Love never lasts because it's so easy to break

Love never lasts.


He was my sunshine. That ray of light when things turn gray. That shimmer of hope when all that's left was despair. I never meant to break him. I told him that our love would last forever. I guess I was wrong. And he was stupid for believing me. For trusting me. Love never lasts.
"H-hyung..." Taemin sobbed out, crumbling to the ground as he stared at me with eyes full of hurt and confusion.
"No Taemin. I don't love you anymore," I said confidently, avoiding his heartbroken gaze. Turning my back to him, I reached for the doorknob. 
"Didn't you promise me we'll last forever?" he choked out, eyes glistening with tears.
"Looks like I'm not keeping it. Love never lasts," I said coldly. Drowning out his wails of anguish, I stepped out of the place I once used to call home, slamming the door loudly to make it clear that I wasn't coming back.
"Hyung. Hyyyuuuunnnggg," somebody said, shaking me. I awoke, still in a daze, as I noticed Taemin staring at me with his round eyes, as if looking for some sort of confirmation from me. Still confused as to why he woke me up at 2.37am, I asked, " What's wrong Tae?"
"H-hey hyung, you love me right?" Taemin asked me, slightly uneasy.
"Of course I do! I will always love you Tae, why do you seem so worried?" I sighed, a little offended that he doubted my love for him.
"W-well...then you'll promise that you won't leave me? That you'll stay with me forever?" he asked once again.
"Yes Taeminnie. I promise that we'll last forever. Is this what you woke me up for?" I laughed at his silliness.
"N-ne. Sorry for waking you up hyung," he nodded embarrassedly. When he was about to lay down and go back to sleep, I pulled him into a hug, running my fingers through his soft hair as he buried his face into my chest.
"It's okay Tae. Alright, I guess we should go back to sleep," I tucked him back into bed, giving him a peck on the lips.
"Hyung?" he called again as I was about to drift back into sleep.
"Yes, my dear?" 
"Could you hold me?" he requested, head down in embarrassment. I smiled at his cuteness.
"Come here," I pulled him close, resting his head on my arm. He closed his eyes, smiling contently. Closing my own eyes, I smiled as well.
I couldn't sleep. Not when I kept thinking about the promise I made to him that one special night. I made a promise I couldn't keep. I knew that the promise would come back to haunt me one day, but I never thought that that one day would come so soon.
It was only a year after the break-up. I was supposed to feel free, but all I felt was guilt. 
"Why did it have to be this way?"  I constantly ask myself. 
"Because you were too scared. He gave his heart, his entire life to you. And you were just to scared to hold responsibility for it. What a coward you are. You broke his heart to save yourself from holding that responsibility. You broke him. You told him that love never lasts. And he's going to believe you. Just like he believed in you to keep that promise." the voice inside my head gave me shivers down my spine. Because I knew it was speaking the truth.
"SHUT THE UP!" I screamed, covering my ears to no avail. Because the voice came within me. 
"Go and see for yourself then. See what you did to the happiness he once was. The sun is gone from his features. There is no more sunshine in his life, because he doesn't believe in love anymore."
As soon as I reached Seoul, I ran. I ran as fast as I could to our old apartment from the airport. The distance didn't matter to me anymore. The pain as well. I just needed to see him.
It started pouring and the sky shook with thunder and lightning. The rain fell mercilessly down on me. It was mocking me. 
When I finally reached the apartment, it was already 2am. It took 3 hours to run here. After I regained my breath, I ringed the doorbell multiple times, and waited. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nin-.
The door opened. Standing in the doorway was the beautiful angel. Taemin
Except, this Taemin wasn't an angel anymore. He was a broken one. The voice was right. He (changed). His once round cheeks were replaced with hollow ones. His long golden brown hair was now short and black, and did not fit his personality at all. Or former personality. His eyes were distant as he looked over me with much indifference.
"Minho-sshi..." he said, voice soft and uninterested, "...why are you here?"
I cringed at the formality and swallowed. "T-taemin-ah, may I come in?"
His eyes were dull and void of emotion as he stepped aside, making way for me to walk in. Through the same door I walked out after breaking him a year ago. I took a seat on the couch as I allowed my eyes to travel across the room. The once yellow walls where countless pictures of us were hung were now all empty and painted gray. In fact, the entire house was drained of color. Everything was black and white.
Taemin stood a distance away from me, almost like he was afraid of me. 
"Taemin-ah, come here."
He took a step closer, but didn't go further than that. I winced inwardly. 
"Minho-sshi, it would be nice if you could tell me the reason for your visit. Did you leave something of yours here? I'm sorry but I had everything cleared out a few months ago," his voice was low and quiet.
"No! I came to talk, Taemin. I came all the way from America to tell you that I'm so so sorry. I made a mistake, Taemin-ah. A ing god-damn mistake that I wish I could change! I...I love you, I still do. When I said I didn't, it was because I was scared. I'm a coward....and you have every right to hate me. But remember that I will always love you.....I'm so sorry..." 
Taemin blinked slowly, processing what I just ranted. Then, in his indifferent tone, he spoke up, "No Minho-sshi, you told me that love never lasts. I guess you were right. Love never lasts because it's so easy to break." 
"Our love could have lasted," I whispered out, though more to myself.
"But it didn't. Is that all you wanted to say to me?" he remained composed.
I stared in horror and shock. Was Taemin really broken this badly?
"No!! I-I really want to make it up to you. You've changed. You've changed so much. What happened to the sunshine you once were? Did you even bother to find love again after I left you? Taemin, I want to help you."
Taemin's hands balled into fists, and even though it was miniscule, I could see the anger reflected in his eyes. 
"You're still the same."
"The break-up didn't affect you at all. Do you know how much I was affected? You don't, do you? You think this is all?" he gestured to himself, to the house. Then, he rolled up his sleeves to reveal layers of cuts marring his milky white skin.
I fashioned spherical eyes as I dashed forward, carefully taking his arm into my hands. As I looked closely, on top of the many layers of cuts there were hangul letters spelling out "Love never lasts". I stifled a cry.
"You did this to yourself?" 
He nodded ever so lifelessly and retracted his arm. "It doesn't hurt. Nothing hurts anymore."
I tried pulling him into a hug but he resisted.
"You can't change me back to what I was. The heartbreak is over. And I'm over it. Please don't make me go back. It took me so long to get to what I am now."
"No Taemin, this isn't you."
"It is. I don't believe in love anymore, because you told me it doesn't last. Heartbreaks aren't worth that small period of happiness. Goodbye Minho-sshi," he walked to the door and opened it, his face cold and stoic as he looked over at me. 
I let tears roll down my face as I stepped out once again. I looked to Taemin and gave him one last smile but his stony expression remained.
Love is fragile. It always lasts forever, but it all depends on who decides to break it. I broke the love Taemin and I shared. The love that could have blossomed and lasted for an eternity. That love is now torn and shattered. Trampled on and marred. Broken and abused. Just like Taemin's heart.
hey guys so this is like my first ever fanfic and all and I know it's really short but I hope you guys like it ^^ please comment kayys?? (: 
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Chapter 1: Wow....i have glazed over eyes. This was so sad but just....really realistic. Nicely done :)
AsalAmiri #2
Chapter 1: I don't like sad-ending stories... :(
Chapter 1: Way to go minho .-. Rlly
he totally ____ed up. Poor minnie..but well ;3;