and those shiny soup-stained lips. “Aren’t you going to eat?” Sunggyu asks as he gave the other a questioning look, with his food chewed and push to one side of this cheek to allow him to talk. Woohyun blinks quickly before going back to his food. “You know, when you have one cheek bloated with food, you look more like a hamster.” “Yah!” Sunggyu calls out as he tries to poke the other with his chopsticks that Woohyun dodges it all so swiftly. He went back to eating, but not without smiling the fact that he caught Woohyun checking his face and he loved it every time the younger did that.

I love the taste of your warm lips when I kiss you.

Woohyun pushes Sunggyu on a wall, and captures hungrily the older’s lips. His stray hands interlinks with Sunggyu’s own as they kiss each other as if life depends on it. Today, Woohyun is topping, or rather he always tops on most of their love making sessions. Not that Sunggyu mind, but he has his own pride of being the oldest. Woohyun retracts his lips and stares deeply into the other’s eyes and momentarily gasp of oxygen before kissing eagerly once more. Woohyun is feeling obnoxiously and Sunggyu knows that he won’t be very mobile the next day. As they pull away again for oxygen, Sunggyu gasp out a request quickly before his lips are abused once again. “Kiss me more Woohyun. Kiss me.” Sunggyu pleads as he captures Woohyun’s lips despite the lack of oxygen. Woohyun pushes away Sunggyu before he could slip his tongue, and make his way from Sunggyu’s neck up to his ear, inhaling Sunggyu’s scent at the same time. “Why? Like how I taste?” Woohyun asks seductively as he breathes heavily into Sunggyu’s ear. He trembles with pleasure as he nods. “I love your lips taste, Woohyunnie. It’s an addiction.” Woohyun snickers as he gladly complies to Sunggyu’s wishes, kissing him again, though in a much longer duration.

I love your sense of style and how you always smell great.

Woohyun can wear almost any kind of clothes. No matter what he wears, Sunggyu could never stop being amazed how gorgeous his boyfriend is. Although Sunggyu prefers to say that he could fit anything, Woohyun simply pass it off humbly that he simply has a better fashion sense than Sunggyu. Not only the stuffs he wears, Woohyun doesn’t wear cologne and it is not because he hates it or Sunggyu hates it. In fact, Woohyun loves wearing cologne, but he stops when Sunggyu made a certain statement one day about it. “You wore cologne again?” Sunggyu asks as he frowns. Woohyun beamed and nods. “Does it smell nice? It’s rather new.” He explains. “Throw it away. Don’t put it on.” Sunggyu says as bring the younger into a tight embrace, nose snuggling into Woohyun’s neck. “Why? I thought it would make you happy… I have body odour…” Woohyun frowns when Sunggyu expresses his distaste for the smell. Sunggyu snuggle deeper, tickling Woohyun in the process. “Hey what are you doing? Are you smelling me? I though you didn’t know the cologne.” Woohyun asks in between giggles. “I don’t. I’m simply trying smell that you produce.” Sunggyu states. “Why?” “Because I love how you smell. You smell great without the cologne. Don’t put it next time please? It feels more like you without.” Sunggyu exclaims as he went back snuggling into Woohyun’s neck, trying to find places that the cologne did not touch. At that moment, the cologne industry just lost a customer.

I love it how you are patient with me and even when I tell you off you pull me back with your love.

“I-I’m sorry Gyu… I… I didn’t mean it.” Woohyun apologizes as he bit his lower lip when Sunggyu gave the younger a glare. “You know how much I love these hamster plushies! Why must you spill coffee over it and on my favourite one no less!” Sunggyu roared as he desperately tries to wipe the coffee stain off it. Woohyun winced as more harsh words are hurled at him. He understands that Sunggyu did not mean what he says, and that he is just taken over my anger. “Seriously… It’s ruined….” Sunggyu exclaims as he sighs and frowns, not knowing what to do. When Sunggyu near Woohyun release a soft sniffle, he felt guilty. “I… I’m sorry Woohyunnie. Forgive me.” Sunggyu says as he brings the younger to a hug. Woohyun shakes his head. “It’s my fault… thanks for forgiving me…” Woohyun says as he held on tightly on Sunggyu. The older looks at the stained plushie before putting on a pout. “You better buy me a new one.” He says playfully. Woohyun smiles and nods eagerly. “I’ll buy one huge one and your collection of 302 hamster plushies will have a new family member!” Woohyun says with smile. He let out a squeak as Sunggyu pulls him into a side hug and plants a kiss on his cheek. “Thanks for having so much patience.” Woohyun nods before leaning forward for more of Sunggyu’s warmth. Just a little endurance is worth so much everything.

I love how, as soon as you get an opportunity you turn your back and lean on me and wrap my arms around you.

Woohyun love the feeling of being hugged, and he loves it even more when the person is Sunggyu. He makes sure that on every occasion he turns his back, he will lean backwards on purpose to make Sunggyu wrap his arms around him. No words need to be said between the couple. Just a simple leaning and a hug will automatically take place. At first, Sunggyu thought that Woohyun just wanted to lean on him, but when he notice the change in expression as he circles his arms around the younger’s waist, a pleasuring smile will appear on Woohyun’s lips. Lately, those little gestures seem to increase over time as well. It used to be once to twice per day, but now it seemed to be once every half an hour. Sunggyu chuckles at how much pleasure he has been pouring on Woohyun. “What are you laughing at? Tell me Gyu!” Woohyun whines, yet not a single movement made to release him from the back hug. “It’s nothing. Just how many times I’ve hugged you.” Sunggyu states. “What’s wrong with hugging me many times? I liked being hugged!” Woohyun exclaims as he puffs out his chest. Sunggyu roared out in laugher. “I know Hyunnie. I’m just wondering if I should kiss you with every hug.” Thus, from a hug every half an hour, becomes a hug every minute, not that Sunggyu would mind anyways.

I love it when you tell me your truth it melts my heart.

“Hey Gyu, it’s been 4 years huh?” Woohyun asks as he walks hand in hand, finger interwined along a pavement on a quiet Sunday evening. “Yea it has and we’ve been through so much, yet I can’t stop loving you.” Sunggyu exclaims as he claims the younger’s lips for a quick peck. Woohyun flush slightly as he continues to walk ahead, though hand still in link. “Yah slow down!” Sunggyu calls out as he pulls Woohyun back with a little force. “Sorry, I’m just a little excited.” Woohyun explains, rubbing the back of neck with his other hand. “Excited about what? I don’t remember us having anymore plans after this.” Sunggyu replies confusedly. Woohyun chuckles and gave the older a wink and drag him towards the middle of the spot where most of the nearby residents would gather to enjoy the scenery. He pulls Sunggyu to the centre, making him stand in front of the fountain and knelt down on one knee. “Woohyun?” Sunggyu calls out as he thinks that he knows what’s to come. Woohyun pulls out a tiffany box and one opened; a silver ring stood there beautifully that seems to shine under the moon light. “ Kim Sunggyu, it’s been four years since we got together. I remember how we fall so blindly in love with each other that we failed to see our feelings for each other. If it hadn’t for drinking game that Howon suggested, I would never know your feelings for me, and in turn would not have asked you out. On our first year, it was hard for me because my family refused to accept who I am and opposed our relationship, but you held on to me and gave me the support I need. On the following year, you got into an accident and I thought that I almost lost you. You’ve promised not to leave me alone, and you kept that promise when you woke up three weeks later. Last year was also a hard year for both of us when we both got trenched from our jobs and were unable to pay the rents. But you never said a word, never left me for someone else and endured the hardships with me. Although you think I did not notice, but I know how you would go around begging for a job just to keep us afloat. And this year, I knew this is the year to end it and start a new relationship with you. I’m unsure if you’re still willing to accept me, but…. Would you marry me?” Woohyun proposes as he smiles lovingly at Sunggyu. Sunggyu hasn’t prepared for this moment. All along he thought that he would be the one proposing to the younger. But after hearing the younger’s proposal, he couldn’t help but let tears of joy fall from his eyes. “Yes I will.” He replies as he sniffs in between his tears. There are no hints of doubt and hesitation in both the proposal and the answer. Woohyun beamed as he inserts the ring into the ring finger of Sunggyu’s left hand. At atmosphere lightens up as people cheered for them, congratulating them. Sunggyu could not be any happier. 

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Chapter 1: I am reading this again and is so beautiful TuT
Chapter 1: And i found myself crying
This is so beautiful.
Chapter 1: Cute!!!! ^^
Chapter 1: This one should deserve more subscribers and upvotes!! And this fic is great! I love it :)
Chapter 1: it just sweeter than honey are u plus it with sugar?
I i taste it too sweet >/<
Myinahla #6
Chapter 1: That was really wonderful and cute and romantic and seriously, I loved it :D
Chapter 1: waaaaa!!! I'm crying! God! this is so great and romantic!
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful and sweet!!!!!!!!! Fluff overload, seriously!!!