Almost Made the Wrong Decision

Almost Made the Wrong Decision


KelLi’s P.O.V.~

         My wonderful relationship with DongHae was going great. To me, right now, everything couldn’t go worse. Sure, we had fights now and then, but sometimes it’s kinda healthy in a relationship, right? I here a knock at the door. That must be DongHae! I ran to the door and opened it. Only to see him in a plain Graphic Tee, jeans, and a beanie holding a bouquet of pink Hawaiian Hibiscus. I grabbed a hold of the Hibiscuses and told him to come in.

Tonight was movie night, and as always, DongHae picks a scary movie. To me, I think it’s just an excuse for me to cuddle with him. But I don’t mind, I like to do that anyways. As we watch the movie, nearly the end of it (Thank God!), I stop hiding behind the couch pillow.

“Ahaha. Were you really that scared?”, DongHae laughed.

I just pouted and stomped to the door, and opened it.


“There’s the door”, I waved to it, “Go through it and you’ll magically disappear once I close it.”

DongHae could obviously see I’m mad and not in the mood of being teased anymore. So he walked towards the door. I hide behind it because he could play tricks any time now, but I was prepared this time. Soon enough he was close to the door, about to grab the doorknob my hand was on. Assuming it was one of his tricks, I began to loosen my hand from it. Now, he’s this close to me, so close I could feel his hot breath near my forehead.

Now, I fully let go of the doorknob, only to hear a slam from the door. My back now pushed against the door, his hands beside me on the door, only to be trapped near his presence. I feel myself getting smaller and smaller as he gets closer and closer to me. His breath near my forehead.

“Stop it! I’m not ready!”, I screamed as I squeezed my eyes tight.

He chuckled, planted his lips on my forehead, and said, “You know I wouldn’t do that,” and then winked, “until you’re ready.”

He walked out the door, down the steps and then I stuck my tongue out at him and yelled, “You ert!”

He was already down the stairs and replied, “Only for you, baby!”

Now it was late at night and I got a phone call from my mom. “Hello? KelLi-ah?” “Yes, Umma?”, I yawned. “Honey, you have to move back to California.” “WHAT?!”, I yelled. And then I went back to my normal tone voice, “Why? I like it here, umma. I have plenty of friends, and I finally have a boyfriend that I actuallylove.” “That’s very good dear and I’m happy for you and all but,” my mom sniffled, “we’re having problems here right now.”

I started to be alert and then with hesitation in my voice I said, “What kind of problems, Umma?” “We need help KelLi-ah, Appa’s at the hospital right now, he just had a heart attack. And we can’t pay the hospital bills for him.” she croaked. My heart stopped for a moment. I ended the call because I was too shocked to hear that. I started crying endless tears.


Later on it was morning, I packed up all of my needed essentials. I couldn’t book a plane till 1:00 am tomorrow. So since I had enough time, I called my work and told them I couldn’t work anymore and explained them what happened. After that, I ate my breakfast, it wasn’t a happy one because I don’t know how to break it to DongHae. After all that time thinking about how to, I just went with the ‘just-leave-without-goodbyes’ plan. It’d hurt less, right?

Time passed by so fast, it was already 12:00 am, I put all my luggage in my car and drove to the airport. I kept trying to think that everything will be okay. But, it’s not. Before, my life was nothing, it was only work, earn money, eat, sleep, and pay the bills. But ever since 2 years ago, it was work, sleep, eat, and dates with DongHae. I parked my car, grabbed all my luggage and went inside. After all the usual airport stuff, I went towards the gates.

I looked behind me, only to see random people passing by. Why can’t this moment be like the dramas that have the guy run after the heroine at the airport right when she was near the gates? Unfortunately, this was reality, where none of that can happen. But, boy was I wrong. Because as soon as I was close to the gates, I heard a familiar voice yelling, sobbing, “KelLi-ah! Kels! Don’t go! Please don’t go!” I looked back to finally see DongHae, only his face covered in tears, eyes red and puffy. I ran back as fast as I could. I’d do anything to be back in his arms.

As soon as I was close to him, he picked me up and spun me around. “How’d you know?” I asked. He replied, “You think I don’t know where you work?” We both chuckled.

He grabbed my face and pulled it towards him, only to kiss me passionately. I was surprised by it, but easily complied to the kiss. *I’ll just send my family a check, I just got my man back now.*




A/N: I know it's kinda shorter than other one-shots. But, hey! It's a one-shot.

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so cute ^_^
--venissa #2
d'aww :( it's short :(((
Yah. It's called 'oneshot' for a reason. XD
ert >_< Unnie stop going into your world AND WRITE AN ACTUALLY STORY :3 Not an 1 chapter story.... (your 1 an only dongsaeng ~MiSun~)