The Meeting

Love Isn't Always What It Seems


June Pearse was a normal girl from Australia, she had just finished highschool, just turned 18. She had applied for a dance school (quite a famous dance school) a year ago, she was expecting this, that she wasn't going to get accepted for an audition or even get into the school. But when she got home one afternoon a letter was waiting for her she flipped it over interested. Stopped dead in her tracks she was shocked it was from the dance school. She sat down on the porch step gathering up enough courage to open the letter, although she had convinced herself she wasn't going to get in and that was ok, she was still afraid of getting rejected. She finally decided to open the letter and there in big bold letters had said "YOU'RE ACCEPTED" Although it was just an audition she was so excited!  
-----------------------------------2 years later-------------------------------------------------
June's POV
It was late at night and I was in my dance room doing a few routines and some of my own choreography it was just prac today, no teachers. Then out of no where (my dance teacher) comes in she says "You might wan't to come with me" she had a strange look on her face, I was completely puzzled wondering why she was still here let alone wanting me to go with her somewhere, but I still went with her to the audatorium she literally ran now dragging me behind her and that's how you tell she's excited. But about what?.
We burst through the audotorium doors I was having a bit of a problem breathing, she was fine of course! my lungs felt like they were going to explode it went away quickly perks of being a dancer haha she was just standing there looking at me weirdly I couldnt take it anymore "Why are you looking at me weirdly??, why did you drag me all the way here?!, Im turning red again arent I?" she was almost on the laughing her off. When I got angry I always turned a bright red I hated it.
She stopped and stood up trying to be a professional teacher, it was slightly working (Not really) "Jayde I wasn't looking at you weirdly, I was.........contemplating how to tell you something" "You are being quite strange tonight" "Well it's not every night one of my students gets a major courier oppurtunity" "Who?!!?" "Who is the only one here right now??" "Me.......Oh me!, hang on who?what?when?where?why?how?" That all came out in a rush I was extremley axious to know what was going on in that crazy head of hers!. 
"Jayde calm down ok, well there are people here to watch you dance but before you get excited your not allowed to meet them until after" I pouted knowing I wouldnt meet them till after "So what am I dancing?" "You know that mix, you made not to long ago of a medley of your choreo and SHINee's?" "Oh yes! I still dance to that it was my favourite one since I started here" She smiled at me, obviously really glad about this "Jayde do you still have the outfit?" "Uhh.....more than likely I dont think I ever touched again after my solo performance last year" "Ok then it should be in the costume room, I'll be right back! Oh and stay!"
I jumped up on stage and started to stretch because I was about to when Ms ran in, I was in the middle of a split stretch when I heard a door open. I was about to turn but then I had a foot on my back pushing me forward was about to start yelling and saying I will give you a count to 3 when I hear "If you don't stop squirming how will it stretch your legs?" it was teacher.
"You gave me a godamn heartattack!, is that what you want right now?!" "Oh quit your whining and go change" I death glared her all she did was laugh. I went to the change rooms in the back and I pulled the costume out of its bag. I forgot how small I was last year it was a simple black knee long baggy (But stylish) dance pants, with studs on the hips and around the knee, a white midrift singletand a black studded vest with the word 'Y' on the back which I always thought was cheesy. 
I also had to put chains on just some light belt chain that I had to put on my hips, those chains were a pain in my , but they mad the dance look better arghh! I put it on and sat it in the right place then Ms came barging in, not even a 'Are you dressed yet?' straight in! "Ok, you have to put make-up on because the stage lights are going to be on" "Arghhh! Come on really!?" "Yes know hurry there waiting! But wont I be able to see them if im up on stage and there in the seats?" "That's why the lights are on!" Ohhhh I got it now she shoved me in a chair "Basics foundation, mascara, eyeliner and lipstick!" she smiled at me I didn't smile back I hate lipstick so so much. She finished my make-up rushed me out of my changing room.
She grabbed the mic and introduced herslef and the company, then myself and what I was doing today I only heard the last bit because I was preparing to perform "This is 2 year student Jayde doing a mix of her own choreography and SHINee songs the company named it 'Bringing y back' because well she brings y to the stage!" she said brightly then walked off and I didn't walk on stage so she pushed me and I stumbled a bit but caught my balance and heard quiet whispers, of course I could see anything when I have that light shone on me! my eyes were contemplating wether or not to constrict back into my head. 
I got into position and Ms pressed play on the music.
Sorry for the really small chapter guys!! xD Im thinking of the new chapter now haha :D 
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