
Dark Shadows
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Xander looked back and made sure Eli wasn't looking.Kevin gave Xander a look to continue his process."I'm on it,I'm on it..." Xander muttered silently. Xander's hands were trembling as he tried to untie Kevin's hand. "Let me help you..."Kevin said under his breath as he started to help Xander with his free hand. "Dang,just hurry up!" Dongho said very irritated. "You want to try?" Xander shot back,and Dongho just rolled his eyes. "Ugh guys...." Hoon muttered as he looked up. "What do you think you're doing?!" Eli shouted at Xander. Xander looked up in fear,but tried not to show it. "Eli,I'm doing what is right. Do you not see how much Kiseop loves this guy? Wae Eli? Wae....just accept it!" Xander shouted. Eli growled and started to make his way torwards Xander. Aj saw this,and rushed torwards Eli. He pushed him out of the room,and pinned him to the wall. Eli fought back,and digged his nails into Aj's shoulders. Aj winced at the pain,but kept fighting back so they could free Kevin. ''Give up. You will NEVER free him. you know what's going to happen to you? You're going to die." Eli smirked. AJ pulled him away from the wall,and pushed him to the ground. Eli fell and just laughed. "What is wrong with you?! We can stop this now. Just look around you,Eli! Look at what you're creating!" AJ shouted at him. Eli frowned,but looked up. *He's right isn't he?* He thought as he looked behind Aj. He scanned at the mess Kiseop,Soohyun,and Kibum created from fighting. *No! He's not right! You have to win!* the other part of Eli said. Eli slowly got up. AJ gave him a look. He was ready to push him back down if he needed too."Eli?" AJ asked and Eli just gave him a smile. He walked slowly back into the room,with Aj behind him. Aj was still not sure in what Eli was doing. Xander,Hoon,Dongho,and Kevin looked up at Eli. Eli walked over to them,and then Dongho got in front of Eli. He blocked his path,but then Eli just pushed him out of his way easily. Dongho fell to the ground and pouted. "Hyung! Look what he did to me! Get him out of here!!" Dongho shouted.''Shut it kid! I'm here to untie Kevin." Eli said. Everyone in the room looked at him confused,"Mwoh?!" they all said at once. ''Mwoh?Can't a bad guy change,too?" Eli said and chuckled. Xander back away to let Eli untie Kevin,but was still close to Eli. Just in case Eli planned something out. "Sp
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Daebok1 #1
Chapter 17: I've been testing the majority of this week and I have another test moday( really Monday stupid test makers) and I'm so glad you updated and I love how kiseop is somewhat oblivious to Kevin because he is so into the fight with kibum. Thank you so much!!
Chapter 17: Omg! So Xander is good after all? ε-(´∀`; ) I hope he is D:anyway... Amazing chapter as always n.n take care :3
Daebok1 #3
Chapter 15: I bet a penny,I broke ok, that either Eli or soohyun kidnapped Kevin or a new character.

Mr/mrs/ms author thank you for updating and continuing this story. It's really good and I can't wait for your next update!! Fighting!!!!
Daebok1 #4
Chapter 14: What just happens? OMG Eli is the badass vampire in this story!
Daebok1 #5
Chapter 9: OMG the scene where Eli came and killed kiseop I was lik holy crap what just happened then the next chapter revealed it was just a dream I was like oh mini heart attack. Good story can't wait for the next update
Daebok1 #6
Chapter 2: Ooo~ Kevin a vpire now. What bout Eli?? O.o