I Think My Valentine will not Come

I Think My Valentine will not Come

Everywhere was pink. As long as her eyes looked at, she just saw it. Although pink was liked by the entire of girls but, she didn’t. That eyeglasses-girl was following her friend who walked in front of her while murmuring something. Her feet felt stiff accompanying her friend. Almost one hour but, Chanran still searched for an exact chocolate.


“Ah this is so cute!” She took a chocolate shaped love and there was a Hello Kitty couple on top.


“You have to take that,” said the eyeglasses-girl coldly.


“But... ah why the Hello Kitty isn’t like the real Hello Kitty!” Chanran still commented and made the eyeglasses-girl wanted to go right now.


“Up to you! I just want to go home!”


“YA! Sora!” Chanran held that girl hand. “Why don’t you buy one for him?”


Sora became quiet. She just didn’t know how to give the chocolate for that stupid boy.




To: Bear



After sending a message to someone that the contact was named ‘Bear’, Sora had to be patient if her message would be replied or not. Maybe if she was getting her luck, her message would be replied after couple hours later. Yes, it was still categorized as luck.


Dret. Sora felt the vibe of her cellphone. She saw the name who appeared on the screen and however, she couldn’t hold herself for not smiling. Actually, her bear still remembered to reply her cold message.


From: Bear

I am still at studio.


It was better than he would reply her message ten hours later. Sora just breathed, predicting that the reply wasn’t the beginning of a long conversation that they would have. It meant he was busy. That person was sure busy.


Since he entered his college and had his new friends, he had many businesses. Firstly, Sora often heard that boy telling about whatever that he was doing that time. He was a trainee in the entertainment office. Why? Because at the first, he wasn’t that busy.


Many couple days, his activities as a trainee made them rarely met and maybe a little bit awkward. Whereas, her friend―Chanran―had a boyfriend and he was a trainee too with Sora’s boyfriend but, they still ehm at least once a week to meet because Chanran forced him. But, Sora wasn’t a girl who could express what she felt so extremely. As long as she could take it, she didn’t have to tell him.


She took her cellphone again, intending to at least give a vitamin-sentence to him but, her eyes just looked at the date now. February 13th, 2011 and her brain rolled. Tomorrow was a day that would be waited by people who had boy/girlfriend and Sora waited it but, what should she do? She thought what she waited, would not come.


To: Bear

Oh don’t forget to eat otherwise you will be sick.


From: Bear

I have eaten early. Ah tomorrow I have no schedule. Can I come to your house at 07.00PM o’clock?


Sora wanted to scream but, she was embarrassed although there was no one in her room right now.


"Why don’t you buy one for him?”


Chanran’s sentence from yesterday came again. For the time like this, Sora’s mind was easy to be influenced. She opened the curtain which closed the window. It seemed like the snow had stopped pouring earth and it made a posibility for her to go to the chocolate shop where Chanran bought a valentine’s gift for her boyfriend.


To: Bear

Sure :)




“Yes! The cake is done!” Chanran shouted happily when she succeeded making a love-shaped by strawberry cream. The cake that was full of chocolate in front of her with a valentine garnish, made everyone wanted to poke it. “Give the cake that you have cooked for Yongguk Oppa. You don’t eat it by yourself.”


“Eh? My cake?” Actually Sora who was beside Chanran just could open and still couldn’t believe with what she would do later. “Why do I have to say that this cake is made by me? Didn’t we make it together?”


“Nevermind, forget me. Just say that this cake is made by you, yes? Moreover, after this I have a promise with him. So, I will go to home right now.” Chanran said in a hurry. She took her jacket and left Sora who was still dazed in front of that chocolate cake.


“Chanran!” Sora tried to chase that girl but, it seemed like Chanran had gone and outside was really cold. Sora didn’t want her nose suddenly got influenza. Once again she became quiet, thinking what she would do later.


As usual, Sora just had to take a bath to think clearly. Clock showed her about 05.00PM o’clock and it meant that she just had two hours to think again about exact ways that she could do to give the valentine’s gift for Yongguk. The trouble was... today was their first valentine so, it wasn’t strange if all Sora’s body just got the vibe.


She didn’t know. She felt like dizzy after changing the clothes that had been recommended by Chanran to be worn now. A smooth pink long-dress. Actually, Sora didn’t like it but, it was better than hearing Chanran complained to her. She just followed what Chanran had said.


“It is done?” She almost didn’t believe when she had done arranging all the things related to her valentine’s gift for Yongguk. Table and garnish had been in their position, cake had already been served, a giant bear doll that she borrowed from Chanran had sut sweetly in the corner and a chocolate shaped bear that she bought yesterday at least was sweet enough to be given.


It was still an half-hour to go before that person came. Sora watched the news in the television and it was right, news was showing some habits which was usually done in many countries when valentine came. It was so hilarious, she thought. “And I just can give a gift like this? Why does it seem stupid? Why don’t I give him a PSP or a war film? Why do I have to this strange party?”


Suddenly she stood up and saw her reflection on the mirror. Sora changed her eyeglasses with softlens and she looked different. Long-dress that her mother used as her birthday’s gift was actually not bad when it was worn. Sora looked closer to the mirror. There was no wrong with her.


“I decide to wait for you, Bang Yongguk!”


And Sora sat sweetly on the chair paired with the table that became a place for her cake and her chocolate. Her heart was beating faster when clock showed her about 07.00PM o’clock. One minute had passed by and there was no a mark that Yongguk would come. At least she could breath for the real.


A half-hour had passed and Yongguk hadn’t come. Sora would really be bored if the person that she waited for, made her waited for an hour.


It was 08.00PM o’clock. She was really bored but, she tried to hold it. Her cellphone wasn’t used to call Yongguk. She just wanted to know whether that boy really fullfiled his promise although there was no message or call.


09.00PM o’clock. Sora had finished one of her favourite games until the end and won. She started to feel worried but, still didn’t want to call him.


“Damn!” She blasphemied and let one of her hair-pins. She looked at what the things in front of her. Cake and chocolate seemed like melting. She would really kick this all if that person didn’t come until 12.00PM o’clock.


10.00PM. It was excessive! Sora had showed her most scary expression. She bit her lips but, it couldn’t be held anymore. She hated waiting for someone that had promised to her. She bent her head down, closed her eyes, and cried. She really cried. It seemed like God didn’t have a valentine’s fate for Sora.




“Is it really done?”


“Yes. I’m sorry for disturbing all of you―”


Yongguk had tried to hold his anger. A sudden record was done to evaluate the quality of trainee’s voice when he had promised to Sora. Without saying anything, after his importance was really done, he took his jacket and searched for a place to meet a bus. But, unfortunately, bus came after 30 minutes. His emotion increased after looking at his watch that told about 11.00PM.


The place where Yongguk did a training and apartement where Sora lived, having about 30 minutes to reach. He counted and realized that there was just 30 minutes left until valentine ended. Yongguk was worried.


“Thank you!” The bus reached in front of Sora’a apartement on the 11.30PM. Luckily, the snow strom wasn’t pouring earth so, the road didn’t have a trouble. After paying to the driver, he rapidly run to the second floor. He ran, his breath wasn’t in the control. Sora must had waited him for the real.


Number 84. He just quiet standing in front of that door. “Sora?” Yongguk tried knocking the door and there was no answer. He knocked again and it was same. For many times and still didn’t get the answer.


“The door isn’t locked?” He asked. Without doubt, Yongguk entered to that apartement and how shocked he was when he saw the living room. The garnish of valentine was fully on his gaze. It was out of expectation. Yongguk hadn’t believed that Sora would do this sweet things for him. Once again he just regreted, blaming that sudden record.


And there she was. Sleeping by sitting and her head was on the table. Smooth pink long-dress that she wore had been messy and it showed that the girl had waited for a long time. Moreover after looking at her hair that messy enough, Yongguk really felt guilty.


Slowly, he approached Sora and sat beside her. Her face while sleeping made that boy smiled. His hand caressed her hair. “Sorry. It doesn’t mean I forget,” he said.


“Oppa... Yongguk Oppa eerrr.” Sora talked while sleeping and it made Yongguk laughed. He just had realized that a girl in front of him was really missing him.


A second later, Sora was about to move from her position. Her eyes slowly opened. Yongguk already stared at her properly until that girl could really see him. Sora woke up. “Yongguk Oppa?”


“Happy valentine, Choi Sora.”




2 years later...


“Daehyun Hyung! Where is my chocolate?”


“What chocolate?”


“Chocolate that I save on the make-up box!”


“Ah I thought it didn’t have owner hehehe I’m sorry Zelo. I ate it early.”


“Ck!” Zelo left Daehyun that was made over by a noona to make their first One Shot comeback in M-Countdown. “Haish! Daehyun Hyung is really annoying whereas, that chocolate is the most expensive that fans give for me!”


“You just act that you don’t know Daehyun.” Youngjae said while making right his shoes. He stood up, trying to compare his height with Zelo. “I have chocolate like that in dorm. You can eat mine.”


“Me too, Hyung?” Jongup appeared from behind.


“Don’t you receive gifts from Babyz, huh? My chocolates aren’t that much.”




A PD gave a code for B.A.P that a couple minutes later they would do rehearsal for their first One Shot comeback in M-Countdown. After briefing for a while, all member minus Himchan were back to arrange their appearance.


“Yongguk-sshi!” An office boy came to Yongguk. Yongguk furrowed his forehead and approached that office boy. “There is a package for you.”


“Package?” He received a small pink box with a ribbon on top. And there was a little bear. “Ah thank you!” Yongguk replied that office boy.


A second later he thought. He smiled. It seemed like he knew who the sender was.


Don’t be late like yesterday. I will be waiting for you in my apartement―Choi Sora.


That was he read after opening the box and found a letter inside. I will. Just waiting for me, Sora-ya.



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rararakun #2
Chapter 1: Waking up to find this is just...
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