Chapter 18

Destiny, My Only Love

Yoonhee and Sunggyu finally reached the bus station, they waited for the bus to come, and it finally came. Yoonhee felt it was really strange Sunggyu hadn’t bring his car, he hated to walk and to take the bus. It was not normal.

But, she soon shrugged it off, she supposed he just felt like walking and taking a breath of fresh air. The bus was full of people, so they had to stand instead of sitting.

The bus so full of people, Sunggyu had to hug Yoonhee so that she wouldn’t constantly bumping into people. This was the first time since the two started dating that they were having real skinship, they almost never hugged, nor anything of the sort, they furthest they had gone was holding hands.

Yoonhee felt uncomfortable and awkward, something she wouldn’t usually feel around Sunggyu while Sunggyu felt like it was the best day in his life. The bus started to empty little by little, and soon, Sunggyu found a space in which Yoonhee could sit.

It was only one sit, so Sunggyu let Yoonhee sit down, and he stood beside her in a protective way. The space beside Yoonhee soon was free, and Sunggyu sit there, and started holding Yoonhee hands. He had it all schemed to perfection, he was hoping today they would have their first kiss.

Yoonhee suddenly called Sunggyu to look out the window.

“Sunggyu ah, it’s the Han River!! Omo!! I always wanted to come here, but never had the chance. Like, I am sure that since I live in Seoul, I’ve come a couple times, but it was just passing, please tell me we are going there!!” Yoonhee whined.

“I am not going to disclose anything yet, just get ready for a really fun day, arrasso?”

“Ok…….” Yoonhee answered pouting, she badly wanted to just get out the bus and go to the river banks. It was a beautiful place.

Yoonhee started staring out the window, watching the little kids play in the river, wanting to be down there with them, when Sunggyu finally told Yoonhee it was their stop.

“You want so badly to go in the river? But you don’t even have extra clothes,” Sunggyu pointed.

“I don’t care, in this hot weather, they will be definitely dry after a while,” Yoonhee said.

“So, since we are here, you wanted to get in and play with the kids?” Sunggyu asked once again.

“Deh!!” Yoonhee exclaimed.

Suddenly, Sunggyu carried Yoonhee bridal style to the banks of the river, -of course, with Yoonhee endlessly protesting and maybe one or two curse words escaped - and threw her into the river were the kids were happily playing.

“Yah!! Kim Sunggyu!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!” Yoonhee yelled to Sunggyu.

“You told me you wanted to go play in the water, I even asked you if you were sure,” Sunggyu innocently said.

“Well… So… aren’t you coming down?” Yoonhee sternly asked.

“Ani, I am not going in. I will see you from outside, eoh? Tell me when you are finished, and we will go on our date, anyway, to where we are going, it doesn’t matter if you are wet,” Sunggyu said.

Yoonhee turned around, and started ignoring Sunggyu. She seemed to be talking with the 2 girls and 2 guys that were playing in the water from Sunggyu’s perspective, but he couldn’t be sure.

“Guys! Do you want to help me?” Yoonhee asked the children.

“Oh, yeoppeo noona, of course we would like helping!!” the boys beamed, they were about 8 years old.

“Deh, we would be willing to help. What does pretty unnie want?” the girls asked.

“Do see that guy there?” Yoonhee asked pointing to Sunggyu when he was not looking towards her.

“Deh! That oppa/hyung?” they all chorused.

“Yes…. Would you mind help me getting him in the water? I want to play with him in the ater, but he doesn’t want to get his clothes wet. So I need to throw him into the water!” Yoonhee explained.

“Oh, ok unnie. But is that handsome oppa your boyfriend?” one of the little girls asked.

Yoonhee doubted for a while before answering. She knew she was Sunggyu’s girlfriend, but it felt really strange stating it to others.

“Yes, we could say so. So now. You girls go behind him. You guys, each at one side, and I will go in front, and we will al grab him and throw him in the water, ok?” Yoonhee asked the kids.

“Deh unnie/noona!”

Yoonhee got out the river and approached Sunggyu with a pout, as if she didn’t want to be in the river anymore. She could see the two little boys coming from the sides, and girls from behind.

“Sunggyu ah, I feel cold, you shouldn’t have done that! What if I catch a cold? Will you be responsible?” Yoonhee “angrily” asked. Suddenly Sunggyu’s teasing expression changed. A worried one replaced it.

“Oh, Yoonhe miahn. Should we go get something hot?” Sunggyu asked.

“Ani, I need a hug from you,” Yoonhee suddenly spurted, making Sunggyu confused, she never asked something like that. That was Woohyun’s work, but still he accepted, getting slightly wet, and suddenly, he felt himself being dragged. Two little boys were hugging him from the sides, and two little girls were pusing from behind, while Yoonhee dragged him. And soon, he was in the river, wet from head to toes.

Sunggyu turned his head to see where Yoonhee was.

“Yah! Jang Yoonhee what was that??” Sunggyu asked.

“Simple, revenge!” Yoonhee stated.

“Wow, Jang Yoonhee, that low! Using little children for you dark schemes!” Sunggyu exclaimed.

“Oppa, we were not being used, we accepted to help unnie. We saw how you threw her into the water,” one of the girls suddenly said. Sunggyu reacted by taking the little girl in his arms, and sitting her on his shoulders.

“Ok, how should I thank you for helping my girlfriend from this horrible oppa?” Sunggyu asked, already getting used to the idea he wouldn’t get dry any time soon, and should just play with the children and Yoonhee in the water, “first, I should now all of your names, oh, and it would be nice if you told me your ages.”

“Annyeon hyung! I am called Minho, I am 7!” the youngest one of them said.

“Wow…. I was defeated by a seven year old!” Sunggyu exclaimed.

“I am 8, and my name is Jonghyun!”

“Oppa, you are really good looking! My name is Minah, and I am 8 years old!”

“Oppa, I am 8, and my name is Bomi!”

“Annyeong, I am 19, and my name is Sunggyu, and these besides me is Yoonhee, and she is 15,” Sunggyu said, “Yoonhee ah, see! Both of them barely know me, and are already calling me oppa, and I’ve known you for a couple of months, and you will stubbornly not call me oppa!”

“Unnie, is he is your girlfriend, why don’t you call him oppa?” Bomi asked.

“Well….. I don’t feel ready to call him oppa…… Should we play something fun?” Yoonhee asked, trying to change the direction of the conversation, she didn’t want Sunggyu to feel bad, but she really couldn’t call him oppa, just not yet.

“I have a ball!!” Minho exclaimed, “hyung! Noona! Play with us!!”

They started playing with the kids, Sunggyu was really good handling kids, different to what he seemed to be. They started to throw the ball around, and they went and picked it up, and started playing again. Sunggyu and Yoonhee carried the kids on their shoulders, and gave them piggy back rides. They started splashing water everywhere, and were having so much fun, when suddenly, Yoonhee felt someone was missing. Someone who should be there, and tried to forget it.

“Yoonhee ah, should I give a piggy back ride just like I did to Bomi?” Sunggyu asked Yoonhee, there was an expression of uneasiness on Yoonhee’s face with this words. “Hey, don’t feel awkward, we are a couple, and I haven’t given you a piggy back ride yet!”

Yoonhee accepted after hearing Sunggyu’s words, he was right. But just as she was getting on Sunggyu’s back, a little and cute voice she had heard hundreds of times at Myungsoo’s house could be heard.

“Unnie!! Yoonhee unnie!! Annyeong!!!!!!!” Sunmi shouted from the distance. *Sunmi?* Yoonhee asked herself.

When Yoonhee turned around, to see the source of the shouts, little Sunmi, and just behind her, Myungsoo was wearing clothes to get wet, they seemed to have come to have fun by the river.



*Eishh! Should I just let them go or should I follow them? If I follow them and they discover, I will be in huge problems, but if I don’t follow them, I don’t know what might happen. Sunggyu hyung told me yesterday that he would try getting closer to Yoonhee through this date, I am not quite sure what he meant with that….. What if he wants to kiss her?!?!* Myungsoo thought all of these in his head in the short moment when Sunggyu and Yoonhee had stopped to wait for the bus.

Myungsoo had followed them out the clinic to the bus stop. He decided to follow them to their date, but was still debating about it in his head. Suddenly, the bus came. Myungsoo was wearing a jacket with a hood, so he put it on, and went into the bus. He saw it all.

Everything, how Sunggyu embraced Yoonhee in his arms, how he stood protectively besides her, how they hold hands. He felt unfair, that should be his place. He tried to calm himself, this was so not like him, but he couldn’t control his feelings anymore.

When Yoonhee and Sunggyu came down the bus, he followed them, and saw how they messed around. He quickly took the bus home, and drove back in his own car with Sunmi in it, as an excuse for coming to the Han River.

*End of Flashback*


Sunmi ran towards Yoonhee. Yoonhee unnie!!! Wa, I found you here!!” Sunmi cutely said.

“Oh, Sunmi ah, annyeong, what are you doing here, since when have you been here?” Yoonhee asked.

Myungsoo came just behind Sunmi.

“We just got here Yoonhee shi, I didn’t know you were here, what a coincidence! I brought Sunmi since it was such a hot day,” Myungsoo explained.

“Oh, you are such a good brother Myungsoo shi, Sunmi ah, you should be so happy because of having such a kind brother,” Yoonhee said.

“But Myungsoo oppa told me Yoonhee unnie woul-” Sunmi started, but was cut off by Myungsoo.

“So, what were you doing before we got here?” Myungsoo asked.

“Oh, we were playing with them,” Sunggyu said pointing to Minho, Jonghyun, Minah and Bomi.

“Sunmi ah, you could be friends, they are about the same age as you. She is Minah, she is Bomi, he is Jonghyun and he is Minho,” Yoonhee said pointing to the respective people.

“Oh, annyeong! I am Kim Sunmi! Nice to meet you!” Sunmi beamed. The kids went to talk, and Sunggyu, Myungsoo and Yoonhee started a light conversation.

“Myungsoo ah….. I thought I had told you Yoonhee and I would be coming near the Han River….. WHY DID YOU COME HERE!” Sunggyu blurted out, “couldn’t you go to the water park?”

“Mian… I really forgot, are you sure you told me, you probably told Woohyun hyung,” Myungsoo reasoned.

“Oh… yes. Hehe, I confused it, but still, why did you have to come?” Sunggyu cried.

“Sunmi wanted to go out to play with water, so since that Han River was not so far from home, I came here, mian……..” Myungsoo said.

“Don’t worry Myungsoo shi, I believe that doing that for your sister is really cute, there aren’t many brother’s out there that would take their little sisters out,” Yoonhee said.

“Yoonhee ah, should we get going?” Sunggyu asked, “I have other things planned out for today.”

“Can’t we play for a little while more, I really was having fun with the children. Let’s stay for 30 more minutes, deh?” Yoonhee pleaded.

“Yoonhee ah, please, I really wanted to do lots of things, we will not have time if we keep staying here. Furthermore, Myungsoo and Sunmi can stay playing with the children. PLEASE?!” Sunggyu tried using his aegyo.

Yoonhee finally accepted, and the two of them left Myungsoo and Sunmi with the kids. Yoonhee promised she would come next week, so that they would also come to keep playing. As soon as Yoonhee and Sunggyu were out of sight, Myungsoo excused himself with Sunmi, and started following the couple.

First, Sunggyu and Yoonhee went into a little clothes shop nearby to get changed into dry clothes (buy them), they were planning on buying couple T-shirts (Sunggyu’s idea), but suddenly the one in charge of the shop told them there were none of their size left, so they didn’t.

After getting changed, Sunggyu conducted Yoonhee to an Amusement Park. There was a merry go round, and many other games to get on. When Yoonhee saw where they were in, she went, and almost threw herself into Sunggyu’s arms, but a skater which was nearby lost control, and tackled Sunggyu.

Yoonhee already had her arms wide open, and quickly retreated them. She put them into her pockets, and went to Sunggyu’s side.

“Should we go in?” Yoonhee asked.

“Yes, let’s go, I’ve still gotten so much planned for today!!” Sunggyu exclaimed.

They went into the amusement park, and probably went into every single game. They also went into the arcades and the games for little kids. They were having so much fun together. But every time Sunggyu tried skinship, something happened  to stop it.

Like, there was once when Yoonhee and Sunggyu were walking holding hands towards the pedal boats, and suddenly someone went running in between them, tearing their hands away, after that Yoonhee immediately put her hands into her pockets.

Then, when they were in the pedal boats. They went into a corner where they were the only boat, and as soon as Sunggyu was nearing his head towards Yoonhee’s to give her a peck on the cheek, a little boy appeared and started using a water gun to spray water everywhere.

The most stupid one was when they were eating in the food court, where there were also other couple cuddling against each other and feeding each other, when Yoonhee got some sauce on her face, and Sunggyu used his thumb to wipe it away, an assistant of one of the food selling places came and told them not to do that in public since it scared costumers away. He couldn’t believe it with all the other couples near them.

Yoonhee didn’t notice much of these, but Sunggyu did. Every single time, and he was already losing it. It really seemed as if someone wanted to interrupt him every single time he wanted to get closer to Yoonhee. What he didn’t know was that there was someone doing that.

Myungsoo and Sunmi followed the couple their entire day. Myungsoo would talk to people to help him. But when Yoonhee and Sunggyu got into the last attraction, the Ferry’s Wheel, Sunmi saw an attraction she wanted to get into. Come on, she was a 8 year old girl in an amusement park, and didn’t gt into any ride for the entire day, so Myungsoo decided to let her go in.

Sunggyu realized that now that he was holding Yoonhee’s hand, no one came out of the blue to separate them, so he took the chance to do what he wanted to do the entire day. Have the first kiss with Yoonhee. They got into the ride, and after waiting for a while for everyone to get in, it started.

Yoonhee started screaming. And grabbed Sunggyu’s hand with such a pressure, Sunggyu thought his hand would fall, but he liked it like that. As the ride was finishing, and Yoonhee had started to calm down (a little, barely noticeable), he pecked a little kiss on her cheek. Yoonhee stopped all actions. Her mind went blank.

They went down the ride, and Yoonhee’s face was unreadable. Sunggyu was surely happy, but Sunggyu didn’t know how Yoonhee felt about it.


In the distance, by the merry go round, Myungsoo saw the couple riding the ferry’s wheel. And he saw when Sunggyu’s lips touched Yoonhee’s cheek. He stopped the ride Sunmi was in, and hurried to where the ferry’s wheel was at.


Yoonhee and Sunggyu went to a bench nearby. His arm was around her waist, and suddenly, he faced her. He started to inch his face closer, and Yoonhee immediately knew what he wanted. A war started in Yoonhee’s head. The logical part that told her this was normal, that this should have happened a long time ago, and the part which screamed she shouldn’t do it.

But Yoonhee somehow ignored the part screaming not to do it. Convincing herself it was the correct thing to do.



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Chapter 21: They are really cute together!! I like it, keep it up!!
Chapter 19: Poor Myungsoo!! :´(
Chapter 16: New reader here`. (:
I like this story .
Please update soon ?
What will Hyemi say ??? OMG !!
Chapter 14: Cute, haha... Myungsoo was really shocked... Keep it up.
Chapter 11: hehehe i bet i know who dragged her out of the house. or what if i'm wrong :O
Chapter 7: I wish Sungkyu, Myungsoo and Sungjong will totally fall in love for Yoonhee...