
A Darker Shade of Red

                 Vera left Rena alone to get an extra set of clothes for the girl. She’d asked for a pair of pants and a shirt in place of the dress she was wearing. The old woman was quick to oblige and scurried out of the room. Rena carefully lifted the thin sheets off of her and slipped out of the bed. The she wolf walked around the small room staring at the three made up beds, studying the bedside tables, eyeing the medication and supplies. She took a glance at the door to the room and back to the table before grabbing her pack from her bed. She slipped some aspirin, ointment, and bandages into her bag, just taking enough so that it wasn’t noticeable.

                 Rena had gotten good at taking, knowing the right amount to steal so that the depletion in supplies wasn’t noticeable. She took from her pack all the time and knew the consequences if she was ever caught.

                 Chanyeol would not approve of this but he wasn’t here. He didn’t have to know and if he found out, he couldn’t do anything about it   and would be thankful that she had something for their wounds or cuts. She smirked at the thought; she was being resourceful and smart. Chanyeol would appreciate it the next time he fell on his .

                 “I hope these fit you, dear, they are the smallest men’s clothes I have.” Vera came into the room with what Rena had requested. The girl bowed her head, with a thankful smile on her face, “I’m sure they’ll be fine. Thank you.”

                “Good, good. I think you should be set to go this morning. Do you have somewhere to go? You can—“ Vera’s door barged open for the second time that morning with two guys stumbling in, startling the two women.

                 Their faces were bruised and swollen. “That is going to pay for this.” One of them muttered as he sat down in one of the chairs.

                “What happened to you two?” Vera came in, grabbing ointment and ice.

                “This guy just started beating me up—“ The guy winced when Vera placed ice on his swollen black eye.

                “He did not. He was trying to stop these guys from taking from a vender and we thought he was a part of them.” The other man shook his head, waiting for his turn to be treated. Rena sat listening to them, tying up the new shoes Vera gave her.

                “Well, do you blame me for mistaking him for one of them? He looked like he came from the wild or something—ow.”

                Rena perked up, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, “What’d he look like?”

                Both men glanced in her direction, not noticing her presence until then. They blinked a few times, thinking, “He was tall and skinny. He was only wearing rags and had this little guy with him…”

                 Rena nodded, already knowing that must be her huntsman. She went back into the other room, grabbing her things, “I think I’m going to go, Vera. Thanks again for all this.”

                Vera looked up from her work on the young man, smiling, “Alright, sweetheart.”

                Rena bowed her head, giving one last glance at the two beaten up men before leaving the infirmary. She ruffled her brown hair, looking around the small street, “Where could they be?”

                As she jogged through the city, looking down each alleyway and street, she eventually stopped in the center of the village to see the different vendors setting up. The colorful tents, fruits, and clothing had the wolf’s senses on overload. Life, she thought. She could smell the sweet freshly picked apples, enjoyed the contrast of the bright bananas against the purple awnings, her fingers traced the soft cotton scarves and dresses.  What looked like a dead city moments ago now looked like a lively thriving place with some heart. She walked leisurely through the market, studying the sounds, the people. Her wolf fed off the experience, enjoying the crowded walkways with people’s voice blending together in her head like a comfortable buzz.

                “Excuse me,” A small boy rushed passed her, carrying a crate of oranges that spilled each time he moved. A couple of them fell around Rena’s feet. She picked them up and debated with herself. “Ugh,” she picked up her pace to catch the young boy, “Hey, kid! You dropped some!”

               She followed him through the crowd, seeing him stop at a nearby vendor. Rena ran to him, holding out the oranges, “You dropped these.”

                “Thank you,” The boy bowed, wiping the oranges on his shirt before placing it on top of the other fruits. Rena eyed the brightly colored delectable fruit, not having tasted an apple in a long time. She her dry lips when the boy’s father held out an apple and orange, “Please, take these.”

                Her eyes grew wide, and she was ready to reject the offer when the man insisted, “You look like you need it. Please just take them.”

                Rena took the offering, “Thank you.”

                The she-wolf left the market, remembering why she was here in the first place and laughed at herself. How could she forget her friend? She bit into the apple, slipping the orange into her bag. The wet crispness of the red fruit had Rena’s tastebuds jumping. It was sweet and refreshing to eat something other than porridge, nuts and green things.

                She wandered around aimlessly until she came across a large two story concrete building with tall pillars holding up the front awning and a large clock plastered in the center like a cyclone’s eye. Her head followed the number of steps up to the double doors then down either side of the building at the four large windows.

                “Huh,” Rena bit into her apple when the double doors of the building opened up and the two people she was looking for walked out.

                Chanyeol practically ran down the steps with a scowl on his face while Baekhyun struggled to keep up, “Hold on, Chanyeol!”

                Rena looked behind the two, seeing a young man standing at the open doorway. He was dressed in black slacks and a white button up shirt. His brown hair styled away from his fair face, even from here Rena could tell he was handsome. The young man watched the two leave the building in a hurry, a smile creeping on his lips. His arms crossed over his chest, Rena squinted her eyes to get a better look. He smiled at her, bowing his head before he shut the large double doors.

                Chanyeol and Baekhyun didn’t notice her standing there and was about to pass her when she waved her hand, “Yah, Park Chanyeol!” The huntsman’s head snapped in the direction where Rena stood and he breathed out deeply through his nose as they flared up to a point, “You.”

                He stomped over to her, seeing the red apple in her hands. He knocked it out of her grasp and grabbed her hand, dragging her from the building. Baekhyun followed behind them, waving at Rena with a meek smile.

                “Who was that guy?” Rena pulled away from Chanyeol’s grip when they both stopped in the middle of the street.

                “Does it matter?”

                “Yeah, you and Baekhyun were with him.” Rena stared up at her friend, shielding her eyes with her hand.

                “He’s the mayor of this place and caught me after I punched a guy.” Chanyeol didn’t meet eyes with the wolf when she tugged at his arm to continue talking, “And?”

                “He said that starting fights is a criminal offense here and that I have to pay for my actions.” He finally looked down at Rena, holding on to her shoulder, “Look it doesn’t matter right now. You okay? What happened to you last night?”

                “It’s a long story.” Rena shrugged, beckoning Baekhyun over, “You came along too?”

                Baekhyun came over, scratching his head shyly, “Yeah, I kind of followed him,” his head snapped up, worry in his eyes, “But you are okay, right?”

                She nodded, “Yeah, I’m fine.”


                The three of them returned to Baekhyun’s cottage and sat around a small bonfire Baekhyun started. It was close to dusk, and they all stretched out on their separate blankets staring up at the yellow and pink gradient sky.

                “Hey Chanyeol,” Rena sat up and rested her head on her hands, “you never said what you’re ‘payment’ was for hitting that guy. I saw him by the way, he looked pretty pissed off.”

                The huntsman picked at the blades of grass beside him, throwing them beyond where he could reach, “I have to go on nightly patrols outside the city with him and this group of guys. It’s no big deal. It was either that or I had to pay a fine.”

                “Did he say what you were on the lookout for?”

                Rena fiddled with the end of her shirt, remembering what Vera told her that morning. People were being taken from the village and no one knew what or who was behind it. She stared at Baekhyun sprawled out like a puppy with his eyes shut and soft snores leaving his pink lips.

                “Can I come too?” Rena watched the tiny sparks of amber jump from the fire and saw Chanyeol sit up, shaking his head, “Not after what happened to you last night,” he lowered his voice, glancing over at Baekhyun to make sure he was asleep, “that was reckless and dangerous! You could’ve been caught in your other form and then what would’ve happened to you? For all we know, this town could be hunting—“

                “Shh! I know, I know. You sound like my dad, just chill,” she felt her voice slipping, “All that matters is that I’m okay and you’re okay.” Rena rolled onto her side away from Chanyeol, hiding her face from his as a few hot tears fell from her face. Rena shut her eyes, covering her ears.

                You’re weak and a liability! If you want to be useful to this pack then do as you’re told like the other girls. Be thankful he even let you into this pack, you ! You’ll be the reason we all get killed if you run again.

                She whimpered into the blanket, clawing at the thin fabric, when a warm hand touched her shoulder, “Rena.”

                Her eyes shot open. Chanyeol stared down at the sharp russet gold around her pupils and sighed. He wiped the tears under her eyes, trying to calm her emotions with a gentle touch, “Hey, I didn’t mean to yell at you.”

                She latched onto his hand that at her hair, pinning it to her clammy cheek and nodded, “I know.”

                He sat back on his knees in front of the wolf and bent his head down. Chanyeol knew yelling at her never did any good but he also knew Rena was stubborn. She was still a child in his eyes who did as she pleased without thinking of the consequences, “You need to stay here with, Baekhyun.”

                Rena let go of Chanyeol’s warm hand, practically throwing it away from her as she rolled onto her side away from him again, “Fine.”

                He placed a hand over her head, ruffling her hair, “I have to go now and meet up with them. Promise me, you’ll take Baekhyun back inside.”

                She nodded under his touch, “I will.”

                “Okay, I’m holding you to that.” Chanyeol stood up, making his way around the fire to grab his bag before he sprinted off onto the road.

                Rena listened to the cackling fire and caught the sound of Baekhyun’s audible whimpers that turned into loud snorts when he shot up, wide awake, “Was I snoring?”

                The two stared at each other. The fire played with the shadows across their faces. Rena nodded, “Yeah.”

                “Well that’s embarrassing,” Baekhyun sat up to stretch, “Where did Chanyeol go?”

                “He left to go on those night patrols.” Rena curled her feet up and rested her chin on her knees, “Baekhyun?”

                “Yeah?” The young man got up to douse the fire.

                “Are those people that are out patrolling…are they looking for wolves?”

                “No.” Baekhyun snapped, his answer coming so quickly and sharply it startled the girl, “I mean, I don’t think so. I don’t know, really. Maybe.”

                “You even said you set up nets to catch a wolf.” Rena eyed the young man as he aimlessly walked around his own yard, pulling at his hair and picking things up only to put them back down. He looked like he was battling with himself. Rena could sense something was up with this young man and could feel a low growl rumble in her chest. She stood up, clenching and unclenching her hands, “Baekhyun.”

                “Yes?” He stumbled over the leftover firewood and fell flat on his while Rena hovered hover him with her hands at her waist, “What are you hiding?”

                “Nothing. Nothing, it’s nothing.” He covered his face with his arms, shaking nervously. He curled over onto his side, whimpering like a hurt dog.

                “Baekhyun.” Rena knelt beside the young man, feeling her core heat up in anger, “Tell me.”

                Baekhyun burst out crying, flinging his arms to the side as he stared teary eyed at the feral girl. “I-I’m…I'm tired of being weak and looked down on, okay!"

                He got up on his feet and wiped his eyes. Baekhyun stared down at his feet, before staring off into the dark forest, "I-I want to be a werewolf. There is one wandering these forest and I'm going to find him and get him to change me too." His voice was soft but determined, Rena could hear the desire in his words and growled, "You don't know what you're asking for."

                "But I do! I've studied them, I know..." He grew flustered and speechless as he raked his hands through his hair, "I know it's what I want."

                His tearful brown eyes looked up into the night and found Rena croached near the put out fire. She breathed hard and was hunched on all fours, BAekhyun's eyes met her fiery red irises and canine like teeth. He gasped ready to scream when she leaped towards him and placed a hand over his mouth and hissed, “Is this what you want?


Author's Note

I'm sorry if this story is staring off slow but I like taking my time to develop my characters and different relationships. :)


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 5: Update if u can ^3^
Silencedshadow #2
Chapter 5: Baekhyun is funny. I laughed when he was so enthusiastic about werewolves powers and how he couldn't even lift up his ax, and then Rena's answer that she knows because she saw him chop wood. That was funny.

Rena talking about werewolves being cursed, meaning they turn into blood crazy beasts every fool moon? She's a lycanthrope right? She can turn whenever she wants without being too affected by the moon. Or that's what I'm thinking, since she said she's not a werewolf, she's a shapeshifter.

I hope Chen and Kyungsoo are ok.
I like how Rena decided she doesn't like Suho's unwavering smile. It sometimes creeps me too. :))

I love Baekhyun! He's probably my favourite character. He's hilarious. That scene where they met Suho and Chanyeol was pretty funny with him stretching out his hands to feel someting because he couldn't see. And then telling Rena he thought she was cool. That was so cute and fanboy-like. He's like a small child. Cute!!!
Chapter 5: who is that
Who is that
Who is thattttt
pinKPOPcorn #4
found this through some recommendations... I love your forword
Israali_Kotetsu #5
Chapter 4: Oh my god this is wonderful. I really, really enjoy reading this and that was a bloody good cliffhanger. The best I've seen in a while. Hell, the best I've seen in a fanfic. Keep rocking on, author! ^~^
Chapter 4: Ooooo so much update in these days *www* i can't wait for Rena x Suho interaction ^^ going to upvote your story ^^
Silencedshadow #7
Chapter 3: I think I'm right and Baekhyun knows something or is hiding something. Why does he live away from the city, and isolated?

I have to say Rena was not smart to run away that night and on top of that to let herself get caught. She could have been attacked by her old pack and then what? Nope, definitely not very smart. But I guess she's half wolf so she relies more on instinct than rational thinking.

I also find Taemin a bit suspicious. The way he made her feel that electricity...was it a physical electricity or was she just attracted to him? Because I think that for humans, a she wolf would have been very attractive, not the other way around. I also think that his distinctive smell will play a role further in the story.

I'm starting to like the story more and more. :D
Silencedshadow #8
Chapter 2: I was right, it was Baekhyun the guy from the forest. :)) interesting guy indeed. Especially considering his view on wolves. Is he a wolf himself, or did he know someone that was a part time wolf? He seems harmless though. And nice, but that might also have been because he was feeling guilty towards Rena. He also can't stand the sight of blood it seems. Interesting indeed.

So, I'm assuming Rena passed out completely , because I don't think she had time to get dressed, in the middle of a forest with some unknown men comming to her "rescue"? Yeah, Baekhyun won't find this suspicious at all the next morning. :))
Chapter 2: I still reading this story!!
No worries authornim ^^