Waking the sleeping dragon

Waking the sleeping dragon


Tao opened his eyes to find his love, kris,  still sleeping next to him. His arm around Tao's waist, head pressed into the crook of his neck, and chest breathing up and down at a steady pace. This was what Tao wanted to wake up to every day. He wanted to wake up early, even if he had no sleep the previous night, so he could just trace out every detail of his boyfriend's features before he woke up. Which could maybe take over 30 minutes.
Tao lifted his right hand and ran it over Kris' cheek. This was an early morning ritual for him. Then next he would lightly pet his love's head. Then after that, kiss those lips he hasn't had all night. So basically, he would just troll his boyfriend in his sleep.
Smooth Tao, smooth.
"Good morning, princess." Kris groaned when he opened his eyes, stretching, then putting his arms back around his kung foo panda.
"Gege, stop, thats embarrassing..." Tao blushed and hid his head into kris' chest. I mean, who wouldnt be embarrassed if yifan was there, calling you a princess?
"Why? You are the princess, and i am the prince. We were made to be together." Kris winked. "Oh god Kris, dont be so cheesy..." Tao blushed another shade of light pink.
"Well, sorry if your y, handsome boyfriend cant use greasy talk every once and a while." Kris rolled his eyes, but smiled. Tao reached out again to his cheek.
"Why are we so buttery?" Tao laughed and stole a peck from kris' lips. But no, that wasnt gonna do for the dragon.
"Gosh, if you want to kiss me, at least let me kiss back, properly." Kris smirked and practically attacked the other male with his mouth.  Tao moaned and wrapped his arms around kris' kneck as he slipped his tounge in the other's mouth.
"HEY, rise and- oh, sorry! Ill come back later..." Chen walked in to wake the couple up, but got the wrong idea and ran out. "XIU XIU! TAORIS HAS SCARED ME!" Chen yelled down the dorm's hall and into their own room. All you could hear was faint crying and muffled sympathetic statements from xiumin.
Kris let go of Tao's face and just laughed. It was funny to see the members deal with them. Their "not so innocent" touches and "cuddles" on the couch made all the other members feel slightly uncomfortable.
And scared.
Ok, so this was a little Taoris drabble i wanted to do really quick before i went on with my reading. This should hold you all over until the weekend because IM WRITING ELVIN ONESHOT!
One shot, one shot! ㅋㅋㅋ Ok. Yeah. Ill get started today and try to upload it sunday. SO STAY TUNNED!!!! :3
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LOVE_123 #1
Chapter 1: Aww so adorable! HAHA love chenChen's little moment keke~ Beautiful Taoris <3
Arlene #2
Chapter 1: It was so cute and fluffy I love it