Time Tells

3 Ways [Hiatus]

She leaned against the wall by the door watching the rain pour down and people walked in and out. She didn’t want to be thought of as a person who didn’t keep her words. Besides, she thought she and Changmin had been getting along fine.

That date yesterday…she’d honestly looked forward to it too.

There weren’t close friends to go out with, so going out with him allowed her some fresh air and peace of mind. Victoria sighed and glanced at her watch then turned to look at the doors.

She trusted that Changmin would at least want to go home for some night’s sleep. When he walked out she would stop him. While waiting she would think of what to say. Actually, before heading there she hadn’t even given a clear thought about what she’d say to him. All Victoria had planned was that she would apologize for not showing up last night.

What other excuse could she give him?

I got turned into a fairy? Victoria wanted to laugh at the thought, but felt more like stabbing a knife through her heart for the unhumorly joke.

She didn’t think Changmin would believe her even if she talked about what had happened yesterday. Before Tinkerbell’s arrival she didn’t even believe in Neverland. It was all stories and books, she’d thought.

Well, she supposed, nothing in her life was just stories and books anymore. She should have realized it as soon as her grandma had appeared to them that one night.

“Just great,” Victoria mumbled to herself.

So much had happened to them the last month and a half that she thought she could make money writing books about their adventures. The heartbreaking story about her sister and her guardian angel might make money. Plus Chorong’s dead friendship might make some money too.

Victoria nodded to herself at the thought and finally turned when she spotted someone standing beside her.

“Still here?” Changmin asked.

“Just give me a few minutes of your time.”

“I’m haven’t eaten. Lets talk over dinner.”

After buying some sandwiches and milk from the convenience store they stopped by an empty sheltered area by the Han River and sat down on a picnic table. Victoria listened to the quiet waves come in while he ate beside her.

“So, what’d you want to clear your name about?” he asked.

Victoria turned to look at him unsure whether he meant it seriously or it.

“I don’t need to clear my name about anything,” she defended.

Changmin turned to glance at her objectively before turning away.

“Then what?”

Victoria almost wanted to laugh at him angrily for how he was putting her off.

“Are you pissed off or judging me now?”

“No, not angry.” He crumbled up the plastic wrapper in his hand after gulping the rest of the sandwich down. “Were you really not in yesterday?”

Victoria shot him a glare, “You suspicious of me or something? Still keeping watch on me and my sisters?”

He frowned, “No.”

“I seriously have a hard time believing you,” Victoria stated and bit her tongue. “Look, I’m sorry about yesterday. It was inconvenient for me too.”

“What was so inconvenient you couldn’t tell me you weren’t making it beforehand?”

Victoria opened to protest, but stopped. What could she say? She’d sound like a mentally ill if she talked about it.

“I can’t say.”

“You can’t say.” He repeated dissatisfied with the answer.

“Why are you so angry? I don’t need this attitude from you,” Victoria stated. “I looked forward to it too, ok? Things just happened that way. There wasn’t anything I could do about it.”

“I’m angry,” Changmin started, “because I like you and I thought you stood me up, ok?”

Victoria felt her mind go blank as she stared at him.



Namjoo felt her eyes widen. She bit down on the lollipop on impulse and felt her eyes flutter after a drop of rain landed on her. Her eyes widened and she tilted her head to look up at the gray clouds that had scattered overhead.

This wasn’t good…

Peering around she saw people running for cover around her, but there were too many of them around. She couldn’t raise her shield without them seeing.

Quickly pulling out of Chanyeol’s arm she questioned, “Did you drive your car here?”


Namjoo panicked when the rain began to fall and shook her head, “Did you or did you not!?”

“N…no…” he shook his head.

Namjoo felt her heart race when the continuous raindrops fell on her. She needed to get somewhere and dry off.

“Mom! Look! She’s weird!” a kid shouted and Namjoo turned to see a kid of around 8 point at her. 

Her eyes drifted toward her the smoke slowly swirling from her hand and tucked it immediately to her chest. She glanced up at Chanyeol nervous and he looked back at her before pulling her toward him.

“Come on,” Chanyeol urged pulling her toward the road.

How could she explain it to him? That things like this would keep happening in the future?

She felt her arms brush across his protective chest as he waved an arm out for a cab. She felt herself run cold when they finally got in one and Chanyeol directed the driver to his place, which was closer.

“Are you ok?” he turned to her worried and grabbed her hands to rub them.

Noticing that more steam was flowing out of her Chanyeol put his arm around her in hopes of hiding them from the drive in case he asked any strange questions. Namjoo felt crushed between the seat and Chanyeol’s body, but it wasn’t like she could say anything.

They heard a chuckle a second later, “This is a car, you know. I usually have to pay to watch.” Then he chuckled again. “It’s ok, I like free shows too.”

Chanyeol turned around to glare at the driver, “Shut up!”

He quickly pulled her after him when they arrived at his apartment building. His tight grip on her hand gave her security, but she was thankful he was trying to save her.

Namjoo felt herself sweat from the heat she was losing and listened to Chanyeol close the door before rummaging through his closet. She watched him as the steam slowly died down, but thought she might fall sick soon.

“Here,” he hurried back to her with one of his shirts.

She glanced at him before taking it and watched him turn away as she took her shirt off and put his shirt on. When she began buttoning up the shirt he took her shirt to stick it in the dryer before he returned to see her fussing wth the long sleeves.  

“Let me help you,” he said taking the sleeve from her to roll it up her arm.

As he focused on it Namjoo peered into his concentrated face. Chanyeol shot her a smile before rolling up the sleeve of her other arm. She watched him silently, grateful for his existence. He walked away and hurried back with a towel and rubbed it over her hair to dry her off.

“You’re turning pale,” he stated worried.

Her lips slowly trembled as she looked up at him. “It’s just a little cold.”

A frown of concern took over his face as he put a hand over her face. Namjoo’s eyes glued onto his face before she tip-toed up to give him a soft kiss.

“Thank you,” she thanked and felt her heels touch the carpet again.

Chanyeol looked a little shy before he slowly smiled and leaned forward to kiss her. She leaned up to kiss him back and felt him encase an arm around her waist as the towel dropped to the ground. His heavy breath pounced off her lips forcing her heart to palpitate. Her hands clasped onto his shoulders in their little dance before she naturally took a few steps backward.

Namjoo lightly pulled back when her back touched the wall and he lifted her up; her legs locking around him. He nuzzled his nose against her face with a smile and ran a hand up her body before opening his eyes.

“I’m going to have you forever, you know that?”

Gazing down at him with a smile she ran a hand over his face, “I know. In the upcoming lifetimes, I’ll still be yours.”

They smiled at each other once more before kissing.


“S…sorry,” Changmin apologized. “That was pretty rash of me.”

Victoria glanced at the ground before gazing back at him. She was out of words to say suddenly. The last she had expected was a confession coming from anyone.

“Look,” Changmin began, “I know some negative issues have come up between us, but I don’t want it to taint your impression of me. Although I’m pretty sure I’m already beyond that.”

“You know what Namjoo once said to me?” Victoria asked. “That I probably don’t resent you as much as I make it seem.” She pressed her lips together. “She’s probably right. I don’t really have anyone to go to when I’m in trouble, so I look for you when I have no one else.”

Victoria took a moment to ready herself before going on, “I became an adult at a young age. I barely relied on anyone; everything was me, me, and me. But you held out your hand when I wanted to look for my mom’s murderer. You also allow me to get away from my problems giving me a peace of mind. I don’t really hate you after all.”

A smile crossed his lips.

“That’s a relief,” Changmin said. “That means you like me somewhat, right?”

Victoria shot him a frown and they laughed. A moment of silence followed and Changmin stole a glance of her. He hesitated before leaning forward to give her a peck on the cheek. Quickly pulling back he stared at the ground before getting up to walk away.

“Hey,” Victoria called out.

He paused.

“I’m hungry this time. Go eat with me.”


Chorong pushed herself to run faster, but those horses were way too fast for her two short legs. She watched them circle Suho helplessly and paused where she stood.


Focusing her eye on them she felt a huge wind blow. The scattered leaves on the ground picked up flying high into the air toward the horses and soldiers. The horses neighed panicked and a bolt of lightning struck the ground on their far left causing a few bamboo trees to shake violently. Almost two of them tumbled to the ground and the soldiers screamed horrified.

“A storm is coming!”

“What do we do?”

“Tie him up! Quickly!” the general in charge ordered.

Chorong felt her lips fall apart before forcing another bolt of lightning to strike the ground. A horse jumped onto its hind leg frightened causing the other horses uneasiness. All of them cried and neighed before turning every which direction. The soldiers struggled to get control over them.

“Unless you want to die out here, we need to head back to the palace!”

The general shot Suho a stare before shouting and pulled the horse’s reigns before urging the crew away. Chorong heaved a sigh and ran toward Suho who was looking around scared.

“Suho!” Chorong shouted.

He turned toward her with large eyes of devastation. Chorong felt her heart pound at how she would come up with answers if he were to ask questions.

“Where are we? What is this?” Suho asked.

Chorong opened to say anything, but couldn’t.

“What’s going on!?”

Chorong shook her head, “I don’t know.”

“We have to get out of here.” Suho muttered worried.

Chorong glanced around unsure of what to do and finally asked, “Is there…a village here? There must be a village right?” Then muttered to herself, “A movie can’t just take place in a bamboo forest…”

“What?” Suho frowned. “What did you say?”

“No, nothing,” Chorong quickly turned to him shaking her head. “Lets find a village. There must be a village around here.”

“Oh…yes,” he nodded and turned a random direction.

Chorong turned to look around confused and followed his lead. Wherever they went, she discovered, the screen followed. It was like they were being filmed.

Out of all possibilities she would have never thought to be so pathetically into a damn movie. And out of all nights her sisters were nowhere to be found. Why weren’t they home yet!?


“Oh…look,” Suho paused and pointed up ahead.

There were straw huts up ahead with smoke pouring out of them. As they neared she heard children giggling and running around. They spotted adults tending to daily chores sweeping the floors of their houses or preparing to kill livestock to eat.   

The aroma of rice being cooked spiraled up her nose. As they walked further on they saw a young girl walking toward her house with a straw basket of wet laundry.

Flowers were being dried on flat baskets for decoration. There were also peppers and fruits laid out for the sun to soak up.

Just where were they? What dynasty was this? Chorong didn’t recognize it as the Joseon Dynasty. Their clothes were too raggedy and their straw shoes were out of the ordinary.

“Ex…excuse me,” Chorong called out to an old grandma carrying a small baby on her back.

The grandma looked up at her and the long wrinkles on her aged face made Chorong feel intimidated. How was she supposed to ask what century this was without sounding weird?

“What is it?” the grandma asked hoarsely. “I don’t have time to be fooling around. Shouldn’t you be home drying peppers or fetching water?”

She sounded angry and impolite, but Chorong guessed these people had their ways. She couldn’t quite retaliate until she knew what century this was.

“Go home already! And you,” the grandma turned to look at Suho with her small unhappy eyes, “shouldn’t you be returning with the army to fight against armies from Baekje? Do you know what time it is? Go home, young girl! It’s dangerous for women to be out during these times of war!”

“W…war?” Chorong repeated appalled. Then turning around to Suho asked, “Baekje…Baekje, what’s that?”

“Baekje?” Suho frowned.

The two of them thought for a long time. It sounded familiar. Chorong was sure she’d learned about it when she was still in school a long time ago. She wanted to hit herself for not paying enough attention in class instead of dazing off. If Victoria were there she’d be able to figure it out with that brain of hers.

Where were her sisters!?

Namjoo should be home! It felt like hours since she’d been stuck inside the TV set. Chorong wanted to leave. The overwhelming amount of frustration about how she was in a stupid cube made her blood boil.

Why did this have to happen to her of all sisters!? Why!?

“Baekje!” Suho raised his voice and even the grandma turned to look at them rudely.

The baby on her back started crying and she took off the baby hanger she was using to tie him on her back off.

“Go away! Shoo!” she shooed them away with an arm.

Chorong felt her irritation rise and wanted to say something rude, but Suho pulled her away.

“Baekje was one of the three kingdoms in Korea,” he explained.

Chorong’s lids fluttered, her emotions beyond shock. “Ba…Baekje Kingdom?”

Suho nodded his head, “But if we’re in a war against them…we’re in Silla?”

“What!?” Chorong screamed, swearing she was experiencing an emotional breakdown.

They were in the Silla Dynasty, a dynasty that existed way before the Joseon Dynasty! She was in a time beyond time!

***So according to studies, the Silla Dynasty existed from 57 BC - 935 AD LOL OMFG Chorong and Suho are screwed

***It's the first time I've had two kisses in one chapter /claps


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Chapter 77: Read this in 2014 and I'm still waiting for the next chapter
moonlightangel77 #2
Chapter 4: Ooooo the woorong feels! XD
Chapter 76: After being mini and now chorong have another her ?? that so suprise~
let see how she can handle it... is that man mean about something going on in their world is 'her' ??
suho seems know if that girl not his chorong~
I'll wait for another update unnie hihi XD
kyuraa #4
Chapter 76: finally..finally an update
yay :D
while waiting for the update i've been away on reading blaze
it was worth, both of them :)
TashwampaRedone #5
Chapter 76: Wah-wah??? You were writing and you didn't tell me?! Oh you are so sneaky >.>
You cannot begin to understand how happy I was to see this and read it. Oh, you're back in the game girl!! <3
Chapter 76: So glad you updated, I really love your story :D I wonder how chorong will handle her other self oh and i loved that surong kiss *.* even if it was not the real chorong keke hopefully namjoo and victoria can find the answers they need and go back soon...
yoo_nni #7
Chapter 76: Whoaaa....finally you update
Thank you ....
DaniKato #8
Chapter 75: Please updae soon I just finished reading and loved!
Of course you can take your time :)
Chapter 1: Just starting off the adventure you created authornim! The plot is interesting, the fact that you used Victoria and APink really suprise me. And I noticed that you have so many exopink featuring exoxnamjoo in your story collection. Nice...different^^