Just Randomness

The Going Home Club

Kai was slurping his probably oaty, probably expired cereal in the kitchen. It was soggy and totally unappetizing or maybe it was just because he was one step away from barfing because of the scene in front of him.


He could practically see the horn growing on Yixing from the way Suho was acting.


OK. .let him explain that so that doesn’t sound so wrong.


By horn Kai means his unicorn horn, an imaginary horn that grows on Yixing’s forehead whenever he gets too happy. Because instead of the usual pillow, he now has Suho to drool over.


Suho was seated at the couch while Yixing was lying on his lap, and the freakishly happy look on both of their faces was enough to make the hair on Kai’s arm tingle.




Suho was twirling his fingers around Yixing’s locks, occasionally throwing fleeting glances and smiling at the sleepy man.


It was when Yixing pulled Suho down to whisper something on the other man’s ear that Kai couldn’t hold back the grimace he’s been holding for the past hour.


Don’t get Kai wrong, he’s a ert, even he admits it, but seeing his friends be so touchy is just too weird.


“Uh. .I’m gonna have to get used to that.” Sehun, who was lazily munching on his newly opened bag of chips, muttered, referring to the two men on the couch.


“What the hell?” he immediately turned over to look at the back of the bag. “This was like . .probably expired a month ago.” Though he couldn’t be sure, because the expiration date was already blurred.


Kai  shrugged. “Yep, that’s why you can never trust this club room’s cupboard. Xiumin has this philosophy that maybe if you age food enough it’ll taste good again. .or something messed up like that. You know, like cheese.” he said, munching on his also expired cereal.


“I don’t think the term ‘retro’ applies to food.” Sehun says, continuing to inspect the contents of the bag, then grabbing a chip tentatively and popping it into his mouth. He tastes it for a while, gauging it’s edibility before shrugging and popping another one in.


“Eh. .it’s better than having to walk to that vending machine.”


 “Ugh, can they like. .censor that thing?” Baekhyun, who was previously seated at the armchair across Suho and Yixing, complained, pulling out a chair and joining the two. “It freaks me out.”


“Censor what thing? Yixing’s thing? it’s up already?” Kai asked with genuine curiosity.


Baekhyun slapped Kai upside the head. “When will you stop being a ert?”


“When the sun stops shining or when the world ceases to turn, . . “ Kai says dramatically “or when Sehun grows muscles.” he added with a pointed stare at Sehun’s arms.


‘”Hey.” Sehun whined. “For your information, my biceps grew like, a centimeter after that gym thing.”


“Woa..” Kai pretended to marvel, making Sehun want to hit him. “A couple of centimeters more and it’ll be as large as my pinky.”


“Well, you know what they say about people with small hands.” Sehun retorted, eyeing Kai’s nether regions mockingly.


Kai dramatically gasped. “I’ll have you know that I measured it last month and it’s—mmph!“


“You guys seriously have problems.” Baekhyun sighs after shoving more cereal into Kai’s mouth.


After hastily chewing and swallowing, Kai retorted. “Hey! I think that it’s better to be informed about the size of your---mmmph!”  another spoonful of cereal from Baekhyun.


Baekhyun sighed again. “See my point?”


“More problematic than that?” Sehun motions toward Suho and Yixing again, who were now both whispering sweet nothings to each other. “Cuz that is hella problematic.” he said, flinching.



Hmm. . the taste kind of grows on you.


Sehun contemplated that maybe Xiumin’s hypothesis was right. These expired chips were actually tasting good.


He was popping a can of soda when the door bursts open and Tao  and Xiumin comes in.  Tao who’s gotten rid of his shy persona, plain black clothes and unstyled hair, was now sporting tattered jeans, pierced ears and a loose shirt, which went along great with his “Imma kill you If you say anything about my eyebags’ look.


“Alpha-Tao” as they liked to call it.


Did they mention that Alpha-Tao comes with fresh cuts, bruises and messily dressed wounds?


“Another thing that I have to get used to.” Sehun says, eyes wide, taking in the tattered being that was Tao. Honestly, two weeks ago, they never would’ve guessed that Suho and Yixing, Tao and Kris would be together,. But above all, they never would’ve guessed that the Tao knew up to now was just a big fat lie. Since that revelation, Tao has been sporting fresh wounds regularly.


Sehun should feel worried, but Alpha Tao is. . kind of. .cool.


And their club desperately needed a dash of cool.


The fact that the club has him  Chanyeol is proof of that.


Xiumin looked exasperated as he sank into leather, while Tao looked simply annoyed. Completely unfazed by the fact that he’s literally black and blue, with a trail of blood dragging across his chin due to his busted lip.


“I just picked Tao up.”


"From prison?" Baekhyun said with a slight grimace, making Xiumin roll his eyes.


"From the Principal's office."


Suho jumped out of his seat, causing Yixing to fall flat on his face on the carpet with a groan. 


“What in the world???” Suho exclaims, face going from white to red in a matter of seconds. “What happened? were you hurt?”


“Nah Suho, he just probably stepped on a lego or something.” Kai sarcastically says.


“Hey that’s actually pretty painful.” Sehun points out.


“He  broke a man’s jaw.” Xiumin stated, cutting off another probably useless conversation.


Sehun was in awe.




“He was the one who punched me first!” Tao reasoned. “And I didn’t even do anything!.”


Tao smirked.


“Maybe it’s just cuz I’m so jaw-droppingly handsome.” he said, wriggling his eyebrows. “Get it? cuz he got a broken jaw.”


Xiumin closed his eyes. “Damn, I never thought that I’d say this, but this definitely not a time to tell jokes”


“Come on Tao, do you know how much Kyungsoo put up with to not get you suspended? Good thing the old council members still trusts him.”


Tao ruffled his already ruffled hair, clearly frustrated. “Honestly, what did you expect me to do? lose? no way.”


Xiumin twitched. He knew he told Tao to be himself and all, but he clearly can’t handle another douchebag in the club (ie. Kai).


“Seriously.” Sehun muttered eagerly to Baekhyun. “I wanna make a fan club for this guy.”


“You have issues man.” Baekhyun deadpanned.


Knowing that he can’t get through to Tao at the moment, Xiumin turned his attention to the others.


“So anyways, what’s ha--Oh my God! I can’t believe that your eating the bag of chips I’ve been aging!” Xiumin exclaimed, frantically grabbing the bag of chips from Sehun.


Sehun immediately stopped chewing half way.


“Aging?” he said, words muffled by the chips. “Why would you age chips?”


“Yeah, I’ve been aging this for five years now.” Xiumin groaned, looking at the contents of the bag.


Sehun twitched.


. .five years.


He immediately spat out the contents in the nearest cup he found, which just happened to be Kai’s cup.


“What the fu—“ Kai mumbled.


“DOES THIS LOOK LIKE WINE TO YOU!?” he pointed at the bag of chips.


“I was experimenting okay?”


Baekhyun went in to peep at the bag, and almost puked because of it


“.It’s so. .moldy.”


“THE ?” he panicked “You mean, that wasn’t sour-cream flavored??”


“Yep.” Baekhyun pointed at the big bold letters saying: Barbeque. “How in the world did you not see that?”


Sehun opened his mouth in a silent scream



Day one.


Dear Journal


I can’t believe that Suho’s actually my boyfriend, but what I can’t believe even more is why I even have a journal.


That’s not a joke. .like I can’t believe why I have a journal in my possession.






uh. .


This journal looks expensive, so I couldn’t have bought it half-asleep.




Buying it half-asleep is more reasonable than buying it with full consciousness, cuz crap, this really does look expensive, I could’ve bought that full body pillow I was eyeing.


Well anyway—


“What the hell are you doing?” Chen’s voice made Yixing jump, slam his journal shut and smile awkwardly.


“Nothing. You know, just writing.”


“I can see that.” Chen raised an eyebrow. “But what are you writing about?” he peeked at the leather bound notebook Yixing was hiding.


“Pffffttt!” Chen snickered, making Yixing frown.


“I bought it accidentally okay? I don’t even know why I have this journal!” He defended.


Chen’s snickering face was gone, and was replaced with a sort of amused awe. “A Journal? That’s what it is? I just laughed because of it’s tacky color.”


“Huh? wait no. .uh” Yixing mumbled, but before he could even take back what he said, Chen burst out laughing.


“I can’t believe that getting boyfriends could turn someone so mushy.” he teased as he chuckled his way out of the clubroom.


Yixing frowned again as he opened his journal.


Day One


Dear Journal,


Chen’s an .



Day Two


Dear Journal,


Suho’s been acting a bit weird lately, I mean, weirder than usual, he seems so, touchy. .


he hugged me for no reason.


Don’t get me wrong, I love. . LOVE. .hugging him, it’s just, it’s weird, it’s not like him. I went along with it of course. .but still.


Eh. .who the hell cares HE’S HUGGING ME! that’s nothing to complain about.



Day Three


Dear Journal,


I bought that full body pillow I’ve been wanting! HAHAHHAHHA! I am sooo happy!



Suho’s touchy again, still not like him, but I ain’t complaining




Day Four


Dear Journal,


Okay, I’m freaking out a bit, . .


Suho just let me sleep in his LAP! his LAP!


I don’t think I’ll be needing that full body pillow. .heheheheh >:)








You’re taking advantage of this.


As much as you like it, something is definitely wrong.



Anyways journal, I’m starting to think that you’re not a waste of money, like. .you can really take away stress. I’d die. .I mean,. .not die die, but I’d lose it if someone else read you.



“Hey Yixing.”  Kris tapped his shoulder, making Yixing yelp.


“Wah. .don’t sneak up on me like that.” Yixing said as he closed his journal shut, like it was something illegal.


“I wasn’t even sneaking. Well, anyways, I can’t believe you’re taking this whole journal thing seriously.”


“Huh? What journal thing?”


Kris looked at him like he was stupid as he raised another journal identical to Yixing’s.


“You know, the project we had for our Philosophy subject? That we have to write in this crappy diary for four days?”


If Yixing was eating something, he would’ve choked.




Well that explains why I have this.


The teacher came inside the room, and everybody settled down.


“Okay class, please pass all your journals to the front. Because we’re going to have a group sharing.” the teacher instructed. “I hope you guys didn’t write anything too personal.”


Yixing internally screamed.


Day four


Dear Journal,


you. I trusted you.



Suho raised the book in the air and was a second away from dropping it down in the middle of Seoul’s traffic, but Yixing stopped him.


They were in the school’s rooftop, a place they’ve been going to for a while.


Suho sighed, dropping his hands on his sides, and the book on the ground.


“Damn Heechul.” he muttered. The book was Heechul’s gift


Yixing laughed and picked up the book and chuckled even more when he looked at the title.  ‘How to be Gay.’


Oh Suho. .


“So that’s why you’ve been acting so weird lately.” he sighed. “Thank God.” he muttered the last part, making sure Suho wouldn’t be able to hear.


“Am I really that awkward?” Suho said with sad eyes, that made Yixing want to hug him, but he restrained himself for some reason and opted to sit down, leaning on the roof’s ledge.


He gave lazy smile and patted the space next to him.


“Okay, what did your cousin say?” he asked.


Suho’s eyes momentarily widened, silently inquiring how Yixing knew that Heechul was his cousin.


“I used to be your stalker remember?” he chuckled.


“Oh. .” Suho pinked as he sat down. He doesn’t quite know if he should be flattered or freaked out by that statement. He swallowed thickly.


“Well, I told him that we w-were. . uh. .” Suho pinked even more. He still can’t say it.


“Dating?” Yixing finished for him, with a slight chuckle.


“Yeah. .that. So I told him about the things that we did like. .you know. .uh.”


“hugging?” Yixing was laughing now, Seriously Suho can’t be any cuter. He hasn’t found anybody else that considers hugging as ‘2nd base’


“Yeah. .and he said that our relationship wasn’t progressing enough and it was probably my fault, so he gave me that book and I wanted to become a good boyfriend so I tried to follow it, but I honestly can’t because I’m awkward as hell and—“ Suho’s rambling was cut off when Yixing squatted a few feet right in front of him, giving Suho comfortable space in between them, his forearms resting on his knees.


“. .slow down.” his face was a bit sterner now.


“First of all, it’s not your fault, second of all, we’re perfectly normal, we’e only been going out for like what? two weeks?” he reassured, reaching out to touch Suho’s hand, making the latter flinch.


“Okay, maybe you are a bit touch-phobic.” He added playfully. “But I honestly don’t care. I’ll wait for you to open up.”


He looked at Suho straight in the eye, laziness gone, sleepiness gone, his stare was direct and filled with so much sincerity that it could turn possibly anyone into jello. And Suho definitely turned into jello.


Suho felt his heart skip a beat, and then start pounding like it was dancing to some freaky-fast dubstep music. He wanted to say something back, and he probably should, but he had no idea how to.


Crap, . .why are you so perfect?


He wanted to say that aloud but that would probably sound cheesy as hell, even by his standards. He wanted to say thank you, thank you for even liking someone as clumsy as him, thank you for honestly one of the happiest weeks of his life.


And of course, he wanted to say the three worded, most overused phrase in the world was bubbling right inside of his throat, wanting to finally be released.


He opened his mouth.


“So. .wanna have chinese for lunch tomorrow?”


But of course. .he just settled for that, cuz he’s stupid.


Suho saw Yixing get startled by his weird out of the blue proposition, but soften just a few moments later, giving out his signature airy and melodious laugh.


He ruffled Suho’s hair and smiled again.


“No thanks, I’m more of a Ramen type of guy.”



Baekhyun felt something on his back jean pocket when he sat down.


It was a crumpled peice of paper.


Meet me at the Public Library, you know, the one you hate, I have something very important to tell you.



Baekhyun furrowed his brows. What the hell could it be?




If Kai put this peice of paper on his back jean pocket, then it means that Kai's hand came in close proximity with his .


Damn you Kai.




WOOOOOTTT! another chappie that's just plain randomness, I actuallly didn't want to publish this cuz i think it , but I thought it was a bit of a waste so yeah. .I still uploaded it. I think I'm going to double update today! hahahahah

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ValeGeng2422 #1
Chapter 29: Espero regreses
Chapter 11: i feel bad for minseok
he keeps being called fat
Chapter 4: “hate at first sight” faults in byun baekhyun vibes
GD_MyBoiii #4
Chapter 3: Omg this chapter is funny as heck!!! I can't stop laughing when Suho told Chen he was his father! I'm dying of laughter
Lyn_95 #5
Chapter 29: Dang i dont know if you will ever come back to this, HunHan is legit precious but its been so long...
Chapter 28: Really hope you update soon! I need a continuation of kaisoo...
Taenika #7
Plz....just finish the story....I can't just describe in words that how much I wish to read this story furthermore.....just plz get hunhan vibes...I know it's lot a late but I want the best fanfic ever in the world to get at least finished...plz authornim plz plz plz finish it...um crying over here
aaaaa i come back to this fic every once in a while,, this was my first EVER. kpop fanfiction and its what probably got me hooked haha. its so good, i miss it alot and i hope you'll update one day <3
chanyeoluk #9
I usually don't read uncompleted stories, mainly just because I hate waiting for chapters. But I'm going to give this ago. Please keep updating Author nim ❤