The memory

Voyage D'amour: The Journey of Love (Hiatus)


“And that’s how you met the uncle?” Xiaoxing asked excitedly. Guigui smiled and nodded.

“So where is the uncle now?” Xiaoxing innocently asked. Guigui smiled disappeared for a while. Shinhye understood the situation, so she decided to change the topic.

“Xiaoxing, mommy think you should go to bed now. It’s quite late.” Shinhye said patted her little girl’s head. Xiaoxing pouted with disagreement. Geunsuk saw it and came to whispered something to her. “If you listen to mommy, daddy promise you that we will take you to the zoo this weekend, ok?” Xiaoxing’s eyes were lit up as she quickly dragged her mom to her little bedroom. Geunsuk and Guigui chuckled at her cute action.

“What did you just tell her?” Guigui asked curiously. Geunsuk shook his head with a smile, “It’s my secret weapon.”


After bid goodbye to the couple, Guigui returned to her house. As soon as she reached there, she quickly went to the bathroom to get a fresh shower. Tonight was a bit too much for her. Thinking of him was quite painful for her, and she knew it. After the shower, she decided to sit on her balcony. While looking at the sky, she couldn’t help but thinking about all those memory again.


*6 years ago*

“Auntie Li! I’m in love!” Guigui announced all of the sudden making Auntie Li jumped a little.

“Wow. What with the sudden announcement?” Auntie Li teased Guigui who was blushing.

“Auntie Li!” Guigui playfully glared at her beloved nursemaid.

“You’re in love with who? Or is he the young man you gave lesson to this morning?” Auntie Li began throwing questions to Guigui.

“No way! I’m not that unlucky!” That guy made her annoyed. On other hand, ‘he’ made her so happy just by thinking of ‘him’.

“I just met him on the balcony last night.” Guigui said shyly.

“What’s his name? What does his family do?” Auntie Li was even more excited than Guigui herself, but you just couldn’t blame her. That was the first time ever for Guigui to fall in love.

“I don’t know.” Guigui said dreamily.

“don’t know?” Auntie Li couldn’t accept her kind of love. She was afraid that Guigui could be played. “Oh, Guigui! Why don’t you ask him?”

“I was too  excited, so I forgot.” Guigui smiled shyly. Then she twirled around with smile on her face and flopped on her bed. She looked at the ceiling while giggling and blushing. Who was he? Why was he so handsome like that? “Auntie Li, do you think man like the girl like me or not?”

“You are impossible to dislike, dear. You are beautiful, smart, good personality, independent and even kind. You donate the money you work hard to earn to GLS charity and also volunteer to visit serious patients in the hospital every weekend. Good lady like you is hard to find. I’m sure that no guys will dislike you.”

“But I’m so unladylike.” Guigui signed. Maybe she should train herself to behave like lady instead of hiding in the library. Man might not like bookworm like her.

“I know it! I’m going to train myself to be ladylike!” Guigui got up quickly, “I’m going to find information now!” She jumped off the bed and quickly put her shoes on before exit the room.

“Guigui! It’s just 9am now! You don’t need to rush!” Auntie Li couldn’t stop her on time. She could only shake her head and let out a chuckle. She wondered what Guigui would do since today was the last day on the ship. They had to return home tomorrow.


In a five star restaurant on the cruise, Wangzi was eating breakfast silently with his fiancé, Shinhye. Shinhye sign 100th time because she could feel pressure in the air. If they really had to get married and he still treated her coldly like this, she would be mad at her parents for making her engaged with him since she was still a baby. Wangzi was a really handsome man and stood out among the crowd, but reaching for him was like reaching for the star that seemed so far.

“The waffle here is so delicious.” Shinhye tried to start a conversation. She only wanted him to talk to her. Sometimes she was even jealous with his pet because he always talked to him and played with him.

“I’m not so hungry. You should eat more.” Wangzi continued eating his breakfast without looking at Shinhye.

Their families had known each other for a long time. When he was two, Shinhye’s mother was expected a female baby making his mom made them engage without hesitation. Because he was too young, he couldn’t reject it at all.

“Wangzi. Why don’t we take a walk after meal? The weather today is nice.” Even his last answer was short, she still wanted to try. Could she get into his heart before marriage? She doubted that.

“I want to relax.” As soon as he heard Shinhye mentioned about taking a walk, a picture of a girl suddenly popped in his mind. He really needed a rest to clear his mind.

“OH.” Shinhye replied with disappointment. He never realized how painful she was to hear him reject her every time.      


After getting all the information she needed, Guigui looked at the clock to find that it’s already 7 pm. She signed and stretched her body. It surprised her that she actually spent the whole day in the library. Well, she did go to have breakfast and lunch with her family, but she always rushed back to the library as soon as the meal ended. She wondered what he was doing right now. She didn’t even see him today which was quite disappointing. Suddenly, she giggled at her last encounter with him last night.



Guigui looked up to meet his charming smile and sparkling eyes. Suddenly, he leaned closer to her. She became so nervous and didn’t know what to do.

Wangzi stopped when he was only a few inches from her, and pulled a colorful piece from her hair.

“There’s something on your hair.”

Guigui just stared at him. ‘What was you thinking, Guigui? He’s just being a gentle man. How could you even think that he was going to kiss you? Stupid! Now say thank to him!’ Guigui blamed herself in her mind.

“Thanks” she finally managed to say it out.

Wangzi nodded and smiled. Being close to her was so dangerous. He almost couldn’t get a hold of himself, and almost kiss her. It was as if there was an invisible force pull him toward her.

“Er. I think I should return to my room now. Good night! See you around!” Guigui said and ran away quickly without waiting for Wangzi to reply. Wangzi froze but soon realized she was running away from him. He shook his head smiling before turning to face the ocean.

*End of flashback*


 Guigui felt a bit hungry, so she decided to treat herself with the dessert in the library. This place was like a heaven for her.  When she was about to put a spoonful of chocolate fondant into , the library door was suddenly opened.

‘Who would come to library this late?’ Guigui thought but before she could continue with her thought, she saw a man walking in silently. All she could do was blinking rapidly.

Wangzi saw the person he wanted to see and smiled. Seeing the position she was in, he almost let out a chuckle. She was really in here with a spoonful fondant about to put in . “This place is really as good and quiet as you say.”

Guigui finally came back to reality, and quickly put her spoon down. She wished she could bury herself in a hole from the embarrassment. She cleared and replied looking at him directly in a lady manner, “Oh. Hello. Nice to see you again.”

Wangzi’s smile grew wider. The girl before him wasn’t as bold as he saw this morning at all but she was gentler.

‘Nice act’ he thought. She might be gentler now, but he kind of like the bold her more.

“There are many books here.” He said after looking around the room.

“Right, there are many books here, and the dessert is also delicious.” So stupid! She really wanted to cut her tongue out. Why did she have to mention dessert?

The moment he looked at her face, he realized that she must think that she said the wrong thing. Not wanted her to feel bad, he decided to break the ice. “Good. Just the right thing since I’m so hungry.”

Guigui finally relaxed. She saw him walking toward the dessert table.

“Which one is the most delicious?” Wangzi asked without looking at her. Guigui quickly walked to him and handed him a plate of dessert with excitement.

“This one, the chocolate fondant.” Guigui described the sweet in her hand “It might not look good, but it taste heavenly. You should try it. When you cut it, the melting chocolate with flow out and when you take a bite, you will love it! Here, try it.” Guigui hold a spoonful of fondant near Wangzi’s mouth. Wangzi looked at her while eating the fondant.

“How was it? Delicious?” Guigui asked him excitedly in hope that he would also like it.

When his tongue touched the fondant, his mind was thinking of a theory that chocolate has the chemical that makes people happy, so the happiness he felt right now must be because of the chocolate in his mouth.

“The taste is acceptable.” Wangzi answered normally.

Guigui wasn’t satisfied with his answer, “You can try one more bite. I’m sure that if you take one more bite, you won’t be able to stop eating it!”

“Why don’t you have some, miss?” Wangzi was sure that she wanted to eat especially after he saw her when he first stepped in the room.

“Em. I’ve already had some, so you can eat. I’m not hungry.” She lied. She knew that if she ate it, she couldn’t stop herself from eating more. She didn’t want him to see her eating like a pig.    

“It tastes pretty good.” He said wanted her to be happy. Actually, he didn’t like sweet at all, but he ate it for her.

“Really?” Guigui was very satisfied that she could share delicious treat with the person she liked. It was such a happy thing.

“You really don’t want to eat?” Wangzi was thinking about feeding her the fondant because he saw how hard she was holding herself not to eat.

Guigui swallowed her saliva while eyeing the yummy sweet. “I-er-I’m really not hungry.”

Wangzi stopped forcing her and wiped his hands clean with a handkerchief before drinking some warm water to wash away the sweetness in his mouth.

“You’re full?” Guigui asked.

“You have been reading books in this place until now?” Wangzi changed the topic. He wondered how the books attracted her so much that she always came there.

“Not really. Sometimes I play with the computer. Computer here is so interesting.” Wanted to prove it to him, Guigui quickly walked to open a computer.

“You play game?” Wangzi raised his eyebrow. If she came to play game here, it’s not strange because computer game is addictive. Although he never played it, he clearly knew how attractive this type of entertainment was.

“No.” Guigui sat on the chair and type log in password. “Computer has many more interesting things and a lot more fun than game.”

Wangzi saw Guigui put her ten fingers on the keyboard and typed a lot of passwords in. He was stunned at how skillful and serious the girl in front of him was. Suddenly, the monitor showed the security system, and the secret map of the ship including the places that were not allowed people to enter. The security system here was the same as the one in his company. The only person who knew the password to secret map was the owner.

“How do you know the password?” After looking at the monitor for a long time, he decided to ask.

Guigui slowly looked back at him and smiled. “Even it’s a bit complicated, it didn’t take a long time to hack the code.”

Wangzi thought that hacking this code wasn’t easy unless the security system here wasn’t strong or Guigui was a genius in IT field.

“This room is so interesting. I really want to go there.” Guigui pointed at a room in the map. “This one, see? Its decoration is so fascinating that it is like the room is for royal family.” She looked at Wangzi ,who looked as interested as she was. “Why don’t we go there together?” Guigui asked with her puppy eyes. Wangzi looked at her for a moment with a bit hesitation. ‘It wouldn’t kill just to go and take a look.’  He thought before nodded his head.

“Really? You will go with me?” Guigui asked to confirm.

Wangzi knew that it wasn’t normal for him to do like this, but he already agreed to her, so he couldn’t take it back. “Really.”

Guigui was so excited not only because she could visit the room but also she could go there with him. It was like a dream come true.

They followed direction on the map and finally found the room on the fourth floor of the cruise. This floor was very quiet because there were clearly only three floors on the guest maps.

As soon as she entered the room, Guigui’s eyes were wide open with excitement. “Oh my god! It’s amazing!” She quickly ran to the bed and threw herself on it, forgetting all the lady rules she’d learned all day. The bed was so comfy and soft.

Wangzi smiled looking at her and took a look around the room. Guigui soon realized there were some buttons on the headboard. Being such a curious girl, she decided to press the first button. The bed suddenly bounced in a slow rhythm making her giggle. Wangzi heard her giggle and turned around to take a look. He saw Guigui was bouncing up and down on the bed.

“It’s fun!” Guigui said still giggled making Wangzi shook his head smiling. Accidentally, Guigui ‘s arm touched the third button and the bed stopped bouncing.

“Eh. What’s wrong-“ Before she could finished her question properly, the bed began to twirl fast. “Help me!” Guigui shouted. She was thrown to the end of the bed and couldn’t reach for the button. All she could do was holding on the mattress to prevent herself from being thrown away because if it happened, she must be violently thrown meters away. Wangzi was shocked for a moment before ran to the bed in attempt to stop the bed. After the fail attempt of trying to reach for the button, he used his strength to stop the bed for a second and strongly pulled Guigui out making her hit his chest hard as both of them fell down. Guigui was so scared yet excited.     

“Are you alright?” Wangzi asked with concern. After calming down, Guigui began to grinned happily.

“That bed is so interested and fun. Would you like to try?”

Wangzi stared at her strangely. What’s wrong with this girl? That bed was so scary yet she thought it was fun?

Realizing what she just said, Guigui was quite nervous. How could she ask him like that? How unladylike it was!

“I don’t think it’s a good idea. I think you might not be able to drag me down.” Wangzi continued to stare at her mysteriously.

“Right.” She quickly got up and acted as if nothing had happened. “Let’s continue to explore the room.”

Wangzi still stared at her silently and let out a sign. He thought about what happened just now. When he pulled the end of her dress at the moment, he was thankful that she was wearing a dress, not a skirt because if not, all he could pull out was her skirt, and that would be real awkward.

“What is this?” Guigui asked as she carefully got into a small pool like area at the corner of the room. Wangzi shrugged his shoulder in replied. He thought that must be a pool but with no water. As he looked at the ceiling above, he was sure that the holes on it must be water holes.  Guigui continued to walked in the area when she suddenly stepped on a strange button like tile. Before she knew it, the so-called water holes released the water like it was raining. She quickly stepped on the tile again to make it stop, but by the time the water stopped, she had already been completely soaked. Seeing the scenery before him, Wangzi couldn’t help but let out a chuckle.

“I think you should change the soaked dress out. There must be bathrobes in the bathroom.”

“Maybe that’s the only option. Guigui dragged herself to the bathroom. How unlucky she was. Maybe she really had no choice but to wear only bathrobe with nothing underneath. Guigui was even more shocked when she pulled the bathrobe out. It was not a bathrobe but a black silk dressing gown which was bloody thin and short. Alright, maybe it wasn’t so short since it was still a bit below her knee. “Are you kidding me?” she signed one more time before putting it on. “At least it is black.”

Guigui stood checking herself in the mirror and made sure her gown knot was secured. She was quite thankful that this dressing gown design was like a normal black silk dress, but a bit thinner. Opened the door, she shyly walked out of the bathroom. She saw Wangzi stood with his back facing her, so she slowly walked toward him.

“What is it?” She looked at the things on the table with interest.

“I don’t know.” Wangzi said with eyes still on those things. There were two wine glasses and a bottle of wine like liquid without any label on the table.

“Why don’t we try it?” Guigui suggested.

“But we don’t know what it is at all.” Wangzi said with hesitation.

“At least I’m sure it’s not poisonous.” She quickly poured the liquid in the glass and took a sip before Wangzi had time to stop her.

“It tastes like grape juice.” Guigui said dreamily. She poured another glass for Wangzi to try. ‘Maybe I was thinking too much.’ Wangzi thought before taking a sip. It really tasted like she said but there was a tint of something strange that he couldn’t point out. When Wangzi finished his first glass, Guigui already finished her third. Suddenly Guigui began to feel dizzy.

“What’s wrong?” Wangzi sensed that there was something wrong with her.

“I don’t know. I feel so dizzy.” Guigui couldn’t stand properly and almost fell down but Wangzi caught her on time. Wangzi carried her to the bed carefully not to touch any button. He then stood up and looked around the room for a glass for water for Guigui, but there wasn’t any. Just when he was a few steps away from the bed, Guigui suddenly exclaimed.

“Hot! Hot! Hot! I’m burning!” she exclaimed painfully as she quickly loosen her gown. Wangzi’s eyes were wide open. He quickly went to stop her, but before he could do anything, his head began to spin.

“The liquid was drugged.” Wangzi gasped as he began to lose his mind.         


Sorry for late update. I'm actually stuck in my fun-mode for a long time. XD Next few days are new year in my country, so I might not update soon. anyway, hope you enjoy this short chapter. Thanks! 


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luvitmea #1
I m always a silent reader of every GG stories bt u made me register and i firstly subscribed to it... wil u update more pretty plsss ... nd make more stories of guiwang...
Chapter 6: @xNarya: thanks for leaving comment! I can't guarantee that he'll be alive yet. how evil m I. :D enjoy your reading!
xNarya #3
Chapter 5: Such a cute story but I really hope that Wanzi isn't dead or anything else because he seems absent in the " present ". I can't wait for the next chapter ! :)
Chapter 5: @marimar: thanks!
i just made it according their real life interaction because I feel that they get along very well in a short period.
But on the story, what going on Geunsuk's mind is still a secret. ^.<
anyway, enjoy your reading! :)
Chapter 4: Kekeke thanks author-nim for updating^^

So nice chapter, they just met but seems like they are already comfortable to each other, like it hehe :D

Now all of their stories begun I am so excited to read more kiki looking forward for next chaps ..
Chapter 4: @marimar: i'll try to update this story as fast as i can. :) this chapter is all about geunshin, and i can't tell about what happen to wangzi yet. at least not soon. :) anyway, thanks for your comments.
Chapter 3: Oh new chapter, please keep this story I am really wanna know keunshin story here and what happened to wangzi :)