
The very gorgeous pizza delivery guy


Sorry for the errors, english is not my first language, please be patient and comment please = D





EunHyuk had just arrived home from work, he was exhausted, and didn’t want to cook something, and moreover it was Friday, so he was willing to ask food by phone.

“Hm…What should I ask? Chinese food?” – EunHyuk thought – “No, I thinks a pizza would be better.”

And so he did it, he called to Hot Pizzas and asked a pepperoni pizza. He separated the money to pay for the pizza and the tip for the motoboy. And so he went to take a quick shower, after all, the pizza would take a little bit to arrive, moreover on Fridays.

The cold water made EunHyuk relax, and because of that he took longer than expected, when he just closed the shower he heart the ring bell.

Ding Dong

“How long am I here? Is the delivery guy ringing for a long time and I didn’t heart it?” – and so EunHyuk hurried, badly dried himself and plainly wore a underwear and a pant and went open the door, even if he was shirtless and a bit wet.

“I’m sorry for the lateness,  I was in the shower.” – he said when he just opened the door, and when he looked at the delivery guy he was speechless. He faced a brunette, a VERY handsome brunette. EunHyuk would probably just stay still looking at the guy if one didn’t speak.

“E-err, there’s n-no problem sir. Here’s your pizza sir.” – Said the delivery Guy with head lowered, the black cap covering his eyes.

“Thank you” – said EunHyuk taking the pizza and the paying the guy. He by a second just thought that the brunette was blushing. “Bye”.  And with that the motoboy just nodded in acknowledgment and left.

When he closed the door EunHyuk sat in the chair and stared at the pizza box with the name “Hot Pizzas” written on it. “The delivery guy is hotter than the pizza” he thought and the shaked his head trying to take away the thoughts about the brunette he just saw.


It was Tuesday, and EunHyuk was thinking about the brunette motoboy again, he just couldn’t take the guy from his head. So he decided to ask for a pizza again. “Kekeke” – he laughed from himself “Who would expect someone to ask for a pizza not for the pizza, but for the guy who delivery it.

And so he did it, he called to the pizzeria and asked a mozzarella one. When the pizza arrived he hurried to open the door.

“Here’s your pizza sir.” – said to him a tall guy, and to his disappointment, it wasn’t the same guy from the other day.

“Oh…’s your money, thanks.” – he said and then entered his apartment again, stared at the pizza and sighed. “Maybe he only delivery on Fridays… I will ask again on Friday, there are more chances of him delivering.”


“What if he doesn’t work there anymore? What if he was just covering a friend turn? What if he changed his work hours and doesn’t delivery at night anymore? Arrrrghhh!”  - EunHyuk was thinking about million possibilities whilst holding the phone on his hand. In the end he called Hot Pizzas again and asked a cheese pizza. It was Friday, maybe the guy will appear again.

He tried to distract himself whilst the pizza didn’t arrived, he was anxious, expecting the same brunette from the other Friday to come this time. For him just SEE that guy was good enough.

Ding Dong

“Here’s your pizza sir.” – said the guy and EunHyuk’s heart skipped a beat. …it was him. The gorgeous delivery guy from his dreams.

“Thank you” – said EunHyuk smiling to him, so he taked the pizza, payed fot it and then said bye before entering his apartment again.

“YES!!” – EunHyuk  almost screamed excited when he closed the door.



And so for a whole month he asked for pizza every single Friday, and so would meet the delivery guy who makes his heart beats fasters. He tried once to ask on another day that wasn’t Friday just to see if the guys would show up, but he didn’t so he assumed that the guy only work on Fridays.

However today, a Friday, he decided to make something different, he wanted to become closer to the guy. “But, how?” – he thought, and then decided that ask for his name would be the first step. And he did so when he opened the door.

“Here’s your pizza sir” – said the brunette giving him the pizza box.

“Thank you, and you don’t have to call me sir..” – EunHyuk said.


“EunHyuk.” – EunHyuk said.

“Ok, and by the way I’m DongHae”  - said DongHae giving him his hand for them to shake. EunHyuk paid fot he pizza and they bided bye.

He closed the door. “DongHae…” – he thought with a smile on his face.

*~~~  =  ~~~*

Donghae climbed on the motorcycle whilst thinking about the blonde. “EunHyuk…”. Today he finally discovered the name from the one that caused him too much confusion. Confusion in the head, in the heart..a very good confusion.

Who would say that make a favor to a friend would take him to know a very handsome blonde.  He didn’t believed in “love at the first sight” until he met EunHyuk.

Your friend, Siwon, works at Hot Pizzas, and when DongHae went to the pizzeria that day, Siwon asked him help, because there were too many requests and one of the motoboys missed.

DongHae, like the good friend he is, helped his friend Siwon, since he had a motorcycle and was free. And he never felt so grateful to his friend Siwon. The vision of that shirtless and a bit wet blonde was like paradise to him.

And since then, every Friday he goes to the pizzeria, to deliver the pizza of a certain EunHyuk.


“How long are you going to do this?” – asked his friend Siwon.

“Until I take courage to ask him out.”  - Donghae said.

“…yeah, so you’re going to do this for a looooong time. If I were you I would ask him out the sooner, because if he is so handsome like you say, then there must be more people willing to ask him out.”

“Yahh! I know!” – said DongHae pouting. “Today I’ll take initiative.”

“Yeah yeah, I know..” – said Siwon laughing. “Here’s his pizza, and take care because it’s raining too much.”

“Ok ok..”



When he parked the motorcycle he realized how wet he was. “Aishh!” he thought and then picked the pizza, and when he was in front of the elevator he saw a plaque saying “IS IN REPAIR. USE THE LADDER”

And he did so, but to use the ladder, wet the way he was until the 7º floor was complicated, moreover the lights weren’t strong enough. When he was at the 5ºfloor he slipped and hit his forehead on the stairs. It was aching and there was a cut that was bleeding a bit.

When he finally arrived the 7º floor he sighed in relief and rang the bell.

“Here it is EunHyuk.” – He said when the blond opened the door.

“Than- What happened!?”  - EunHyuk asked worried when he noticed the cut on the brunette forehead.

 “Er…I fell from the bike.” – he said ashamed. Because to tell that he slipped on the ladder was something too  stupid even for him.

“Aishh, isn’t it better to but a bandage there before you go?” – EunHyuk asked.

“It’s ok, it is my last delivery”  - The last and the ONLY delivery, which was made especially to EunHyuk.


“Yes.” – DongHae said smiling.

“S-so, why don’t y-you come in?” – EunHyuk asked nervous.

“Can I!?” – DongHae asked a bit excited.


“Thank you Hyuk!” – responded DongHae smiling.

The both blushed with the nickname that DongHae called EunHyuk. When DongHae entered EunHyuk gave him the money, that DongHae saved in the pocket.

EunHyuk placed the pizza on the table and went to his room, he came back and took care of the cut on DongHae forehead, and so he gave him a towel and clothes for him to change.

“It’s not necessary.” – Donghae said.

“I insist. You’ll catch a cold if you continue wet like this.” – EunHyuk said and smiled his gummy smile, which DongHae responded smiling too and accepting the towel and clothes and went to the bathroom.

He came back and EunHyuk asked.

“You’ll stay to eat, right?”

“Am I not disturbing?”

“Of course not!” – EunHyuk said smiling.

“Ok then, I’ll stay! There’s pizza!!” – he said smiling sweetly.

So both laughed and they spent the night together talking and having fun.


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kardashiankhaos #1
Chapter 1: That was cute, so into it
Chapter 1: Can u unmark this as completed? kuhuhuu.. i want mooore! kekeke! ^^
Chapter 1: Oh my.....Eunhae...both of them are just sweeeeeeeet<333333

I really want to know what happens next!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are they gonna have HOTTEST night everrrr?????

Anyway, thanks for sharingXD

Really loved it!!
princezack #4
Chapter 1: this calls for a sequel xD
cloudye0705 #5
Chapter 1: Oucchh. Will you continue this??
Chapter 1: with a delivery boy like that i would ask for a pizza everyday too XD
JewelEunFishHae #7
Chapter 1: sequel please!!!
Chapter 1: why the ending like thisss >< *pout*
sequel pleasee!!! ><!
Chapter 1: I love it! Now im thinking about doing the same thing!