
Cold Blood

                                                                       A Cut from the Past                                                                         
                                       "Memory, You are still here present within me..."                                         
They found out. Daehyun could swear that it was the worst day of his life. He wanted to die more than anything, regretting everything that he was, regretting thinking everything would be fine, he should of just stayed quite, he should of just stayed hidden  from the world, so that no-one would of found out.
He felt his father grip him by his shirt collar, feeling the ground slowly fading under his feet. He felt the air being cut off, soon feeling the hard coldness of the wall that was behind him as he got slammed against it. “Why!?” His father shouted, as Daehyun closed his eyes. He didn’t want to watch this, he wanted to disappear, why couldn’t he just blend in with the wall?
He could hear over his father’s screams, the sobs from his mum who was now sitting on the floor, hitting her both hands on the floor in anger and agony. It pained Daehyun so much, he could swear he probably would be feeling less pain while dying then what he was feeling now.
“I don’t have a son”. Daehyuns eyes shot wide open at the faint sound that reached his ears, through those continues cries; he watched his mum mumbling as she covered her ears, rocking back and forth. Daehyun felt tears in his now, though he was able to hold it till now, but at the words that came from his mother, he couldn’t help it, there was no way of stopping them. He wanted to tell her she didn’t mean, he wanted to hear her tell him he heard it wrong, but he knew it was far from that, she meant exactly what she said.
“I don’t deserve this” she said getting up, as her eyes shot around “I never asked for this” she screamed, as she began walking to the living room, Daehyun feeling his the arms on the his collar letting go, as he dropped onto the floor, his with giving out, watching his father head after his mother. He heard screams and shouts, as some point he could swear he heard a slap “You won’t leave!” His father screamed, and Daehyun could hear something smash, with his mother give out a scream and a cry.
Daehyun curled up on the floor, stopping his breathing... maybe he should just die right now and here?. After some time he began coughing for air; breathing in as much air as possible. He couldn’t do it, he just couldn’t do it, despite all the pain he was bringing his parents, he couldn’t do it, and he was too scared.
Not even month had past, when Daehyun was heading home, during that cold rainy day. He was scared to go home, he was scared to see his mother. Whenever he was home he only stayed in his room. He felt people’s eyes on him, where ever he went, he knew they thought he was sick and disgusting, it wasn’t even once or twice where people threw things at him, or beat him up and called him names. Though it was horrible he wished that it only happened to him, but he knew he was wrong. He was aware that people watched his mother each time she took a step outside the house, each time she went to shop, because each time she made sure that Daehyun would know it too. The constant screams and the constant beating that came Daehyuns way, became part of his life, but he couldn’t complain; the fact that his father had left them, was a good enough reason for taking anything that his mother had to offer him, and he was prepared for anything that was yet to come from her.
But today was different…
He put the key into the lock as he turned it to unlock the door, quickly taking out the key and turning the door handle as he made his way through the door, closing them behind. ‘I’m home’ wasn’t welcoming from his side anymore; he knew his mother wished he had never come back, so he tried to be as quite as he could.
He walked down the corridor, noticing how his door was slightly left open, as he slowed down his pace, hoping his mother wasn’t inside. He walked up to the door, as he peeked inside trying to see if anyone was there, slowly pushing the door open, seeing no one there, as he froze… his bag began slowly coming down his shoulder; he felt it, but he didn’t care, he didn’t care if it was to drop, he just let it, the only thing he cared was what was inside his room.
The curtains were closed, but the daylight sun was still lightning up the room dimly. He stepped in looking around the room… he read every word that was on the wall… the red writing… he felt every word burn into him… every word that he knew was written in blood… a person’s blood
He turned around, quickly trying to walk out of his room, as he tripped over his bag, falling onto the floor, yet quickly getting up, like someone was calling for him, like someone’s life depended on it… and as far as he knew it did…
He was shaking; he was covered in sweat and his eyes shot wide in shock as he stood outside his parent’s bedrooms open door. There was fear inside of him, as he hesitated to open the door… his skinny trembling fingers reached out towards the slightly open door as it gave it a firm push, with the door opening wide. He watched frozen, he felt tears running down his cheeks, though his body seemed to react, he couldn’t grasp the situation, he couldn’t believe what he was looking at… he didn’t want to believe that this was reality.
After some time, he walked towards his mother, she was her face paler then she usually was. Though he hadn’t seen her properly for a long time, he could still tell that her complexion had changed.  He watched her tired eyes, and the wrinkles on her face, as he reached with his hands, caressing her face and running over the lines…
…he laid her down on the bed, as he laid down next to her, taking one of her hands into his. While with the other he brushed the hair from her face, as he caressed her face once again. To think, he hasn’t seen her face for so long, and now he was able to lay on a bed beside her, not having to be scared of her for once. He watched her face with a small smile spread on his lips. He studied her face, even if she looked tired, even if there were wrinkles on her face, she was still beautiful in his eyes… “I missed you” he said faintly, trying not to wake her up.
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Omg why did i just found this story now.. This is so good.. But there are couple of things that confius me tho.. What happen to youngjae that make him forget daehyun? What happen between daehyun's family? Where was his father when his mom commit suicide? So many question running through my head right nowXD but nonetheless this story is awesomeXDXD thnk for writing thisxD im for mysteriesx >3<
Chapter 29: New reader hereee and i read it in just a day! Even tho you said this might be the last chapter, i couldnt help but want moreeee ><
Softballgrl13811 #3
Chapter 29: Whatever you decide to do is all up to you. Your story is good and I honestly liked the flow. End now or later it is all up to you. Just know that you are a great writer and I will be sticing around for more! =) work hard but stay healthy <3
Softballgrl13811 #4
Chapter 2: This is really good! I am hooked!!!
asdayuni #5
Chapter 29: Hello there! New reader here, :))
I like your story, and please update again. It's okay if you're slow. Fighting ^^
So I want to ask you.
Daehyun past is he is being gay, so his parents were mad at him that lead her mother commit suicide? But how they, I mean the parents, found out that dae is gay?
Also did youngjae forgot daehyun at first? But daehyun still remember youngjae, so that's why dae hate jae?
Please explain it to me hehehe. Thank you for the beautiful story, and please keep update ^^
obscuredthoughts #6
Chapter 29: I love this story! I will keep reading it! All 27 chapters and even more! Keep updating please!
Chapter 29: No matter what you decide about the story, i can tell you i enjoyed it. 27 chapters or more, still loved it. ^_^
obscuredthoughts #8
Chapter 28: I'm still reading this!! UPDATE SOON!!!!