
My Weirdly Un-cold Boyfriend

"Good morning my beautiful princess~~" Myungsoo sang as he saw me stepping out of my house. He was patiently waiting for me just outside my doorstep, as usual. Even my mom knows about my relationship with him since he was the one who insisted on telling my parents about him and so eventually, my parents trusted him and allowed me to date him. I was really glad that my parents approved of our relationship - my parents were usually very strict on the kind of people I mix around with.

"Morning! You sure are in a good mood today, Myungsoo." He kissed my forehead as I hugged him by the waist. Shortly after that, we departed for school. 

The Infinite members were already waiting for us at the school parking lot, waiting for us as usual. However, they were acting quite strangely, whispering to one another as if they had planned something secretive and important for Myungsoo and I. 

"Hi L! You're looking really dashing today!!" Screamed one of Myungsoo's fangirls who was holding a box of kimbab for him.

"Thank you! And you're not too bad yourself too!" Myungsoo replied. Weird. He usually just shuns every single one of his fangirls and only focused on where he was heading off to. The Infinite members were weird too - they were being secretively quiet that day.

"Sungjong-ah! Why aren't you saying anything to your noona, huh?" I jokingly picked on Sungjong while slapping shoulders with him.

"Well, I.. Urghh... Hehe.. It's nothing, noona." Sungjong innocently rubbed the back of his head.

"Woohyun oppa aren't you gonna comment anything on my new hairclip? Pretty right?" I tried to get him to tease me, like he always does every single day. 

"Ermm.. Mhmm.. Very pretty," Woohyun replied. "Oh yeah and I just remembered. I... Urghh.. Have to go finish my assignment.. Ermmm.. Somewhere... Urghh.. Bye." Woohyun waved goodbye and headed off somewhere.

"Oh yeah I too.. Have to.. Finish my incomplete homework due today..heh. See ya later, Haneul-ah." Sungyeol waved goodbye and headed towards where Woohyun was heading to. What's wrong with everybody?

I was left with only Myungsoo, Sunggyu, Hoya and Sungjong with me. Just by the thought of it, where did Dongwoo run off to?

"L oppa!!" One of Myungsoo's fangirls exclaimed as they walked past us. 

"Oh hello!" Myungsoo high-fives the girl who exclaimed earlier. No way is Myungsoo this friendly.


During lunch, I was left alone with Myungsoo. The rest of the Infinite boys had planned to skip lunch as they had something else to do during lunchtime. Funny, they were the type of people who would rather die than to be forced skip lunch. 

"Myungsoo-ya, what's going on?" I decided to speak up as I was afraid that I would end up having to go back home straight after school since no one wanted to hang out with me. 

"Oh it's nothing. The boys are just..well they're just.."

"Just?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Just extra busy today. Don't worry I won't leave you alone." Myungsoo assured as he grabbed hold of my free hand. I was still doubting about Myungsoo not leaving my side. 


Soon, the school bell rung indicating the end of school and as promised, Myungsoo was already waiting for me just outside my homeroom.

"C'mon I have something to show you! Follow me." Myungsoo pulled my arm, forcing me to follow him from behind.

"Myungsoo! Can you at least tell me where we're going??" 

"Can't talk right now! We're already a few minutes late, Haneul-ah," Myungsoo said in between breaths. "C'mon pick up the pace!" 

"I would have if I were able to!" I scolded. "Where are we going, honestly!" Myungsoo just kept quiet and concentrated on getting to the destination as quickly as possible. In no time at all, we arrived at the neighbourhood park near my house. 

"Now here, wear this." Myungsoo handed me a folded handkerchief and tied it around my head, closing my eyes.

"Myungsoo! Where are you??" I started to panic. "Myungsoo!!"

"I'm right here," Myungsoo assured. He grabbed hold of my arm and placed it on his elbow. I wrapped both my hands around his upper arm and walked right beside him while holding him tightly, afraid that he'll go off wandering somewhere else. "Careful, there are two steps in front of you." With that, I carefully stepped onto the two steps. "Okay, you can open your blindfold now."

I quickly untied the knot and let my eyes return to their normal visions. Myungsoo had brought me into a white gazebo, right in the middle of the park. The place was prettily decorated with purple and pink tulips (those were my personal favourites) and balloons were hung all over. I swore my eyes doubled in size seeing the beautiful decorations. 

"M-myungsoo.. I... I.. "


"I...LOVE IT!" I practically jumped onto Myungsoo, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck. Myungsoo wrapped his arms tightly around my waist, turning a full round. He then pecked my cheeks, making them flush pink all over. 

"SURPRISE!!!!!" Screamed a few people from behind. The Infinite boys! "Happy birthday Haneul!!!!"

"Oh my gosh. All of this.. For me?" I teared a little as I still could not believe they had done all of this for me.

"Of course it's for you, silly!" Woohyun oppa assured. "Oh c'mon who would ever forget your birthday? Although you can become the most annoying, self-centered, egoistic-"

"Yeah, yeah we get it." Hoya said as he placed his hand over Woohyun's mouth to stop him from blabbering on further. I mouthed to Hoya thank you and he just nodded. 

"Yeah it is all for you and could the two of you just let go and stop whatever you guys are doing right now?" Sunggyu snapped. 

"Uh-oh I think grandpa's a little jealous huh?" Dongwoo knudged Sunggyu by the elbow. Sunggyu gave Dongwoo a menacing glare, but his eyes disappeared all of a sudden, causing Dongwoo to laugh hysterically. 

"Happy birthday Haneul noona!!" Sungjong congratulated and hugged me tightly as soon as Myungsoo put me down from his grasp. "i'm gonna personally put up a performance here just for you, noona!!" 

"Thank you Sungjong-ah!" 

"Happy birthday Haneul-ah." Hoya congratulated.

"Thanks Hoya oppa. So shall we get this party started?" I happily exclaimed. 

"Sure," Myungsoo said, "But we're still missing something." Woohyun appeared from the side of the gazebo and came back with a birthday cake in hand. Myungsoo grabbed a lighter from behind him and lit up the candles on the cake. 

"You guys sure are the best, do you know that?" I wrapped my arms around Myungsoo's elbow and placed my head on his shoulder.

"Well.. Yeah durhh.. Of course I knew that.. Pshh.. I did do a great job, didn't I?" Woohyun proudly praised himself. Sungyeol slapped the back of Woohyun's head, making Woohyun send him evil glares. 

"Hey, alright that's enough you two," Sunggyu warned, with those forever sleepy and droopy eyes of his. "Can we just get this over and done with?" 

"Well okay grumpy grandpa," I giggled and quickly blew the candles. "There! All gone! Thank you guys for all of this!"

"Anything for my baby," Myungsoo as he planted a kiss on my forehead. "Hey and remember just now at school when I was all nice and all?"

"Yeah?" I looked up to look straight into his eyes.

"Yeah well, I remembered a few weeks back when you said that I should try to become a better person, at least a friendlier one. I specifically tried it today but... I don't like it." Myungsoo crossed both his arms.

"Then you just stay the way you are. I kind of prefer the cold bad-boy Myungsoo anyways." I placed my arms on his shoulders and pecked him on the lips. My cheeks still burn up when I do that even when I've been his girlfriend all this while.

"The two of you, can you just grab yourselves a room already? Geez." Sunggyu grumbled. 

All of us just laughed along to Sunggyu's comment. The party continued on, with Sungjong's birthday present, lots of cake cream smothering and more talking and gigglings. This was sure the best birthday I have ever had thanks to the Infinite boys. 


Hello readers! Well this is it for today! Please comment to request for other characters in my one-shots that I'm going to write soon. Please state the name of the character and from which group he is from (Example: Hanbyul from LEDapple) and what kind of one-shot you would like it to be (Romantic/Fluff/Sad/Fantasy/etc.). 

Oh! And have you guys heard EvoL's new comeback song?! Omg that song is DA BOMB! If any of ya'll have yet to watch it click on the link here - EvoL's Get Up  (the song is crazy good)

Plus one more song you definitely have to listen to : D-Unit's Talk to My Face (this song is currently at the top of my favourites list)

Fyi, I was definitely not paid to promote these songs in anyway, it's just my personal opinion and my current personal faves. Anyways, hoped you guys liked my one-shots of Infinite and BtoB and I'll see you guys real soon. Bye guys, bye ladies, mwah! - Honeybunn

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Chapter 1: Cool fanfic!! Im looking forward 2 dis!!!
Harin_Park #2
Chapter 1: Great fanfict!! love this one ^^
Chapter 1: :O woahhhh kyeooo > <