The Third Time's A Charm.


“Omo Jihye, what a pretty flower!” Mrs. Jung exclaimed as she pats Jihye’s head affectionately, a warm smile spread out on her face while she watched her daughter draw. Jihye coloured the petals bright pink and shyly smiled after hearing the compliment. Across the table, curious eight-year old Jihyun pursed her lips and peered over her younger sister’s work. She gaped at the beautifully drawn artwork her sister has done and looked down at hers.


‘Needs touching up.’ Jihyun scrunched her little nose and grabbed the nearest crayon. Her little hand gripped the crayon tightly as she enthusiastically coloured, yearning for a compliment from her mother herself.


“This is for you omma.” Jihye spoke softly and presented her piece. Mrs. Jung began to coo at her amazing art skills. “Aigoo, such a talented sweetie-pie you are Jihye. I shall place it in a frame and hang it up on the wall or maybe send it to a newspaper article to be published on the talent section so that everyone can see just how artistic you are.”


Overjoyed that Jihyun has finally completed her own artwork, she stood up on impulse and caused the cup of water, which was used to wash the paint off the brush, to tip and fall, spilling onto the table. The dirty water seeped onto Jihye’s paper and the colours blended into one brownish-greyish mess, earning gasps from the two of them.


“My flower…” Jihye sadly murmured while picking up the sodden paper.


Jihyun’s eyes grew wide and she immediately rushed to Jihye. “Jihye! I’m…I’m so sorry, I…I didn’t mean to-”




Jihyun touched her face as she looked at her mother. “Omma…”


“You stupid girl! How careless can you be?! Look at what you did to Jihye’s drawing! All the hard work and effort she has put into that drawing is ruined and wasted no thanks to you!” Jihyun’s eyes watered but she blinked her tears away.


“Omma...Jihye…I’m sorry.” She lowered her head and played with her fingers. Mrs. Jung glared at her and helped Jihye to clear the mess.


Jihyun looked at Jihye and the light bulb in her brain lit up. She ran to where she sat and picked up her drawing, before running back to her sister. “Jihye!” She chirped, making both Jihye and Mrs. Jung look up. “Here,” Jihyun held out her drawing to Jihye sincerely and smiled. “As a form of my apology.” Jihyun’s cheeks became as round as sunny side up eggs as she beamed at her parallel. Jihye reached out to take the drawing from her elder twin sister but before she could, Mrs. Jung snatched it away from Jihyun’s grip.


Jihyun’s eyes brightened when she thought Mrs. Jung was going to compliment her craft like how she praised Jihye’s. However, all her feelings of hope and anticipation dissipated when Mrs. Jung scrutinized the drawing in distaste.


“What is this?” She scoffed, emphasizing every word. Jihyun blinked. “It’s a flower omma. Just like Jihye’s drawing.”


She thought it was obvious. So why was her mother asking her such a question?


“Well I think it’s the ugliest flower I have ever seen.” Mrs. Jung looked from the drawing to Jihyun. “So don’t you dare compare to Jihye.” Jihyun swallowed the lump of saliva that had formed in and felt her heart squeeze. Jihye noticed her twin’s pain and the look of dejection in her eyes and decided to take action. She held Mrs. Jung’s hand and lightly tugged on it.


“Omma, we can’t be late for ballet lessons.” Jihye whispered. “Ah yes, ballet lessons.” Mrs. Jung seemed to remember and tossed the drawing onto the table. Jihyun’s eyes followed as her drawing landed on the wet part of the desk.


‘Why does omma hate me? I always try to appease her and become a good daughter just like Jihye. But omma has never acknowledged me or appreciated any of my efforts.’




Ding dong.


“APPA!” Jihyun gleefully shouted from the living room and bounced towards the door. Her small hands fastidiously unlocked the door and a familiar head popped into the house.


“Bunny!” Mr. Jung flashed his pearly whites at his daughter before lifting her up into his arms. Jihyun wrapped her arms around her favourite father and giggled. “Have you had your dinner bunny?” Jihyun pouted and shook her head as she patted her tummy. “I’m really hungry.”


‘Why didn’t Seoyeon prepare her dinner before leaving for ballet class with Jihye?’ Mr Jung shook his head disapprovingly. ‘She always does that and leaves poor Jihyun famished.’


“Appa!” Jihyun snapped her father out of his thoughts. “Hmm?” He walked into the kitchen and sat her on the chair. “Kim seonsaengnim had me visit the dentist earlier today!” Jihyun animatedly talked to Mr Jung as she swung her legs back and forth.


“Geurae?” Mr Jung listened in interest. “Yep! Guess what the dentist said!” Jihyun clasped her hands in joy. “Hmmm,” Mr Jung pretended to think. “That you had cute bunny teeth?” He laughed jokingly.


“Ani!” Jihyun face-palmed herself and found herself laughing along. “What is it then?” He asked while cracking the eggs into the bowl to make omelet rice.


“She said I had healthy teeth! And they are called milk teeth.” Jihyun smiled proudly. “But appa, the dentist also told me that sooner or later my teeth would drop out and I would grow a new set of teeth!” Jihyun gasped and clasped her hand over . Mr Jung peeked at his daughter and chuckled. “What are you doing Hyunnie bunny?”


“Why must my teeth change? I like them just the way they are.” Jihyun stated innocently. Mr Jung could only manage a smile.


Mr Jung admired his daughter so much, because she probably reminded him of himself. He felt blessed that she was his daughter and could have never asked for more. Of course he loved Jihye as much, but there was just this something that Jihyun has which makes him want to love her more. She was so bright, bubbly, respectful, curious, optimistic, generous, tolerable and most importantly, independent for an eight year old. Jihyun always had a way of making him smile, even on his worst days, literally. It was a wonder why his wife didn’t treat her like their own child.


Mrs. Jung began to stop taking care of Jihyun ever since the twins turned three. It was said by the doctors that she was only supposed to have one child, but with a miracle, the fertilized egg split into two embryos and formed into identical twins. However, because she wasn’t supposed to carry two fetuses, it caused the other one to be physically weaker than the other which in this case; Jihyun was born healthy while Jihye was born in poor health.


Mrs. Jung felt like Jihye deserved more attention since she had to suffer so much even at a young age and it was unfair how only one of the twins had to go through the pain while the other can live normally. All her attention was diverted to Jihye and this was the reason why it resulted in the lack of love and care for Jihyun.


Jihyun never inquired about it though. As curious as she was, she was smart enough not to probe on the matter. Jihyun believed that one day, with her own efforts, she was going to make Mrs. Jung notice her and care for her, just like how Mrs. Jung treats Jihye.


And that is what makes Jihyun, JIHYUN.


“Guess what day is tomorrow~” Mr Jung wiggled his eyebrows at Jihyun. “SATURDAY!” Jihyun raised her hands above her head and yelled excitedly. “No!” Mr Jung frowned and poked her ribs. Jihyun grabbed his finger and laughed as she was ticklish at her side. “Come on! You know what day tomorrow is!” Mr Jung nudged her and Jihyun giggled.


“It’s Give Jihyun A Present Day!” Jihyun announced it cutely and Mr Jung couldn’t help but pinch her cheeks. “That’s right!” He laughed. “Hmm, what do you want this year?” He picked up his spoon and ate a mouthful of rice. “Appa, let’s go out!” Jihyun eagerly planned. “Go out?” Mr Jung’s eyes rounded. Jihyun nodded wholeheartedly. “I really want to go see the beach!”


“The beach…” He thought and smiled. “Arasso, we’ll go out tomorrow then.” Mr Jung smiled and his eyes formed a crease. “To the beach!” He pumped his fist. “TO THE BEACH!” Jihyun shouted excitedly, accidentally flipping her cutlery off the plates, causing both father and daughter to burst into laughter.




The next day, Jihyun woke up feeling pumped up only to receive upsetting news.


“I’m really sorry bunny.” Mr Jung stooped down in front of her and ruffled her hair. “I’ll buy you something instead if that’s okay with you.” He held her shoulders and looked at his daughter comfortingly. Jihyun kept quiet and just stared at the floor. “Hyunnie bunny~” Mr Jung pouted, attempting to make Jihyun smile. Her frown grew deeper and Mr Jung sighed, defeated.


“Appa didn’t know either. Jeongmal mianhae, eung?” He placed both his hands together and gave Jihyun a puppy face. Jihyun played with the hem of her shirt before nodding. A smile popped onto Mr Jung’s face as he carried her by her underarms and started twirling her around. Jihyun giggled as she grew dizzy with all the spinning. When Mr Jung placed her down, she played with her fingers.


“So…what do you want?” He grasped her hands in his.


Jihyun gave a little thought before answering. “I want a pretty necklace, one like Jihye’s.” She whispered. Mr Jung softened. It was the first time Jihyun had asked for something…well, girly. She never dressed herself up since Mrs. Jung only buys pretty clothes and accessories for Jihye. Sometimes, Jihye would lend some to her so she could play dress up, but Mrs. Jung would always scold Jihyun for wearing them.


“Alright, I’ll find you a reeeeeally pretty one. Even better than Jihye’s.” Mr Jung stuck his pinky out and Jihyun looped hers through his. They shared a smile before Mr Jung had to leave for work.





Jihyun spent her day alone in her room colouring and reading since Mrs. Jung had went out to send Jihye for her piano lesson. She had read every single storybook, not leaving out newspaper articles and magazine, from her shelf that to be honest she was growing tired of it. Exhausted from doing near work, Jihyun decided to take her guitar and sit by her window.


Yes, the guitar was twice her size. Yes, she was too small to play the guitar and yes she didn’t now how to play the chords but it was a present from Mr Jung last year for her birthday. Jihyun had promised him then when she was old enough, she’d play a piece of his favourite song for him. She smiled at the memory and still remembered her father’s delighted expression when they made the deal. Jihyun strummed the strings of the guitar and the melodious sound calmed her.


After a few minutes, Jihyun yawned and began to stretch her arms. Her eyes felt heavy as she made her way to her bed, slowly placing the guitar under the bed where her mother wouldn’t find out about it. Jihyun climbed into bed and curled up into a ball as she dozed off into slumber land. Man was she pooped out.






Jihyun was woken up by a rude clap of thunder. Her entire body jerked forward as she sat up and blinked. “The windows!” Jihyun yelped and jumped out of bed. She ran about in the house to lock all the windows so that the rain wouldn’t come in and the living room lights. “Wow, it’s so dark. Looks like there’s going to be a storm.” Jihyun murmured as she looked out. “I hope appa, omma and Jihye are fine.”


As if on cue, the door opened and Mrs. Jung and Jihye came in. “Aish, what a terrible time for it to be raining.” Mrs. Jung complained as she struggled to close the wet umbrella. Jihye had gone to the bathroom to dry herself as Jihyun approached her mother. “Omma, let me help you.” Jihyun offered but Mrs. Jung ignored her. Her fingers roughly pressed the button but the umbrella wouldn’t budge.


“Omma,” Jihyun tried again but instead, earned a shouting. “Oh my god!” Mrs. Jung spat, angered. “Here here here!” She threw the umbrella at Jihyun’s feet as Jihyun took a few steps back, surprised at her mother’s reaction. “Close that damned thing since you want to do it so much.” Mrs. Jung rolled her eyes before stomping away, leaving Jihyun dumbstruck.


Jihyun bit her lips and bend down to pick up the soaked umbrella. She pushed the button at the inner top of the umbrella and it clicked before folding. Cautiously, Jihyun brought the umbrella to the kitchen to have it hanged and dried. As she was putting away some of the plates that she had washed earlier, the home telephone rang. Jihyun’s ears perked up as she listened.


“Yes this is the Jung’s residence. How can I help you?” Mrs. Jung answered.















Jihyun’s eyebrows knitted together when she heard nothing. ‘Did the conversation end?’ She peeked at her mother’s back from the kitchen. Mrs. Jung was still holding on onto the receiver but she wasn’t uttering a single word.


‘Something happened.’


Jihyun came out of the kitchen with a distraught face, and at the same time, Jihye came out of the room perplexed. “Omma?” Jihye spoke and the next thing happened in a blur. Mrs. Jung slammed the receiver down and grabbed her coat and purse. ‘No no no! It can’t be…’ She became hysterical and even had on one shoe and one slipper. Her hands fiddled with the door lock before unlocking it hurriedly.


“Omma!” Both Jihye and Jihyun shouted before their mother turned to look at them. “Hurry!” She pulled Jihye’s hand, who pulled on Jihyun’s.


Mrs. Jung hailed a cab and pushed the twins inside before shutting the door shut. “To Sanggye Paik Hospital, hurry!”


She didn’t have to say twice as the driver pressed on the engine and zoomed off to their destination.




Upon reaching, Mrs. Jung slapped the bill into the driver's palm and hopped off the cab without taking the change. Her eyes were frantically scanning for the emergency room. Jihye and Jihyun slammed the door shut and the cab drove off. At once, the three of them raced towards the information counter and Mrs. Jung thanked the receptionist as she pulled the two towards the waiting room.


“Omma did something happen to appa?” Jihye whimpered, frightened. “Shhh, don’t worry Jihye. Omma needs time to think okay baby?” Mrs. Jung pushed her hair back and glanced at the double doors of the emergency room in anxiety. Jihye played with her hands, restless. Jihyun was at the side, with both her hands clasped together, praying that nothing bad will happen to her father.


After almost what seemed like an eternity, the light on the emergency room finally turned off. Mrs. Jung’s eyes widened as she grabbed Jihye’s hand and Jihyun stood up abruptly, her eyes locked onto the doctor. He had this condoling look on his face and Mrs. Jung immediately knew that her husband couldn’t be saved.


He was dead. Gone.


“I’m sorry. We tried our utmost best to save him even though it was impossible because he had lost a lot of blood from the accident.” Jihyun’s knees buckled as she plopped onto the chair. Her eyes were misty and her mind was blank. “Appa…” She breathed and blinked, not taking in everything very well.


“Appa…is dead.” The doctor bowed before taking his leave. Mrs. Jung trembled as she cried while Jihye sobbed in her arms.


“Miss?” A nurse approached Jihyun. Jihyun looked up and wiped her tears with the back of her hand. “Yes?” She politely answered. “Are you perhaps, Jung Jihyun?” The petite lady questioned and Jihyun nodded. She smiled sympathetically at Jihyun before passing her a paper bag that was tattered on the ends. It had messy squiggly lines that read ‘Jung Jihyun’ and a small ‘a.k.a Hyunnie bunny’ at the bottom and Jihyun immediately teared up.


“Appa…” Tears rolled down her cheeks as she hugged the present. ‘He kept his promise.’


“What is that?” Mrs. Jung grabbed the bag away from her and opened the package vehemently. A necklace dropped out as she turned the bag upside down and Jihyun’s eyes widened in horror. “Omma!” She yelled and pulled the bag. “Let go!” Mrs. Jung screamed.


“No! Omma stop it!” Jihyun wailed and held on. “Don’t raise your voice at me!” Mrs. Jung whacked Jihyun’s head. Jihyun picked up the necklace and slipped it into her pocket.


Mrs. Jung saw what she did and instantly released the bag, targeting for her pocket instead. “GIVE ME THAT!” She hollered. “GIVE IT TO ME!”


“Omma, geumanhae!” Jihye pleaded. Mrs. Jung spanked Jihyun’s and demanded her to hand over the item. Jihyun refused affluently but Mrs. Jung wouldn’t give up.


“MY HUSBAND IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU! YOU UNGRATEFUL ! HE WENT OUT ALL THE WAY AND GOT INTO AN ACCIDENT JUST TO GET YOU A STUPID NECKLACE?!” Mrs. Jung pinched her and Jihyun started to cry. “Omma!” Jihye shouted before coughing.


“Jihye!” Mrs. Jung immediately stopped beating Jihyun and turned to Jihye. Her anger had suddenly vanished and her eyes were filled with concern. “Jihye are you alright?” She asked as she cupped her cheeks. Jihye nodded weakly as she peered at her sister. Jihyun’s face was red from crying and Jihye wanted to hug her twin so badly.


‘Mianhae Jihyun unnie. I couldn’t think of other ways to stop her from beating you but to use my weakness as an advantage.’ Jihye lowered her head and nodded at Mrs. Jung, who was rubbing her back.



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OOooo plz update!! Plzzz!
Suzuki-san #2
Chapter 1: OMG WHAT AN AMAZING CHAPTER! I can't wait for the next update! But I hate the mom -.-
StrawberryCocoa #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^