What really happened?

strawberry scent


Dara’s POV


I was fixing myself infront of the mirror preparing fro my date with Jiyong when I heard someone knock at the door…. I went out to see who is knocking but turns out there was no one outside, then I noticed an enveloped lying on the floor with y name written on it…


“Another surprise Jagiya? Wonder what is it this time…”


I opened the letter and I was stunned and infuriated  with what was written…



I found someone else…

I didn’t mean for it to happen but it did.

I want my freedom Dara, please let me go…

I hope you’ll be able to find your true happiness too

As I have found mine



I went out of the apartment, as I reached the restaurant Jiyong was already outside, as I approached him he has this somber expression on his face…


“Is he sad to see me?” I asked myself


Maybe he really found someone else… and as I reached him, I can’t find the right words to tell him. I was angry, sad and confused all at the same time


“I’m letting you go Dara..”  Jiyong suddenly said

He is letting go of me… he really did found someone else


“Is this what you want?” I asked him


“ No, this is not what I want, but this is what I have to do!” He shouted at me


Why did he have to shout at me? He’s the one who cheated… If this is what he want, then fine, I’ll give it to him..


“Fine Jiyong, if this is how it’s supposed to be .”


As I said that to Jiyong He started walking away from me and left me all alone standing infront of the restaurant


I started walking mindlessly till I reached the Han River…

It was a beautiful sight,I sat down in a  dark area where no one will see me cry, I took the letter that Jiyong sent me and read it again…


Then I notice something odd…there was no star on the left side of the letter, Jiyong always draw a star on the left side of each letter that he sends me…


“Is this from Jiyong?” I asked myself


Then I tried to remember the scene infront of the restaurant…Jiyong was als holding a letter similar to what he sent to me…


“He received a letter too?” I wondered


My thoughts were interrupted by a crying sound…


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Chapter 21: Nice story authornim ❤️
applerkang #2
Chapter 17: Lmao my favorite was the last part. That was so cute..hahahaha
dockie8ph #3
Chapter 17: love it as usual, you don't disappoint me with your stories...
dockie8ph #4
Chapter 14: waaahhh, i need to stop reading this, i still need to go to work!!!
dockie8ph #5
Chapter 10: i think i have an idea, who wants her dead, hmmmm???
nana_lve_fanfic #6
Chapter 21: yes~!!! kiko is finaaly "released" in some way and thank god little jenny and everyone there is alright
Chapter 17: i love how the story flow.. nice work..
aryhelle #8
Chapter 17: Wow!!!Too short but that was really nice and creepy at the same time hehehe nice one again author!!!
Chapter 21: Thanks for killing the crazy fish authornim :-)
ConnieOng #10
Chapter 21: Oh my dis fic is a lil creepy initially but lol i like the ending ... nice fic yo!