Our messed up romance.

U n b e l i e v a b l e~[oneshot]

Emie Yoo's point of view:

Annyeong~ I'm Emie Yoo. I'm currently sixteen years old, and I attend an elite school in the city of Seoul. My school is known to have many famous people, but it doesn't really affect our lives. They do their own thing, and we do ours. Well, some of us anyway. There are of course, the really obsessive types who just have to spend every waking moment with the idol they care about the most. Don't get me wrong, it's not their energy that's annoying. Because I'm pretty energetic myself. Well, I don't want to get too deep into this. Let's get on with the story, shall we?

Have you ever had a feeling about a day? Like something could go utterly wrong, or utterly right? You know, that tingly feeling in your stomach? I had that today. It was strong, and it freaked me out. I've never felt like this for a long time, and I always trusted my gut. No matter what. So then, I started to observe anything out of the ordinary in my home life. My mother happily dragged me down the stairs to get breakfast. That isn't unusual. She usually does that everyday. I think I inherited her energy.

And then, I ate a fairly normal breakfast. Again, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Maybe I'm desiring something, but I just can't put my finger on it. Could it be? I don't think so. My life is exactly where I'd like it to be right now. I stepped outside the door, and there was my best friend Niel from Teen Top."Annyeong!" He ran up to me and pinched my cheeks. "Niel! What have I told you about pinching my cheeks?" He smiled cheekily. "Mianhe. I just can't help myself.

He's such a silly friend. I can't guarantee that I'll ever have a fun day without him. We both started walking towards the school, and like always it was the same tiring commute. I don't know why, but I was extra tired today. I still kept on my energy face though. That's how I am, and that's how I plan to stay as.

We went towards our separate classrooms, and I went inside class. I didn't really know anyone, so I'd usually just sit in the corner by myself, trying to make sure no one would bother me. The main reason is because I just didn't want to get to know someone who doesn't want to get to know me enough to walk right up to me, and say hello.

Sounds picky. I know. Our teacher said she had an announcement for us, so we all sat there quietly. That was one thing that was wrong out of the day. Everyone was so loud all the time, that most of the time I couldn't even hear myself think. I either had to move up to the front sometimes to get what the teacher was saying, or stay back after class. It was really troublesome, and I was really surprised that I didn't blow on people.

I guess I'm just too nice of a person. My teacher clapped her hands together, and said "I have such a good announcement everyone!" We all stared at her in awe. What could possibly be a good announcement everyone would enjoy? "We're going to do a really fun project, and you'll be in couples!" All of the couples of the room cheered. Oh.. yeah that's a good announcement.

"But.. I'm choosing your partners." Everyone in the room groaned. "Teacher! That's so unfair! Why don't yo let us work with the people we're comfortable with?" She argued back fiercely. "You're all in the same class, and you've been classmates ever since the year started. There is absolutely no reason why you all aren't close with each other."

They couldn't really complain about that. Because she was right on all levels. There was no rebuttals, and counter arguments were going to be useless at this point. She started explaining the project a bit more. "Like I said, you're going to be couples. You're going to be married in this project. You have to get to know each other, and test out married life. Later on in the project, you'll get a baby, that you have to take care of. If you don't do this project, you fail."

Even if I had a thought about not doing it, I wouldn't have not done it anyway. Then everyone started to complain. "Can we just know who are partners are please?" She sighed. "I was getting to that part!" Everyone was silent now. She was really talented in scaring people. She started calling out the partners, and I head my name. "Emie and.. Dongho." Dongho? Who exactly is he?

I've never spoken to him before in my life. Which is probably why I got paired up with him in the first place. I started looking around for that Dongho guy, and he was staring at me, with his arm up. He walked over towards me. "I don't want to do this with you. But for my grade,I'm going to." What an arrogant person! I've never seen such an arrogant person in my life.

And how exactly am I supposed to survive this project until it's over?

Progress check # 1:

Dongho and I were fighting nonstop ever since this whole thing started. It's his fault because he doesn't know any manners, and he treats me like I'm his maid! I have to constantly pick things up from the floor, which I shouldn't have to do. Hasn't he ever learned that you pick things up with you drop them? It's so disgusting!

He's like a typical slob that you'd see on TV, and I'm like the typical wife that doesn't say anything. He's constantly eating junk food, and I couldn't understand him. I almost wanted to drop out, but it was for my grade.. I couldn't.

Progress check # 8

We're slowly getting better, and we talk to each other more. There is no way that we aren't getting along. I'm happy that he's finally loosened up. Oh, and we got our baby today, so it kind of shook things up a little bit. It's a fake baby of course, they wouldn't give a real baby to a "couple" who is both only 16 years old. If they did, I'd think they're crazy.

The baby is loud, and is very hard to please. Are everyone's babys like this? I didn't even want to find out. Because if they were, I'd feel very sorry for them. Except I also found out that some "couples" in our class got twins. Oh, may they be able to survive. Our teacher was proud of all of us, unlike the first few weeks. She blew up on everyone.

And literally everyone. I knew Dongho and I probably deserved it though. After a few months, this project will be over. It kind of makes me sad.

Last progress check:

Today is our last day, and I'm in the saddest state I've ever been. Dongho and I became really good friends throughout the whole time, and I wanted us to be friends. I was just nervous enough to find out the answer on my own. So I decided to just wait, until he wanted to tell me himself. And that made me want to just know on my own.

Dongho pulled me off to the side. "Yah emie." I smiled nervously. "Yes, Dongho-ah?" He smirked. "We should be friends even after this, you know because we're cool like that. You and I get along well now. So, what do you say?" I can't believe all of this is happening.. Is this real?

A few weeks later:

Dongho and I were good friends, but then Niel started to interrupt our friendship. I started hanging out with him more, and it didn't seem like Dongho liked it so much. I wondered why until...

It was a rainy day, and I couldn't really run through the rain. I had no umbrella, and unfortunately Niel wasn't there to walk with me, since his family was on a vacation. Looking for a place to go, a car pulled up in front of me, and Dongho was inside. "Yah! Get inside~" He called out. I obeyed, and said "Kahmsamnida."

"I missed you, did you miss me?" he asked. I replied "Yes, I did. Why?" "Let's date."

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I Like your story^_^
It's cute xD. It made me blush the whole time. <br />
"We should be friends even after this, you know because we're cool like that. You and I get along well now. So, what do you say?" <br />
What Dongho said made me laugh. <br />
And that part where Niel pinched Emie's cheeks. Cute~ ^-^<br />
I felt sad that it had to end :( But overall it was great :D
i think i'm look a like emie..<br />
hahaha..<br />
hope you update soon...