Little Jenny

strawberry scent





After 5 years of marriege...

Jiyong and Sandara was blessed to have a beautiful daughter...

her name is Jenny, she has her mothers beauty and father's personality.

At the age of four she is can already play 2 instruments; the piano and violin.

Jenny is such and explorer too...she would'nt leave anything without checking it.


One day while jenny is playing on thier front yard...


"Omma!!! Omma!!!" Jenny shouted while rushing inside the room


"What's wrong Jenny? why are you shaking?" Dara said while trying to calm down her little daughter

"Omma, There's a scary woman outside!!! she's very beautiful but she looks at me in a scary way...she's bad omma, i know she's bad!" The child said while crying on her mother's shoulders


Dara carried Jenny to the couch...


"Don't leave this couch Jenny...omma will check who's outside ok." Dara said trying trying to hide her fear...


Slowly went outside while dialing Jiyong number...

She cheked if she could find anyone with Jenny discriptions...

She found no one..

Who could that be?

Who would want to scare my daughter?


her thoughts we're interrupted when she almost stepped on something...

she looked at it and gave out a loud squel...


"eeeeeeee!!!!" she put her phone on her ear  "Jiyong go home now!!!" Dara instructed Jiyong ;while running back to the house to get Jenny




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Chapter 21: Nice story authornim ❤️
applerkang #2
Chapter 17: Lmao my favorite was the last part. That was so cute..hahahaha
dockie8ph #3
Chapter 17: love it as usual, you don't disappoint me with your stories...
dockie8ph #4
Chapter 14: waaahhh, i need to stop reading this, i still need to go to work!!!
dockie8ph #5
Chapter 10: i think i have an idea, who wants her dead, hmmmm???
nana_lve_fanfic #6
Chapter 21: yes~!!! kiko is finaaly "released" in some way and thank god little jenny and everyone there is alright
Chapter 17: i love how the story flow.. nice work..
aryhelle #8
Chapter 17: Wow!!!Too short but that was really nice and creepy at the same time hehehe nice one again author!!!
Chapter 21: Thanks for killing the crazy fish authornim :-)
ConnieOng #10
Chapter 21: Oh my dis fic is a lil creepy initially but lol i like the ending ... nice fic yo!