All For A Churro

High School Fairytale


"Tiffany. Tiffany. Tiffany are you even listening?”


What, yeah, totally. What were you saying?” You asked, snapping out of your trance. It's wasn't your fault that Luhan was absolutely gorgeous. Your best friend Yixing scowled.


Seriously, Tiff? If you like him that much just go and talk to him!”


You gasped and slapped Yixing on the back of his head.


Yixing looked up at you, rubbing the back of his head, giving you a kicked puppy stare. “You're so mean to me Tiff.”


Cause you suggest stupid things like talking to Luhan.” You snapped. You weren't going to fall for that stare, you'd seen it so many times.


You knew you had no chance with the school kingka. He was popular, good-looking, smart, athletic, had a great personality and was in the drama club, the choir, the dance team and was the captain of the soccer team. Plus he was the student body president and the head of the student council. You were pretty smart and the president of Luhan's official fanclub, but that was about it. All you could do was stare at him all day and admire his perfect. Oh the woes of your life.


Besides there's freaking Xiumin!” You growled, crushing the water bottle you were holding, causing Yixing to slide away from you. You glared at Xiumin, a Korean exchange student whose real name was Minseok, who was sitting next to Luhan across the cafeteria. He was Luhan's best friend and you swore he was trying to steal him away from you.


Yixing rolled his eyes. “What is wrong with you? He's just his best friend, he's not trying to steal Luhan away from you.”


You shoved Yixing off the cafeteria table bench. “Don't question my logic.”


Yixing, who fell on his , picked himself off the floor and dusted himself off, only to be tackled to the ground by Tao.


Gege, gege, guess what guess what?” Tao shook Yixing like a rag doll. “Kris gege bought me another Gucci bag!” Kris, Tao's best friend, aka personal atm, took this opportunity to sneak away from the younger boy.


Yeah that's wonderful.” Yixing said sarcastically.


I know, right?” Tao beamed. He began to ramble about the colors and style and how wonderful it looked with his new designer jeans.


Hey unicorn boy.” Chen swung an arm around Yixing's shoulders. Chen was another Korean exchange student, his real name being Jongdae. He was usually called by his nickname, which was Chen.


Yixing groaned. Ever since that incident in English last year when Yixing had brought his old stuffed unicorn to class for his childhood memories presentation Chen had never let him forget it.


Really Chen? Really?”


Chen laughed and ran behind you to shield himself from an angry Yixing.


You know what Chen, I won't kill you today if you do me a favor.”


Chen perked up at the sound of the word favor and you frowned because you had a pretty good idea what Yixing was up to.


Don't you dare, if you're going to do what I think you're going to do, you'll pay with your life.” You cracked your knuckles.


Tao. Hold Tiffany back.”


Got it~”


Before you knew it, Tao had an iron grip on you. You struggled against him, but years of wushu had given him well developed muscles.


Zhang Yixing, you better not!” You screamed, flailing.


Taking a deep breath, Yixing looked at you. “I'm sorry Tiffany, but it's for your own good. Chen. I want you to go up to Luhan and tell him that Tiffany has a massive crush on him.”


Oh my god, Yixing, just you wait till I get my hands on you, you're a dead man!” People were beginning to stare, but you didn't care. You had to make sure Chen wasn't going to say anything.


10 bucks, a soda and a jumbo sized churro and I'll do it.” Chen proclaimed, smirking.


Done. You'll get your jumbo churro.”


Smiling Chen climbed on top of the table. 'Hey, Luhan!” He yelled. The entire cafeteria fell silent, every pair of eyes on Chen.


Yes?” Luhan asked, looking quite amused. “What is it?”


Yixing told me to tell you that Tiffany Phan has a massive crush on you!”


Oh. My. God. Did he just say that? No, this is just a dream, wake up Tiffany!


You were absolutely mortified and you could feel your face heating up.


Oh really?” You could see Luhan staring at you. Gosh you wanted to go hide under a rock, this was so embarrassing! “Can you point her out?”


You wanted to kick Luhan in the head. Yes, he was your crush, but you knew he was just asking for you to be pointed out to humiliate you even more.


Chen pointed at your tomato red face. “This is her! She's cute right? You guys should date!”


That's it. Every single one of your friends was going to die today. “What is wrong with you Chen?” You screamed at him. “Shut up and get of the table!”


Luhan laughed, and you were surprised you didn't melt into a puddle of glitter covered Tiffany goo. His laugh was angelic, even if he was laughing at you. “I'll consider the offer. Thanks.” He shot a brilliant smile at you.



Chen clambered off the table and smiled proudly. “I expect that you'll be getting me a churro tonight?”


Yixing looked at me with a judging stare. “The things I do for you Tiffany.”


You returned the stare. “You will die today. I promise you. You. Will. DIE.”


Yixing rolled his eyes. “I promise that you will thank me. I am all knowing.”


Yeah, he's a magical unicorn remember?”


Screw you Chen.”

Chen laughed, holding his history book in front of himself to protect himself from the wrath of the angry boy. You sighed. Your friends were idiots.



The rest of the day passed quickly and you were thankful because after Chen revealed your crush, you had been the hot topic of gossip. All the stares were making you uncomfortable.


It was already five when you left. Being president of Luhan's fanclub was hard work you often stayed late on meeting days. You stretched after walking outside the school gates, Ugh you had so much homework too, taking Advanced Biology seemed like such a bad choice right now.


Right as you were about to leave you heard someone call out to you. “Hey Tiffany, wait up!” You turned around to see Luhan running towards you, his soccer bag slung over his right shoulder and his body sweaty from practice.


One part of you wanted to keep walking but the other part was curious as to what he wanted. You just stood there awkwardly as Luhan passed the school gates and reached where you were standing.


So about what Chen said,” Luhan said breathlessly, “Is it really true? Do you really like me? You never talk to me so...”


You bit your lip. You could just say no. It would be a lie, but at least you wouldn't look like an idiot.


I really do wanna know, I mean, I know it sounds weird but I've been watching you for a long time and- uh, wait that sounds weird, I-I meant I think you're r-really handsome!” Luhan stuttered. “Wait no, not handsome, I meant beautiful and well, i-it's not like I don't think you're handsome, but I...”


You looked at him, waiting for him to finish his sentence. “You what?”




Luhan's words were all jumbled together so you barely understood a word he said. “Excuse me?”


Luhan's face was pink and he looked like a shy school girl. ”What an awkward reversal of roles,” you thought.


I... l-like you.” Luhan looked at you with hopeful eyes. “I've liked you since 6th grade. The only reason I became this popular is because I was hoping that you would notice me when I did.”


Bless Yixing and his magical unicorn powers.

You're kidding.” You looked like a fish out of water. “Y-you, Luhan, the school prince, like me?”


Yeah... So I was hoping what Chen said is true.”


Holy crap. You must have saved the country in your past life. “It is.” Your voice was small. “I do like you...”


Oh. That's a relief then.” Luhan smiled a smile that made your knees weak. There was no way this could be real, you had to be dreaming.


Pinch me.” You blurted out.




Pinch me.”


Luhan scowled, yet somehow still managed to look adorable. “I don't want to hurt you. I'll do something else.”


Um okay, sure.”


Close your eyes.”


Suddenly you became wary. “You aren't going to do anything weird right?”


That laugh again. “No, I'm not you don't worry Tiffany. Just trust me.”


Okay... I'm trusting you.” You closed your eyes, nervous that you would open them to see yourself in your bed with you mom screaming at you to get up.


However, you were pleasantly surprised to feel a soft pair of lips against your own.








You just kissed Luhan. This was the best day ever!


You kept your eyelids squeezed shut, as you kissed back nervously making Luhan smile against your mouth. Your first kiss wasn't anything like you imagined. It wasn't in Paris in front of the Eiffel Tower, or in the rain or in a fancy garden somewhere. It was in front of your highschool. You weren't wearing a pretty dress, you were wearing your school uniform. It wasn't smooth and romantic, it was awkward. But your were with Luhan and none of that mattered anymore.


As Luhan pulled away, you opened your eyes to look at him shyly. “See Tiffany, it isn't a dream. This is real. We are real.”


We are real. Those words meant the world to you.


Hey Tiffany, I have a to ask you something.”




Luhan took your hand. 'Earlier you said I was the school prince.”


Y-yeah, I did.” You said quietly, still nervous. “What about it?”


Well, how do you feel about being my princess?”


And in that moment, you swore that everything was perfect. Yixing really was your fairy unicorn mother. And Chen was your churro greedy fairy godmother in training? Oh whatever, this was perfect.

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Chapter 1: This is perf like OMAYGERD~ SO CI-UTE! NICE ONE! This is so adorbs ^^
cathyokrane #2
Chapter 1: that was really cute & funny