Kai-ssi is my Tutor

You Taught Me


You love dancing.

You always watch those dance contests and programs in your school. You also love watching dance tutorials online. You also try to dance inside your bedroom. You just love dancing.

And another big reason why you love dancing is that you love someone who is flawless in dancing.


His name is Kim Jong In.

You love him from that time when you were kids and he taught you how to dance because you’re being bullied for your lame way of dancing. he noticed you at the park crying so he comforted you and taught you everything he knew. Your jaw dropped when he started dancing. His cute little moves are just awesome. After performing his cool dance moves. He smiled to you and told you that you should believe in yourself so that you can achieve your goal.

After that short but meaningful encounter, you love dancing even more.

You became happy for you go to the same school. But the sad part is, he is so busy with his studies and dancing and it’s like he already forgot about your encounter in the park. But if you’ll think about it, you both didn’t know each other’s name that time and it happened 7 years ago, there in the park where your tears and  rain drops flowed down like it won’t have an end. You were crying and it’s raining but when the boy came to you, the rain suddenly stopped from pouring and the sun blissfully filled the sky with so much brightness…

Now, you’re in your third year in high school while he’s on his last year.

He’s your sunbae and his your oppa. He doesn’t not know you but he’s indeed your sunbae/senior right?

And… and.. he is older than you so you can call him oppa/big brother?

You’re really thankful that your parents enrolled you in your school so that you can always see him.


Kim Jong In or better known as Kai.


He’s that boy who became your sunshine and later became the person you love. But he’s a star so hard to reach.  He’s really an achiever. He’s one of the smartest kids in school and he is such a dancing machine. The school gained lots of titles and achievements because of Kai. Looking at his appearance, he has that playboy and cheeky look but he’s deep and witty. He’s also kind to all, to his schoolmates, the elders, even with the animals. He loves doing things for others.



So you thought that he’s just nice when he comforted you seven years ago.

On the other hand, you are just one of those ordinary school girls…

you may even look less than the others for you wear big round graded eyeglasses. You hate it but you have poor eyesight. You have long straight hair but you prefer doing your hair with ponytail. You look ordinary. Not that person who’ll be notice by a popular student like Kai.

You only have one hobby besides loving dancing, it is being part of your school’s chorale. It’s not really a great idea for you only stay there for the sake of your parents' wish that you join any club in your school. You and Kai are just far from each other. Opposite and no similarities. And because of that you just keep on dreaming… because there’s no way you can be noticed by him…


Dreams are free right?



And here you are, it’s your Physical Education class today and dancing is the lesson for this day. You’re excited because it’s dancing but you’re also scared because your classmates may bully you again. You take a deep breath and started changing to your P.E. uniform. You let out a sigh again before entering the school’s gymnasium. All your classmates are there and you’re PE teacher is also there but your eyes opened so wide when you saw









He’s talking with your teacher. You almost faint because of too much happiness. You can now see him nearer, closer!!! You’re just so happy seeing him.

Then you noticed that the PE teacher talked about Kai being the judge for your dance class today. That is the least thing you prayed to happen. What the?!

You thought that the chance of impressing Kim Jong In will vanish quickly after doing the dance. You feel like crying. The teacher already instructed you all to practice and there you are. Waiting for the ground to eat you up for you don’t know if you can still leave when your classmates laugh at you in front of the love of your life…


Hey. It’s your turn already.

The PE teacher pointed at you.

The tears are coming now. You slowly and mindlessly go up to the stage facing all your classmates’ gazes and of course, there in the centre you can see that Kai is also waiting for your performance.

When the teacher mentioned your name, Kai looked up. He’s finished with grading your classmates and now it's your turn.

The music already started but you can’t find any strength to move.

There.. your classmates started buzzing. And you feel like you’re going to pass out because of too much depression. When you gain a little courage to face your audience, you only see Kim Jong In, still waiting for you to dance. His determined stare is causing you to feel more awkward but he suddenly told the one in charge of the sound system to replay the soundtrack.

But with all the luck you have, the song has just got crashed and there are no more songs that we’ll fit your dance number. Because of too much insults and judgments from your classmates you ran down to the sound system officer and borrowed a microphone.

After that you went to the stage again and switched the microphone on.




“Neol saranghagesseo eonjekkajina neol saranghagesseo
Jigeum i sungan cheoreom i sesang geu nuguboda
Neol saranghagesseo…”

“I will love you until always; I will love you
Like this moment right now, more than anyone in this world
I will love you...”



Because your soundtrack has been crashed, you forced your self to do a sing-and-dance number.

You sang and danced “I choose to love you” by Hyorin. You performed with all the strength you have. It might not be perfect but when you saw Kai’s smile after your performance you felt like you won the biggest lottery. His smile is enough. Meanwhile, your classmates had their jaws dropped. They never thought that you can sing and dance like that. But deep in your mind you’re really thankful because you chose to do an interpretative dance. Not so much complicated movements and all.


 And that song is also dedicated for Kai..


I choose to love you, Kai..



After that tiring class, since it’s your last class for this day. You hurriedly go to your locker and to the comfort room to wear your school uniform again.

Before heading home, you always go to the school’s dance hall to watch Kai and other members of the school's dance club during their rehearsals.

You really enjoy watching them, especially Kai.

After the practice, you traced your way in your head  to leave the hall but you waited for the members to leave first. You know that Jong In is always the last one to leave so you really wait for the others to go out first and watched Kai also leave the dance hall safely. (Save the best for the last...) 

You saw that Kai already locked the hall’s door knob and headed to the buildings exit door but then he suddenly stopped, turn his head towards your direction, and called your name.

You were surprised for why the hell did he knew your name and to clear things up, you decided to shyly reveal your self to him.

You’re so embarrassed that you can’t look at him in the eyes. Your face is as red as ripe tomatoes and you can’t think logically at this kind of moment. You feel like you’re going to explode because now, you can smell his manly scent for he is already just few inches away.

Your eyes widen when you felt his warm hands touch your cheeks. He cupped your face using his hands and used that to lead your face to voluntarily meet his inviting gaze. It’s really awkward for you but at the same time you also liked it. You thought of scenes like this in movies where the man will kiss the girl. You scolded your self for thinking such thing. Maybe this is just a dream. Yes a dream.. you keep on convincing yourself.

And then you failed to convince your self that it is just a dream when his soft lips reached your own lips. This is not a dream but it feels so good. And this is so real. You don’t know why this is happening but you decided to accept his kiss. It was sweet and overwhelming. And for your first kiss, you really don’t know how to respond to what he was doing so you just closed your eyes and let him teach you. Again. Just like what he did when he taught you how to dance seven years ago.

You don’t know how long is that kiss but the only thing you knew is that both of you grasp for breath after your lips separated. You look at him with questions clouded in your mind. And when he noticed it, he held your hand.

You asked if he clearly sees everything because maybe, he has just mistaken you for a wrong girl. Maybe it was just a mistake. You can’t stop shaking and stuttering and that made him gave you a peck on your right cheek and burst out a hearty laughter.

You feel like he’s just fooling around so you turned away from him and wipe your tears. He’s just playing around. He is just teasing you. You don’t know he is such a bully. You cried your heart out. You tried to stop crying but you just can’t.

Your eyeglasses have so much moist that you can hardly see the things around you. You were surprised when someone forcefully grab your wrist and locked you inside his embrace. You can’t see anything and the one who hold you is aware of that but he kept on hugging you tight. After several minutes, he freed you from his hug and started holding your hand and put his other hand in your waist. He then led you to dance the dance he taught you. Seven years ago, Kai taught you how to dance every dance he knew, especially this dance, waltz..




“..Nega modeungol irodo ne ingiga ttorojyodo

 Do isang norel mothago dareun jigobeul gajyodo

Naraneun iyumaneuro nal gyesok saranghe jul su inni..”


“Even if I lose everything, if my popularity drops

Even if I can't sing, if I get a different job

Will you still be able to love me forwho I am?”




You two danced waltz and he sang “When I Can’t Sing” by Se7en.. It does not really suit the dance steps in waltz  but it felt like it was destined to be its match. You felt like the message of the song is for you, and only you. The tears helplessly pour in unison with the flowing rain drops.

The rain is pouring so hard.. now that he realized that you can’t still see anything so he took off your glasses. He directed you to the nearest shed and wipe out the liquid that invaded your eyeglasses.


“You know, I watched you from afar 8 years ago. I always look after you so when you were alone at that park when we were kids, I took the opportunity to get near you. I’d like you since we were young but I’m too shy to befriend you. I’ve always want to protect and inspire you. You are the one who made me love dancing. Eight years ago, you came by to our neighborhood and tell me stories about how you love dancing. Truth is, I never saw your stories as my means to like dancing but it’s that idea that  you are the one  who told me how dancing became part of your life and how it makes you happy . And I, Kim Jong In also wants to be part of your life. That’s why I practiced so hard to be the best dancing machine I can be.. just for you..”


You felt the hot liquid finding its exit to your eyes. You were crying for all the things Kim Jong In, the boy who became your saviour, your sunshine, and your love had confessed. He loved you earlier. He loved you more than you imagined.

He held your hand again.


“ You know, you really improved a lot in dancing if we’ll compare your skills seven years ago.. you’re learning skills also improved so much not just in dancing but also in kiss---..”


You don’t let him finished, you’re too embarrassed to hear that word again.


Instead you kissed him back. It’s new to you but if it’s for the sake of that boy who taught you how to dance, (how to kiss?!) and how to love, it’s worth it.


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angel116 #1
Chapter 1: Oh, it's so sweet :-)