Love at first sight?

Gangster + Idol= Trouble(?)

Your POV:

Days are so fast so I decided to go shopping. I wore some sweater and short shorts pairing up with a leopard high heels. I grabbed my bag and headed to the garage. 

I entered the mall and headed to some expensive clothes store. I also bought some shoes and bag. I'm kinda boring so I am wasting it all to shopping. 

Before I go home I bought some pizza and sodas cause I will be heading to the headquarters. That's why I fished out my phone to call Heesun that I will be there in a minute. 

I entered my car and started the engine then drove off to the headquarters.


"Guys, I'm here.." I called out as I placed my paper bags and the food on the wooden table. 

"Oh, Eunju-ah. What's for the paper bags?" Minyoung said as she and Heesun sat on the couch.

"Well, being bored is my wickness so I wasted my time in shopping." I gave them a bright smile. 

"Ah. Then what's that food?" She pointed to the food I bought.

"Oh, this food is for us!" I sang as I gave them the food. "C'mon, let's eat. I'm so hungry." I touched my tummy. 

While eating our pizza, Heesun asked a question that caught my attention.

"Eunju, how 'bout the guys who beat you up last time?" She asked while munching her food.

"That?" I drank my soda first. "Well, we don't know if they will come back or what. I just don't care.." 

"But what if they need something to you? What if they come back and this time, they will straightly kill you?" Minyoung blurted in.

"Tch, they wish. do what they want to do but I will not let them win." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh c'mon I know you can beat them but they are still GUYS. Guys means they're more stronger than you-"

"Minyoung, I know I'm a girl but I can handle myself so stop worrying okay?" I reassured them. They just nodded in agreement.


After spending some little time with them and talking about the GUYS who beat me up, I decided to have some coffee to release some cold in my body cause it's already 6:45 pm. I entered the Blossom Cafe and ordered some mocha flavored coffee. I decided to stay a little longer.

"Here's your mocha coffee ma'am." The waiter said and bowed. I just mouthed 'thank you' to him.

I looked outside the window. Looks really cold outside and the street is really busy. I smiled then take a sip of my coffee. I gulped and tasted the coffee then deeply sighed. 

"Forget about stress first.." I mumbled.

L.joe's POV:

We are just finished from practicing for our new album. We really have to perfect this cause the comeback stage is just weeks apart. After a long hours of practicing, I looked at my watch and it said 6:35 pm. I grabbed my bag and towel. I don't care if sweats are running down my neck or face or what. I just needed a coffee to release some stress. 

"Hyung, I'll just grabbed some coffee in the nearest cafe." I said then walked off the building. 

I was walking beside the street and the city is really busy. It's kinda cold here outside. At last I reached the cafe named Blossom cafe. I entered the cafe and the waiter greeted me. I ordered some mocha coffee, my favorite. I payed for it then sat on the table. 

While I was waiting for my coffee, I saw a girl just meters away from me busy with her phone while sipping her coffee. Her thin hair kinda covering her face but she still looks.. BEAUTIFUL. Her feautures are just perfect. Her eyeslashes, her well-shaped nose, and her pink thin lips. I want to be friends with her actually. But you may say I am 'love at first sight' with her. 

Nah, stop that L.joe. You're just here to buy some coffee not searched for some beautiful girls. After a few moments, my coffee already arrived. I stood up from my seat then my phone rang. While searching for my phone in the bag, I bumped into someone. I looked at the person and it's the girl I am daydreaming awhile ago.

"Oh, I'm very sorry. I am truly sorry.. Are you okay? Did I spill some coffee on your dress?" I bombarded her with questions. I know but I'm just worried. Specially she's the girl I saw awhile ago. 

"No, I'm not hurt or anything. It's okay forget it." She answered. 

Oh god her voice is just perfect for her. I know I look like a fanboy here. Does she know me or what? I wish she know me. 

"Oh, really? Well I'm really sorry. It's my fault just blame me for being such a stubb-"

"No, I said it's okay. Why are you so worried? You're not even my boyfriend or what.." She furrowed my eyebrows.

The words she say kinda bring my confidence down. But it's okay. Everyone gets mad when someone accidentally bumped into them right? Right?

"A-ah, sorry. I'm just worried. And I know I'm not your boyfriend or something but can I be your friend?" I pulled out my hand for a shake hands. "I'm L.joe, you?" I said while wearing my bright smile. 

She just looked at it then turned around and walked away. 


Okay, L.joe you're such a stubborn! Aish.. I can't give up. There's still other chance. IF there's still.

I wish I can meet her again someday...

Your POV:

I was now inside my car thinking about the scene awhile ago. What the hell is wrong with that man? He's not even my friend. He's so worried. Aish, just forget it Eunju. But this time his close up face appeared on my mind. His eyes, his nose, and... his lips. Sweats are flowing down his forehead and neck. Where did he go before going here? A practice or something? Tch. Why do I even care? 

And if your asking why'd I didn't tell my name to him? Well I just don't feel giving my name to someone I don't know. But when I meet him again and ask me that again, I MIGHT give him my name. 

I drifted out of my thoughts then drove off from the cafe with a smirk on my face.


Heyoooo! How's my update? =D Well, this is just Chapter 2 so it's kinda boring. BUT! Are you excited that Eunju and L.joe already met? Well, read on for the next and upcoming chappies! ^_^ 

Say hello to my cute little Byunghyun. ^0^

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imma_addicted #1
Chapter 3: whoohoo ! zelo yow ! :) hehe update soon:))
Sweet_Tteokki #2
Chapter 3: Awww, sweet brother. ^_^ I wish L.joe and Eunju will meet again! =DD Update soon authornim! Hwaiting- =))
imma_addicted #3
Chapter 2: whohooo !! nice !!!:)) update soom authornim:)
kamsahamnida! fighting!:)