Fallen Angel


Life as we know is never fair.
Some of us are lucky, while some of us are not.
We are the ones that make our choices, whether it be good or bad,
but with this choices comes consequences and responsibilities.

Past is past.
Move forward and create your future.
No one will dictate to you what will happen,
it is all written by fate and its up to you to decide if you'll grab it or not.

And I, Kim JongIn,
learned all of this from an Angel that fell from the sky,

Do Kyungsoo.















Thank you eu-phoric for the wonderful Poster. :)

Here's another one made by her. 


photo FA2_zps39940ce3.png

Warning: Conains Boy to Boy relationships. If you do not like it better leave.

You have been warned.


anyways, Do COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE.



Belongs to chichichibaby 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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