Chapter 6

Destiny, My Only Love

Yoonhee stepped on the juice and slipped, L was walking just behind her, and he actually caught her just before her head bumped against the floor. Yoonhee looked directly into L’s eyes, those exact eyes, she was totally sure she had been that close to those exact eyes before, but she couldn’t recall when, but she got hypnotized by those eyes, Sunggyu was watching what was happening, and as soon as he saw Yoonhee fall, he rushed to where Yoonhee and Myungsoo were at.


The food on Yoonhee’s hands had finished on L’s head, just when L was starting to fall because of the position they were in, Sunggyu almost got there, to stop the two of them from falling on the ground, but was a split second too late, and L had already fallen to the ground with Yoonhee on top of him.

“Nul kenchana?!?” Sunggyu rushed to Yoonhee’s side, totally ignoring his good friend Myungsoo.

“Oh, thanks for caring so much about your good friend!!” Myungsoo sarcastically said from the floor, getting the pizza off his head.

“Mianhe chingu-ah, I could only think about Yoonhee in a moment like this, furthermore, I know you can take care by yourself,” Sunggyu explained, still trying to get Yoonhee up from the floor, which was quite a difficult task since the floor was still slippery from the juice. L easily got up by himself, and then started trying to help Sunggyu get Yoonhee up.


Yoonhee got up, and almost slipped again, luckily L’s body was there, avoiding Yoonhee to hit the hard floor once again, although the position they were in, seemed like if they were embraced in each other’s arms, and either of them wanted to let go. Sunggyu just stayed there staring.


“Yah! L-goon, when are you going to set my girlfriend free?” Sunggyu asked.

“Oh, mianhe hyung, it’s just that…… ehhhmmm…… uuhhmmmm…… I thought that Yoonhee-shi would fall again if I let go,” L tried that as an excuse, Sunggyu was not too convinced by that excuse, but he would let L go this time.

“Thanks Myungsoo-shi for saving me from falling twice in a day… And sorry for falling over you!! And having pizza fall over your head!!” Yoonhee apologized.

“Don’t feel sorry, let’s just say it’s some sort of karma for making you fall earlier today,” L explained.

“Jeongmal!! Oh, thanks, you both are such gentlemen!” Yoonhee said, “how can you even be friends of Sungyeol!!” Yoonhee exclaimed. Sungyeol heard it since they were already getting closer to where the others were at. Surprisingly the drink did survive, they still didn’t know how L managed to do that, not even L himself knew how he did it.


“Yah! Children!” Sunggyu said towards the guys, “and madams,” he said to the girls in a kinder tone, “today L and Yoonhee are paying for the drink, which did survive the chaos, and I will pay for the food, what do you want?”” Sunggyu asked.

“Wow!! That’s something new, hyung buying for us!!” Sungjong exclaimed.

“Yah! Lee Sungjong!!” Sunggyu yelled, almost starting to chase the poor maknae, which was now hiding behind Dongwoo, if it wasn’t for Yoonhee here, he would already be trying to hand Sungjong. Sunggyu blushed after seeing Hyeryung and Minhee were eyeing him, although Yoonhee was not doing the same thing.


Sunggyu just withdrew quickly, and went straight to the food court. ‘Wow, she hasn’t change at all, still so kind and shy….. and cute…’ Sunggyu thought to himself. Meanwhile…..


The other guys had decided to bother Sunggyu a little.

“Yoonhee. For how long have you known Sunggyu?” Sungyeol asked.

“Come on Sungyeol, I’ve known him for the same time as I’ve known you!!” Yoonhee called out.

“Yah! Are you sure that was the first time you met?? And still you accepted to date him?!?” Hoya asked incredulous. “So I can be sure you don’t know the real Sunggyu…” Hoya stated.

“What do you mean by the real Sunggyu?” Yoonhee and Minhee and Hyeryung asked at the same time.

“See Yoonhee, not even Hyeryung who has known Sunggyu for far much more time than you knows the real Kim Sunggyu,” Dongwoo said, trying to use a serious tone and not burst out laughing.

“So….. Will you tell me how the “real” Kim Sunggyu is like?” Yoonhee asked.

“Well, as noona could see just a while before, Sunggyu has a really bad temper regarding his dongsaengs,” Sungjong explained. “You will definitely notice that he is always kind toward Hyeryung noona and Minhee, but he is not like that towards us!!” the maknae cried out, “not even to Dongwoo hyung!!”

“Is that true, Dongwoo?” Yoonhee asked. Dongwoo could only move his head up and down.

“He is always ordering us around, specially me!!” Sungjong continued. “When I try to practice my dancing, he always tells me to stop since I hurt his eyes. He also tells me to do all the house chores, and take water to him after practicing, and when L hyung doesn’t invi-” Sungjong suddenly stopped. Sungjong suddenly stopped feeling all the gazes of the guys over him. “I will not keep talking, Woohyun hyung should continue….” Sungjong slowly said.

“Why? We were having fun with your story!!” Hyeryung said.

“No, I should stop…..” Sungjong said.

“Well, so last time we hanged out together, L didn’t brought his wallet with him, up to date, we still don’t know if it was a mistake or not,” Woohyun said while staring at L, “so someone else had to offer, but no one did, suddenly Sunggyu stepped out, and all of us though he would pay, being the oldest amongst us, but he didn’t!!! He demanded Sungjong to pay, using the excuse that he was the maknae, and once in a while, he should treat his hyungs!!” Woohyun finished telling the story, laughing dorkily, almost exploding with laugher.

“We will continue other day, noona, Sunggyu hyung is coming back!! Act as if nothing has happened!!” Sungjong commanded.


“So, what did you do while I was not here?” Sunggyu asked as soon as he reached you.

“Oh, nothing, just chitchatting!!” Dongwoo said.

“Oh, ok……” Sunggyu said, not totally convinced of that answer.

“Hyung!! They were talking bad about you behind your back!!” Sungjong shouted, unable to stay quiet.

“BHWOOO!!!” Sunggyu shouted.

“Exactly what did you say about me?” Sunggyu asked with menacing eyes.

“Nothing hyung!!” Sungyeol said defensively.

“Yah! Lee Sungjong!! Exactly what did they say??” Sunggyu asked once again, with an even more impatient tone of voice, and even more threatening.

“Not telling hyung!!” Sungjong stayed firm.

“YAH! YOU ARE NOT TELLING ME???” Sunggyu mouthed.

“Lee Sungjong, don’t act so innocent!! You are as guilty as the rest of us!!!” Sungyeol yelled.

“Sungjong-ah, if you tell me what they said, I will forgive you, will you tell me?” Sunggyu said in the kindest tone of voice he could come up with.   

“Andue, I am not doing it! I am no betraying the other hyungs, furthermore, I don’t believe anymore in your word!! You always lie to me!” Sungjong cried out.  

“YAHH!! LEE SUNGJONG, JEBAL!!” Sunggyu cried out.

“NO!!!!!” Sungjong said with a mocking tone of voice.

“Yoonhee-ah, I don’t know what they said to you, but it is not true…….” Sunggyu said.

“Oh, really? Cause we said that you were the best hyung ever, and that you always take care of us, as if we were your own dongsaengs….” L talked for the first time in almost the whole afternoon.

“Hahaha……” Sunggyu sarcastically laughed.  “Knowing you well…… As if…….” Sunggyu called out.

“Why, don’t you believe L hyung?” Sungjong asked.

“No, I don’t!!” Sunggyu said. “Yoonhee, just remember that anything they said, they either exaggerating, or it is a total lie!!” Sunggyu cried out.

“Don’t worry….” Yoonhee said.

“Oh, how stupid of me, how didn’t I thought about doing this?? Yoonhee, aren’t you going to tell me what they said??” Sunggyu asked, trying to use his aegyo on Yoonhee.

“Ehhhmmmm…… uhhmmm….. ehhmmm….. … … … … … … … … … … … … … …” Yoonhee murmured.

“Why aren’t you talking?” Sunggyu slowly asked.

“Yah! You shouldn’t force her to talk!!” Woohyun shouted out loud. Suddenly Sunggyu’s cheeks starts heating up.

“Mianhe, Yoonhee, I shouldn’t have done that..!!” Sunggyu apologized over nothing.

“Don’t apologize over such small things, you didn’t do anything wrong!!” Yoonhee hastily answered.

“Wahh!! Yoonhee noona, you do magic over Sunggyu hyung, he has never been so kind in his entire life, and he doesn’t like apologizing, and just now, he apologized to you over such small things, you are really magical…” Sungjong said in awe. Everyone exploded with laugher within Sungjong’s comment, except for one individual, who after incorporating for a while to the conversation, was now, once again, in his own world.

‘Exactly what is he thinking about? Always so immersed in his own thoughts!! Ahhh…. I would really like to know what he is thinking about!!’ Yoonhee thought to herself, she was still thinking about this when her thoughts were interrupted by Sungjong’s high pitched voice.


“Hyung, I really need to go home now, I told my omma that I would be back by 11, and is already 10:30!!” Sungjong squealed.

“Eish! Sungjong-ah, you always make us go home earlier, but since we are good and caring hyungs, we will take you home, we can’t let you go home alone at this time of the night!!” Dongwoo stated.

“Thanks!! You are the best Dongwoo hyung!!!!!” Sungjong shouted, running towards Dongwoo for a hug, which Dongwoo easily evaded.

“Awww, all your cuteness just disappeared Dongwoo hyung!!” Sungjong murmured, a slight pout forming on his lips.

“Kenchana, kenchana, Sungjong! Hug!” Dongwoo cried.

“Awww!! Dongwoo hyung, you are my favorite hyung!!!” Sungjong squealed, running towards Dongwoo arms, to be received. ‘They are so cute… They are always there for each other…’ Yoonhee thought.


“So, who’s taking me home today?” Sungjong asked.

“Mianhe Sungjong-ah, today, I am taking Hyeryung home!” Sungyeol said with a smug smirk. After Sungyeol said this, she hastily took out her phone to call her parents.

“Oh, Sungjong-ah, mianhe! Today I can’t give you a ride, didn’t told you guys, but my omma told me to get home earlier today, about half past eleven, and if I take you home, I will be late!!” Hoya explained.

“Dongwoo hyung?”Sungjong asked.

“Mianhe maknae-ah, I already promised to give a ride to the ones with no car, talking about Woohyun… And his house is totally the opposite side of yours, wouldn0t be able to make it…” Dongwoo slowly side, feeling bad for the poor maknae.

“Sunggyu hyung???” Sungjong asked.

“Eish! Kenchana Sungjong-ah, I will take you, but before, you will need to wait since I will take Yoonhee home!” Sunggyu stated. Suddenly a phone started ringing, Sunggyu’s.

‘Eo….. deh….. deh…… deh….. eo…… deh…. kenchana…..’ were the only sound that could be heard from, once in a while, while he talked with the person whose identity hadn’t been revealed yet. His shiny expression changed into a sad one, it could be perfectly described as worried. Every single faction of his face expressed concern.


“Sungjong, mianhe!! Something came up at home, I will not be able to take you, wake L hyungup, and ask him if he could do the work, eo? Yoonhee, that also means I cannot take you, since you live near Sungjong’s house, Namsang Tower, right? I think L can also give you a ride!” Sunggyu said as cheerfully as he could, although his worry couldn’t be hidden, it was evident. No one dared to ask him what had happened, family matters should be kept within relatives.


“Yah! L hyung!! Come back to our world, wake up!!” Sungjong shouted at the top of his lungs.

“Eo? Deh, Sungjong, what do you need?” L asked as if nothing had happened

“Eish! Hyung, you should start paying some attention to what we are talking about, for the last 10 minutes we’ve been trying to see who’s going to give me a ride home, and if you don’t say yes, I will be late, and my omma will kill me!!!” Sungjong cried out.

“Oh, of course, there’s no problem,” L said, a little confused, how could he miss such commotion, ever since she appeared, he couldn’t concentrate on anything. Just his daydreaming.

“Ehmm…. Myungsoo-shi, Sunggyu was going to give me a ride home, but he couldn’t I live near the Namsang Tower, could you also give me a ride home?” Yoonhee asked, her cheeks burning up, she couldn’t bear to ask him this, it was a quite simple task to complete, but he couldn’t even call him by his name, how could she ask for this?

“Uhmm… Of course, why not, just know that I am not so good with directions, so please, give the directions really, really detailed, if not, we will definitely get lost,” L said while laughing a little, although no one knew why he was laughing.




I hope we do get lost, how can she remain the same after so many years! She is just perfect. For so many years I’ve only had eyes for her, but never had the nerves to approach her again. This is my chance, but now, there’s also Sunggyu hyung, I can’t do this to him. What should I do. For now, I should just stay as I’ve been today, soon, I will sort my mind out, maybe having a talk with Sunggyu hyung will help!! Finally things are back to how they are supposed to be, this is my chance!!



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Chapter 21: They are really cute together!! I like it, keep it up!!
Chapter 19: Poor Myungsoo!! :´(
Chapter 16: New reader here`. (:
I like this story .
Please update soon ?
What will Hyemi say ??? OMG !!
Chapter 14: Cute, haha... Myungsoo was really shocked... Keep it up.
Chapter 11: hehehe i bet i know who dragged her out of the house. or what if i'm wrong :O
Chapter 7: I wish Sungkyu, Myungsoo and Sungjong will totally fall in love for Yoonhee...