
strawberry scent

Bom was right, I should live a miserable life as payment for what I caused you Dara. Just the thought of me being happy again is like vile in my mouth…


“Someone is trying to break us apart.”


It keeps on repeating in my head. Who could that be?


“Jagiya, I”ll be back everyday ok…Don’t be mad at me for leaving, I just need to know who that person is ok...”


I tried to  stand up slowly, my legs are numb from sitting down for two days.


“ Jagiya, I know you can hear me, If you want to go home with me it’s ok, we can find this person together.” I said as if im talking to someone who is still living…


Then a strong wind blew…and along with it lingers a scent ever so familiar to me…


“Mmmm…Strawberry scent, you’re here jagiya, c’mon lets go home.” I said with a small smile from my lips knowing that my Dara is still with me.

When I got home I took a bath and prepared a dinner for two.


“C’mon Jagiya, Lets eat, eat a lot ok, you know I alyas want you to gain some weight.” I stated and I started eating… I took one spoonful of my food and tears began gushing again…


I could hear the thoughts running trough my mind.


“Keep it together Jiyong, You still need to find this person, You’ve already lose Dara don’t let yur sanity leave you too, Be strong for Dara and find this person, you owed it to her.”


I went to my room feeling defeated.

I can’t have Dara back and I can’t even pretend that she’s still alive… The feeling of longing is really hard to bear, the pain of losing her and the fact that I caused her her demise .


I slowly fell asleep…


In my dreams…

“I love you Jagiya…”

“Dara,is that you?”

“Yah Jagiya are you expecting someone else?” she said while pouting

I run to her and hugged  her

“Jagiya, I can’t breath!” she said while smiling

“Oh, I’m so sorry Jagiya, I’m sorry… Please don’t ever leave me again, please Jagiya, I’ll go crazy if you leave me again.”  I’m begging Dara

Dara hold my face in her tiny palms…

“Jagiya, Don’t ever doubt my love for you, and never forget that I will never ever leave you,arasso, I love you Jagiya.” Dara lovingly told me

“ I love you too Dara…”


Then I woke up…I woke up to the world that Dara doesn’t belong anymore…

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Chapter 21: Nice story authornim ❤️
applerkang #2
Chapter 17: Lmao my favorite was the last part. That was so cute..hahahaha
dockie8ph #3
Chapter 17: love it as usual, you don't disappoint me with your stories...
dockie8ph #4
Chapter 14: waaahhh, i need to stop reading this, i still need to go to work!!!
dockie8ph #5
Chapter 10: i think i have an idea, who wants her dead, hmmmm???
nana_lve_fanfic #6
Chapter 21: yes~!!! kiko is finaaly "released" in some way and thank god little jenny and everyone there is alright
Chapter 17: i love how the story flow.. nice work..
aryhelle #8
Chapter 17: Wow!!!Too short but that was really nice and creepy at the same time hehehe nice one again author!!!
Chapter 21: Thanks for killing the crazy fish authornim :-)
ConnieOng #10
Chapter 21: Oh my dis fic is a lil creepy initially but lol i like the ending ... nice fic yo!