He's Not You


You live a hard life. Your dad is a notorious/famous gangster and you hate it. You get bullied alot by your classmates, every where you move it seems like bad luck is always following behind. You were always moving around and your dad would tell you this was the last time. But you knew he was lying, you couldn't trust him. You've seen what he has done to people. Beat them up, steal money. It was disgusting.

Your dad told you that you guys would be moving to Seoul. You didn't like that idea. There was so much people there and you were use to living in small towns. Your mother died when you were ten years old. She was your everything, whenever you got bullied she would be the one comforting you.


You were walking to the the market since you were bored. While you were pacing you felt someone tugging on your shirt. You were about to turn around when suddenly someone covered your mouth and dragged you to a dark alley.-


You heard foot steps and saw someone punch the guy in the face. You looked up and saw a handsome man lending his hand out for you.



Kai/Kim Jong In

Age: 18

Kai has this mysterious look to him. Even thought he is tough on the outside, the inside is filled with sadness. He can be cold towards people but actually is nice. Sometimes.....

He is bestfriends with Minho and they do everything together. Always been together since third grade and when ever Minho was in trouble he would be the one sticking up for him, they were practically brothers.

He was abandoned by his mother who was a drug addict and his father was a alchoholic. His father was the reason why his mom became crazy and took him to a foster home.

Choi Minho


He is every girls dream. Killer smile, respectful, funny, smart, and can cook.

He comes from a rich and loving family. He basically has everything he could possibly have, sometimes Kai envy's him but is glad to be his friend.

His dad owns this big corporation called SoupsNoodles.

Bestfriends with Kai and is always thankful towards him.

Park BoMi


You're shy and quiet. You don't like to talk much unless that person made you feel safe.

Your dad is a gangster.  Even though your dad makes lots of money, you always felt like you were missing something. Someone who was there for you and made you feel cherished.
You lost your mom at age ten, that made your life even worse.

Bang Jiyoung


She is the perfect girl. Everyone wants to be her. She is rich, beautiful and can get any boy she wanted, except Kai. She always wished Kai was hers, but he had no interest in her.

Loves to be the center of attention and tries to be number one.



Poster cerdit to - MelurMutia !



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Really great update!
Chapter 7: Really good!I love it,100000000%!
xXSHINeeLuver13Xx #3
Chapter 7: It's really good!!!
Chapter 6: Update soon~
Can't wait for the next chapter!