i found you

If I Ever See You Again

I live somewhere small in this world. I live at the end of the darkness. But, I’m happy with what I have. I’m always sad than happy. I’m grumpy most of the time and I get mad at people easily and yeah of course they’ll hate me, but that

didn’t ruin my life if I believe in god and myself. But somehow, I lost faith in myself one day. And I’m trying to fix all of this mess




I walk to school as usual when I saw a guy walking beside me. He’s unfamiliar to me. He’s wearing a school uniform and has a school bag on his back.  Then, I thought ,he must be a new student here. And… I thought again, he must gonna hate me when he knows who I am. So, I just keep walking until I reach school. He’s still beside me. He looks confused and looks like he needs help.. but I just keep quite and go to my classroom.

“ hey look, it’s the ! “ “ woaaa ! I think she’s gonna ‘get’ some guys today”

I pretend not to hear what they’re saying and just go straight to my place. For me, I hate school because I’ve been bullied and accused. Other teens hate school cause either it’s boring, tiring and that kind of reasons. I used to have many friends, best friends and someone to talk to. But now, all I’ve left is myself. Just me.

“ good morning teacher !’

“good morning students. Alright, listen up. Today we have a new student in our class. Han Joo Hyun, come in “

“annyeonghaseyo.. my name is Han Joo Hyun, please treat me well”

Its that guy .. ! he’s the new student that walked beside me earlier.

Han Joo Hyun… Han Joo Hyun … what a nice name..

I really wanted to be friends with him. He looks nice and looks like a gentlemen..

He’s really handsome .. aaaaah I can’t ! I can’t !

I can’t have friends… especially if it’s a guy..

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