


            I was holding my stomach, trying to ignore the pain from laughing too hard.  I had just tied my close friends, Sooyoung’s, shoe laces together and she just fell to the floor.  She was okay, of course; she just did this weird stumble forward, then backward, landing on her behind.  There weren’t many people around so I didn’t feel too guilty about it.

“I hate you!”  She laughed, untying her shoe laces.  She wasn’t really upset, we did stupid pranks to each other all the time.

“Love you more.”  I blew a kiss at her, and tried to walk away but bumped into a soft yet hard body.

“Whoa, sorry.”  I looked up and rolled my eyes when I saw it was just Luhan.  He was so annoying, I didn’t want to speak to him any longer than needed, so I started walking again.

“That wasn’t very nice.”  He said getting my attention.  I turned to face him and crossed my arms over my chest.

“It was just a joke, get a sense of humor.”  I snapped.  I normally wasn’t this hostile, I was actually really friendly, but not to Luhan.  He was adored by all the other students, even teachers, in our high school.  But I saw right through him.  Everyone thought he was this sweet, innocent, cute-okay maybe he was cute-boy, but I really knew how much of a jerk he was.

“I do have one, you’re just not funny.”  He shot back and I shrugged my shoulders.

“Not trying to make you laugh.”  I spat, turning away as the bell rung.  I had gym next, and walked towards the girl’s locker room to get changed.

            When I made it to gym, everybody was already running laps around it.  I quickly followed suit.  After about ten minutes I felt someone behind me.  I turned around and caught Luhan staring at my bum as I ran.

“Pig!”  I stopped suddenly, causing him to bump into me so hard, we both fell to the floor hard, him on top of me.

“Ugh, get off!”  I couldn’t move my arms as he had them pinned under him.

“I like it here.”  He smirked, and I had the urge to spit at him.

“You’re a pig, now get off.”

“Stop acting as if this wasn’t planned out.  You stopped on purpose hoping I would make us both fall to the ground.  You’re a ert.”  He smirked condescendingly. 

“Luhan, ______, got off each other now before I send you both out!”  I heard the gym teacher call out to us and blushed when I heard the giggles from my classmates.  Luhan kissed my cheek quickly getting off me before I could try and hit him.

“Gross.”  I rubbed the cheek where he kissed me and glared at him as I got up.  “God you’re never going to grow up.”  I snapped at him and began jogging away.  Of course, he jogged easily at my pace, and jogged next to me, our arms brushing each other’s.

“On the contrary, I think I’ve grown a lot over these pass couple years.”  He said.

“You used to actually be nice, and not a erted slash womanizer.  But changing isn’t the same thing as growing.”  I said, surprised that even after two years, the hurt of Luhan betraying me still bothered me.  We used to be best friends and hung out all the time.  Then Luhan started to get handsome, and girls started to notice him, and he became distant.  He started calling me less, no more random visits to my house; finally, he just stopped talking to me all together.  He found some other handsome guy friends and plenty of girls to keep him happy, I was left alone.

            A flicker of guilt passed through Luhan’s eyes and I ignored it.  He should feel bad about it; he should know how much he hurt me.

“_______.”  He said, and I quickened my pace so much we both couldn’t speak because it was too hard to catch our breath.  But even though we couldn’t speak, he still ran with me.  After the teacher blew the whistle, I quickly ran to the locker room, ignoring Luhan calling out to me, to change again.


            When the final bell rang, I grabbed my jacket out of my locker and walked out to the parking lot.  I waited at the front of the school on the steps for my mom to come pick me up.  Since she dropped me off to school, and promised to pick me up after, I left my skateboard at home.  But after twenty minutes of waiting, I regretted it.  Looks like mom forgot about me, and I didn’t have my phone to remind her.  I sighed and got up to begin walking home.

“Hey!”  I already knew the voice of who was calling me.  I kept walking through the parking lot to make my way on the next street.

“_______, come on.  Wait up!”  He yelled, I kept walking, but he soon caught up to me and ended up blocking my way.

“Move.”  I ordered, and he shook his head.

“Come on, I’ll give you a ride home.”  He said and I laughed in his face.

“As if.”  I tried to walk around him.

“You’re seriously not going to walk home, it’s going to take you forever, and it’s freezing out.”

“I’ll live.”  I said, getting frustrated as he blocked my path again.

“Stop being stubborn!”  He snapped.

“Stop acting as if you care!”  I shot back and he grabbed my arms.

“I do care _______.”  He sounded so sincere that I wanted to kick him.

“Yeah right, why don’t you go find one of your little girl friends to annoy?”

“You can say whatever you want, but I’m just going to keep blocking your way and annoy you.  We could do this for hours, or you could get in my car, I’ll drive you home, and everything will be over much faster.”  He explained and I cursed him in my head. 

“Fine, just be quiet the whole ride!”  I said, turning around and walk towards Luhan’s car, I knew where he always parked.

            I got in, and he did too.  He the car, and drove out the parking lot.  After 3 minutes of silence, I the radio and quickly changed the channel when I heard the song that was playing. 

“Our song!”  he said, delighted, turning the station back on, and playing the music loudly.  It was Girls Generation: Gee.  One day while hanging out, this song was playing and I declared it was the worst song ever recorded.  From that day on, Luhan decided it would be hilarious to sing it every chance he got.

Your song.”  I snapped, annoyed that he said our.

            He started to sing the song loudly, and I tried to ignore him.  But when he hit a high note, I actually cracked a smile.  Which made me mad, how could he still make me laugh, when I didn’t even like him anymore?

“Wow, are you okay?  I haven’t seen you smile in years!”  He said, pulling in front of my house, the house he used to visit all the time.

“Yeah, you haven’t seen me smile since you left me to be for your new and improved friends.”  I said, quickly getting out of the car and slamming the door.  I was just about to walk up the steps to the front when he grabbed me and spun me around.

“I’m so sorry _______.”  He frowned, and I rolled my eyes.

“Wow, thanks.  I totally forgive you.”  I said sarcastically, trying to walk away but he held me in place.

“Just let me talk, I’ve been wanting to say this for a while.”

“Well, you’re holding me down, so you’re going to talk whether I like it or not.”  I said and he let go of my arms.

“No, it’s your choice whether you want to hear me out.  I won’t force you, but I really want to tell you something ________.  I know I hurt you, just give me this one chance that I know I don’t deserve, to speak to you.  You always ignore me in school, and I wouldn’t dare come over here, I know you wouldn’t even open the door for me.  Just hear me out?”  He gave the puppy eyes, and I quickly turned my head, not wanting to be caught under his spell.  I turned around to walk up the steps and heard him sigh softly.  Maybe it was the sad sigh, or maybe it was the years of friendship we had long ago, but I turned back around and faced him crossing my arms.

“Speak.”  I said, and he smiled, and then became serious.

“Look, I know what I did was wrong, really wrong.  I just kicked you out of my life like it was nothing.  But _______, I’m so sorry.  I’ve missed you these past two years, so much.  I need you to forgive me; I want things like they were before so badly.  I know I ditched you for some s, and I know it was shady, but please forgive me.”  He explained and I felt my eyes water up.

“Why would you do that to me?  To us?  Why would you just leave me hanging like you did?  You’ve changed so much, and you used to have so much respect for girls, now you use them like nothing.”  I whispered, trying not to have my voice crack.

“Because of you.”  He said, and I looked at him dumbfounded.

“Because of me?”  I repeated.

He nodded, “I- I don’t know how to say this, so I’ll just come right out with it.  I started to fall for you ________.”  He said and I stepped back in shock.  “And it scared me, I didn’t want to ruin our friendship we had, and I knew you didn’t feel the same for me, so I tried to ignore my feelings.  But then you started having boyfriends, and I had to always pretend as if it didn’t bother me.  It was too hard ________, and I’m a coward.  So I tried to make some new friends, and I did.  Granted, they weren’t the best friends, but still friends none the less.  I wanted to get some distance from you, so my feelings would disappear, but they didn’t.  So I started talking to girls, started, you know, to try and forget about you.  But girl after girl only made me realize even more how much nobody could replace you.  I just isolated myself from you because I didn’t know what to do with myself.  But I’m not scared anymore.  I want you ________, and I want you to know.  I want to not only be best friends again, but try to be even more than that.  I know it’s sudden, and crazy, and a lot to take in, but will you just take it into consideration?”  I had no idea what to say.  I was in complete shock.  I had no idea Luhan had feelings for me.  I had always had a small crush on him, but kept my feelings to myself because I didn’t think he felt the same.  But here he was, telling me how much he liked me.  But that didn’t make up for anything.  He still hurt me, he still left me all alone.  Was I ready to forgive him so easily?

            I must have been staring at him for 5 minutes’ straight until he finally said: 
“I know, you don’t want anything to do with me.  I get it, but, I still had to try.”  He sighed sadly and turned away, heading towards his car.  I still stood rooted on the spot.  He got into the driver’s seat and I heard the car start.

            It was like logic was thrown out the window, and everything else forgotten.  I ran in front of his car, and he hit me with it before pushing on the brakes.  It was just a small hit, because he hadn’t really began to drive away yet.  He quickly got out of the car.

“Are you insane women?!”  He yelled turning red.

“I’m willing to try.”  I said and he froze.


“I’m willing to try.”  I repeated, walking towards him putting my arms around his torso.  After a while, he thawed and hugged me back tighter.  It felt so good to be in the arms of my best friend again, and hopefully we could maybe even be something more.

“Thank you.”  He kissed the top of my head, and I smiled into his chest.

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Chapter 1: lol, i hear you epicureans......
Chapter 1: AW. CAN YOU DO A SEQUEL ? xD
Chapter 1: jealous /pout.
but, luhan oppa is 9 years older than me.
so i'll just admire him as a fan.
exo, hwaiting~
Chapter 1: This is so fluffy and adorable! :3
Chapter 1: OMO!! Luhannie^^ really like this story!
EXOTICsumin #6
Chapter 1: AIGOOO
SO CUTEE ...!!!! =)
Chapter 1: Omg this is so cute~~
Chapter 1: SEQEUL? like were they atart going out then then troubles arrive?