Oh! My Goddess. (Part 1)

Oh! My Goddess.

Oh! My Goddess.

Part 1.

Seoul Bongeunsa Buddhist Temple.


A sacred temple located in the middle of modern Seoul. It is usually quiet and peaceful on most days and only gets plenty of visitors if it's Chuseok, the holidays or if their lucky, a drama or movie filming is going on.

They say temples are holy places where in this mysterious force called "magic" lurks. Seeping through wooden floors and up to burning loyal patrons left after they prayed. And if you're lucky, whatever wish that you uttered is heard by the gods within the temple, they will grant it to you heartfully.

Within this temple our awkward hero and beautiful heroine of the past met.


"Jung Yonghwa! Get your lazy -"

"Watch your language, Jongkook."

"Sorry Harabeogi. Yonghwa! Hurry up. We are going to be late for school!"

A loud clang then followed by hurried footsteps echoing outside the dining area is heard. The wooden sliding door is hastily pushed to the side and a panting Jung Yonghwa emerges. He throws a glare to his Jongkook hyung before placing the tray full of food to the table. He once again gives Jongkook the stink eye the moment he sits on the floor. The latter didn't hesitate to threaten the younger man with a fist.

The childish display is of course noticed by the old man sitting at the head of the table.

"Will the two of you stop it?" The old man says calmly while sipping his morning tea.

"I wasn't the one shouting early in the morning!" Yonghwa argues poutily while putting on his glasses.

"Well if you weren't so wimpy Yong and woke up early to cook our food-"

"I was studying!" Yonghwa counters indigantly. Jongkook grins evilly while eating his egg roll.

"Oh. So hearing you last night with that "Yeonseo Noona, I'm not a little boy anymore. I'm a full grown namja." is your way of studying?"

"Shut up! Mind your own business you muscle idiot!"

"Yah! Muscle what?!"

"You're an idiot full of muscles! You're only that!" Yonghwa spat childishly, his face scrunched up and tomato red.

"You're dead four eyes!"

Jongkook is about to lunge at Yonghwa across the table when he felt a strong whack on the head.

"Ouch! Harabeogi!" Jongkook cries, a heap of quivering muscles curled on the floor. Yonghwa immediately cackles in glee. But it's shortlived though. The wrath of their Harabeoji's cane got unleashed on his head next.

"Appeuda!" And he also became a quivering heap on the floor.

"I know everything that happens in our life has a purpose and I don't question Buddha or the gods but......" Song Il Hoon wonders pensively while his chin.

"I am still at odds as to why this temple was chosen by your mothers to leave you two and in those two occassions, it was I, of all the monks, found you. If I only knew then that it will be this chaotic every morning........... Ahni, this chaotic every single day!"

Song Il Hoon shakes his head resignedly and continues his morning meal.

Yonghwa and Jongkook are still quivering pitifully on the floor.


Jung Yonghwa and Kim Joongkok are orphans that grew up inside the Bongeunsa Temple. They got their names from the mothers that abandoned them when they were still babies. According to Song Harabeogi, the two of them were sleeping soundly in their little baskets and a small piece of paper bearing their names crumpled inside their tiny fists.

Since Yonghwa was found by Song Ilhoon a year after he found Jongkook, Jongkook was given the task to be the hyung between the two. They may not be related by blood but Ilhoon made sure that they treat each other like brothers.

The two bicker and quarrel on the most petty things. Jongkook is the bully and Yonghwa is the bullied. The hyung is tasked to do the manly labor while the dongsaeng is the one in charge of cooking and the cleanliness in and outside the temple.

But despite the daily quarrels of the two, they are always there for each other. Yonghwa willingly helps his hyung academic wise since our muscle bully struggles in his studied while Jongkook hunts down those snotty rich kids in Kyunghee University who looks down on his brother because of the fact that he's an orphan.

Yonghwa and Jongkook, they have the bond that can put real life brothers to shame.


Growing up inside the temple has it's perks and disadvantages as well.

For shy and studious Yonghwa, the temple's silence helps him to concentrate in his studies. But for Jongkook, living in a temple where it is mostly inhabited by men is a source of "sorrow" for him.

"The only time I get to see hot chicks if I go to Kyunghee or we get pretty ladies praying here instead of those grumpy grannies!"

Yonghwa will just shake his head and ignore his hyyng's petty grumblings.

He will always be grateful to the temple. It became his home for the last 23 years of his life. He may never know why he was abandoned here by his mother when he was a baby but he is thankful because he was put into the hands of very good people.

He closes his book and stretches leisurely on the wooden floor. He finally finished studying for that long quiz next week. The silence is making him sleepy that in a few seconds, he fell into a deep slumber and dreamed.

"Hyung? Harabeogi? Where are you?" Yonghwa calls out.

He continues to look for the two within the temple but strangely he can't find them. He also notices that the temple is too eeriely quiet than the usual. He shakes his head and continues looking for them. He enters the back garden and blinks in surprise to see a woman sitting on the wooden swing, her back facing him.

"Uhm.....Excuse me?"

The woman immediately turns around to look at him. Yonghwa's eyes widen and has to blink several times, his jaws dropping to the ground.

She's the most beautiful woman he has ever seen........

And she's running towards him right now, her arms open. She in her long flowing peach hanbok. If Yonghwa's history is correct, the lady's clothing belongs to the Shillan period.

Wait. What?! Way to go Yonghwa. A beautiful woman is right in front of you and you are still talking about History here.

"You're here!" The woman squeals happily. And he immediately gets distracted by her eyes sparkling too bright........her smile so sweet that-

"Oomph!" Yonghwa grunts painfully. He finds himself flat on the the ground and the beautiful woman lying on top of him. His eyes widen again when the woman starts to carress his face tenderly.

Her soft fingers tracing his eyes, nose, cheeks and repeatedly on his lips.

"What are you-"

"I have been waiting too long. Too long that my heart hurts. Please. Find me soon." The woman says softly, almost reproachfully.

"B-but who are you?" He stutters, his cheeks burning. Why is this woman not moving and keeps on.......molesting my face?

The woman smiles mischievously before lowering her face to his

"Gwihaui yeoshin."

And their lips finally meet.

"Hmmm........" Yonghwa mumbles.

There's this stupid grin on his face as the woman contunues to give soft wet kisses. As if she's his face. Another and he catches this smell that strongly reminds him of his dog Jingjingie.


He snaps his eyes open and screams in horror, scrambling on his feet and almost throwing his dog away from him.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Jongkook laughs hysterically while clutching his tummy.

"Hyung!!!!" Yonghwa reproaches his hyung. One thing that he hates the most in this world is embarrassing himself in front of his brother.

"What the heck was that? Were you having a wet dream?"

"Shut up!"

"Fine. But I'm so proud of you little brother." Jongkook says proudly. He puts one muscled arm around Yonghwa's neck and playfully headlocks the latter.

"You're a hotblooded man after all. I almost gave up on you. Good thing I found you here. All sweaty, grinning idiotically and with that tiny -"

"Aish!!!!! Get lost Hyung!" Yonghwa pushes Jongkook away. His hyung really enjoys putting him in misery.

"Ahrasseo." Jongkook puts up his hands in mock surrender. "My lips are sealed. Dinner is almost ready so if you're errrr....... done there just proceed to the dining area.

"Ok." Yongha bends down to grab his books when Jongkook starts teasing him again.


"Argh!!!!!!!" Yonghwa hurls a book but Jongkook already left. He can even hear his hyung's cackles down the hallway.

Shaking his head, he continues to grab his backs and once finished, he bows to the gods in the tempe while apologizing for the noises that he and his brother created earlier.

"Come Jingjingie!" He orders but his usually obedient dog refuses to listen and stares at a painting hanging on the wall.

"Yah, why are you not listening to daddy? Bad girl." Yonghwa approaches his dog and stands beside it to also face the wall.

"Now what is uri Jingjingie looking at-"

It can't be. It's just a stupid coincidence. His dream doesn't mean anything at all.

He cautiiously approaches the the painting and continues on staring. The woman on this painting looks exactly the same as the woman in his dream.......down to the that jade hairpiece.

A bark from Jingjingie wakes him up from his reverie. He looks down at his dog when he suddenly came up of this stupid idea.

Just S.T.U.P.I.D.

"Jingjingie........." He starts doubtfully. "Daddy will do something stupid."

The dog stares back quietly so he continues with his one sided conversation.

"If I kiss this painting now, will the woman in this painting somehow comes alive? Just like that fairytale story where the princess kisses the frog and the frog becomes this dashing prince like your daddy?"

Still silence from his dog.

"Bark once if yes, the woman comes out of this painting after I kiss her. Or bark twice if I'm just being stupid."

Jingjingie barks twice immediately.

"Algeseumnida." Yonghwa nods solemnly. "Daddy is being stupid."

"Woof!" The dog barks again once. Yonghwa gawks at his dog.

"But you want me to kiss her too?" Jingjinge barks again while wagging her tails eagerly. Yonghwa laughs then looks back at the painting.

"Well....... There's no harm in trying right?"

He steps closer to the pointing and stares at it curiously. The nearer to the painting the more he's seeing the woman from his dream. Good thing his hyung left already or else he'll be teased again.

"Well, here goes nothing." He mutters before closing his eyes, his lips touching the painting.




And nothing. Just his lips glued to a solid, lifeless, unmoving-


Why did he feel someone kissing him back???????!!!!!!!!!!

He hastily opens his eyes and pulls back in shock. He is about to scream in fright when the person hugs him tight, tackling him on the ground.

"What.....Who.....Who the heck are you????" Yonghwa demands hysterically while ogling at the person who is currently lying comfortably on top of him.

"Finally, we meet." The woman giggles. Her voice sounding so lovely to Yonghwa's ears.


"I am born as Seo Joohyun. And naleul.....gwihaui yeoshin."

And just like in Yonghwa's dream, Seo Joohyun smoothers him with sweet oh so sweet kisses.

To be continued.


Please don't kill me. I WILL finish this okay? This is just quite short. Two to three parts only guys. So what do you think?
This story is inspired by the manga Oh! My Goddess and My Girlfriend is a Gumiho.
Till next time guys. Happy reading.

P.S. A special shout out to to @blackdragonyong (Dvee) in helping me researching for some info used in this fic.


P.P.S. If anyone can remember  there was a fanart of Seohyun looking like a Chinese goddess. It was drawn by a fan. I remember saving it but my laptop got rebooted. :< So if anyone got a copy of it, please link it to me in Twitter. Thank you.

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Chapter 1: I'm still hoping you'll come back & update this :(
minhoshine #2
Chapter 1: Nice story! Can someone tell me the meaning of gwihaui yeoshin?
tantalizingeyes #3
Chapter 1: omg omg omg this is good are you going to continue this?
Firacardosh #4
Chapter 1: Author-nim you're really unique & awesome *thumbs up* I have such a great time when I read your story. Your story really fun, fresh & very original. I know it's not easy to made such a fantasy fan fiction, either the story will be fail or you'll loose the inspiration for the story. But you're really doing such a great job to made not just one but some fantasy fan fiction.
For this story, you're really amused me. Because the inspiration for this story not just from one source but two! & your choice of inspiration pretty unique too. I hope you'll update this story & please don't give this story up. I hope I'll hear some good news from you soon. See you in your next update author-nim
cnsd13 #5
Hi, are u going to continue writing this story. Ill wait for the next update.
CaptainYongseo #6
Chapter 1: kyaaaaaa
cant wait for this fic to be updated
SeiraAiren #7
Chapter 1: Eonnie.. when this FF updated? :'(
Chapter 1: Daebak! Love it...
Chapter 1: ommo lol .. authornim pls update this one.. i'm so excited kekeke
Chapter 1: What a cute story. I can't stop smiling while reading this. Jongkook really likes bullying Yonghwa^^ Their first meeting was so cute. I think Hyun shows a cheerful personality in here. I am so excited to your next update.